and another overtime.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by usrevenge, September 16, 2010.

  1. usrevenge

    usrevenge New Member

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    Overtime needs to stop. i'd guess 80% of matches end because of over time...
    This wouldnt be SOO bad if it wasnt a fail fest of "zomg juice in there base autowin"

    IMO one of 2 options need to be implemented
    option 1
    overtime stays the same, except shields remain up, meaning bots must attack the ball to kill it.. jackbots spawn only, and bacon for all so it would still have a significant effect.
    i like this option, because after overtime what ever team has the most money wins ( as per game rules) and honestly i dont think a match ever went down to money

    Option 2
    Overtime only starts if the money ball health is within 5% of each other. this means basicly the only way to go to overtime is to not hurt each others MB, what ever team did the most dmg would win
  2. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Really? I see most games end in about 5 minuets, and its usually whichever team the hosts on who wins. I wish they would last long enoug to go into overtime
  3. faits

    faits New Member

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    How do you know it's the host's team that wins?

    The only way you can tell who is hosting is if they quit, there's a successful migration, and that one person is the only one who left. Which never happens since multiple people always get dropped during the migration, assuming it doesn't fail altogether.

    As far as overtime goes, my experience has been that games are either over very quickly if one team sucks (i.e. over in a few minutes after a single hard push) or last into overtime. The latter can either be the result of well matched teams or one team just turtling the whole time.

    Either way it's annoying, since overtime boils down to who is better at juice rushing.
  4. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The guy at the top of the lobby is usually the host
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    More and more recently, games have not been going into overtime while I'm playing. It's completely possible this is random experience, but I figured I'd mention it.
  6. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Pretty easy, whilst everyone else is lagging and barely able to damage eachother you get 1 guy who runs around and tears everyone to shreds by looking at them. Host is the most OP class in the game
  7. Silentblade4289

    Silentblade4289 New Member

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    I've noticed this as well. I used to go into overtime all the time, but now I rarely go into overtime. I don't know if something is causing this specifically or it is just a coincidence, but I know I am going into overtime far less often than I used to.
  8. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Host is perfectly balanced, you just need to learn to play your class right.
  9. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Learn to beat the other team before overtime then, duh.
  10. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    The reason so many games go into overtime, at least from my experience, is that nobody else on the team bothers to push lanes and kill turrets, they just play death match

    I honestly cant count the number of times in pubs when I call out
    "OK guys, juiced all the turrets, pushed the left lane, balls down, I'm tagging the ani in 2 seconds lets finish this"

    Only to be slowly pushed out of the enemy base because not a single member of my team bother to even shoot at the money ball or anything, they are still just camping in our base or in the middle

  11. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Yeah, but they have a 6 to 1 k/d ratio, noob.[/sarcasm]
  12. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    A good strategy I've been doing is guarding the juice stand. Let them buy juice and kill them then. They would have wasted their money or at least activated juice too early. Or you can kill them b4 they even buy juice. I find that even with 1 person doing this, it helps your team substantially.
  13. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    As is evidenced by everyone and their mother telling use how good they are via their KDR around here.

    ...then proceeding to tell people to learn their roles.

    Sorry, just amused.
  14. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Especially in the wheel/spoke arena (can't think of the name) where you can eject them as soon as the buy juice.
  15. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Sniper for this all the way.

    I hate to spoil one of my most fun strategies but here goes:

    Step 1: About 30 seconds before overtime make a quick run to the juice dispensers and place a trap next to each one.
    Step 2: Find a good place to hide in view of your newly placed traps.
    Step 3: Headshot people as they get stuck in your trap buying juice.
    Step 4: ???
    Step 5: Profit
  16. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    So about 35 seconds before overtime I like to make a quick run to the enjector and watch for a sniper to hide traps next to the juice. Then I get drunk and sleep with his wife.
  17. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    When the Annihilator is ready in Grenade III, I tend to go for one of the ejectors and wait to see who gets it. If my team lands it, I do nothing. If the other team gets on the platform, I hit the ejector.

    It's even funnier with guys who know they're vulnerable, so they bunny hop, and I get it anyway. With the delay on the ejector, if you wait until they just jump and hit it, they're gonna land and get wiped. So you still nail their cheap little bunny arses.
  18. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Ahahahaha. :lol:

    Well I did leave out the all important "Step 0" of my above strategy.

    Step 0: 40 seconds before overtime, place a couple traps near the ejectors and catch people who are watching for you to do Step 1.
  19. faits

    faits New Member

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    The person you see at the top of the lobby is often different from the person other people see at the top of the lobby. My friends and I had thought that might have been the case until we talked about it and realized we were all seeing different people at the top of the list.

    The one time we all saw the same person at the top of the list it was me, so we thought hey maybe that means I'm the host. Then a few minutes into the next match we got the whole HOST MIGRATING business which shot down that idea.
  20. faits

    faits New Member

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    That's weird, because 50 seconds before overtime I usually like to kill this sniper who is wandering around without the protection of any of his traps (must be saving them for something?)

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