Just another game mode idea.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by cherrypieluva, September 6, 2010.

  1. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    As with the other 500 new game mode ideas im expecting this to be similar with at least one, although i havent seen one like it.

    It would be called, defend the bacon. or something to that effect.
    one team is on the offense, one team defense. the team on defense would have to protect a piece of bacon, which could be in the same area as a moneyball with a sheild of some sort and everything. same rules apply, bots have to get in and take down the shield and then once the shield is down every player on the offensive team have to grab a piece of the bacon and bring it back to their base. this makes it so 1 assassin who runs in cloaked cant score every piece of bacon as every player has to do it. this also leads to more teamwork, because if only 1 more person needs to score with the bacon the other players will have to help that player move into the base and so he/she can take it back to their spawn.

    the defending team will have to defend the bacon for a time limit. (15 minutes?) and then they win the round. their will be turret spawns, and ejectors in the base and the defending base would be about twice as large as a regular base in crossfire. the defending players cannot leave their base, which prevents spawn camping in the offense teams spawn and makes them stick to defending.

    the offense teams base would have 2 lanes leading into the enemy base. the offense team would gain money, just by shooting a enemy turret or player, or some sort of fast way to gain money. this would be to buy more bots to push into the base as their wont be any bots on the defending team for them to kill for money. the 2 lanes would have 2 different pads on them. 1 would be the usual class specific spawn, but their would be a jackbot spawn pad also. this would be 500 dollars and would assist them in pushing into the base.

    thats just the core idea. feel free to ask questions about it, or add your own ideas and just provide general feedback.
  2. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    this is my pathetic attempt to bump this, to get at least 1 person to reply to it...
  3. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    So it is capture the flag?
  4. cherrypieluva

    cherrypieluva New Member

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    similar too, but not exactly, as only 1 team has the "flag" or in this case bacon/moneyball whatever.

    and every player on the opposing team has to "score" a piece of the bacon, which will reinforce the idea of teamwork.
  5. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Meh, well at least it isn't team death match.

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