Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Is there going to be any fixes regarding when i press da button to shoot that nothing happens... or when i use alt fire trigger again... nothing happens... and this happens to multiple ppl so I would like to know if this fix will be emplemented in the upcoming dlc?

    Also this will happen randomly in the middle of fireing...

    Just wanted to know because it becomes anoying fast.
  2. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    what i would like also, is the ability to self destruct your own turrets and for the DLC at least one new turret
  3. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    Overall, I'm happy with the multi-player and gameplay improvements, except for:

    Grapple times: I don't think it should be made any easier for people that use this as their primary attack. As predominantly an Assassin, I see a lot of others just running around cloaked trying repeatedly to grapple me to no avail, simply because they keep missing, and then I lunge and finish them off. I really would hate for anyone else in other classes, including myself, to being vulnerable to more rapidly issued grapple attacks. It pisses me off to lunge into a grapple, and it would be even worse if the probability was increased. Sure it means I don't get the perks, but I never really needed them in the first place because if I missed, I'd unleash a fury of swipes :)

    Class Updates:
    Increased hack time? That's lame. Even using an Assassin/Support strategy, it's difficult enough trying to clear out pros trying to stop you. I guess it's an incentive to upgrade your skill, but still I'd rather be either only level 3 can hack enemy turrets, or increased hack time on enemy turrets.
    *sidenote* I always found it hilarious when people on the opposing team thought they could buy back their hacked turrets, but only made them better xD
    I admire people who can play the support class with skill as both a defensive unit, and an offensive unit. I think by far they are the most overlooked class with the fairest assortment of goodies, and should be left alone the most with the updates.

    Seeing as I never really had a problem not being cloaked and killing someone within their own base with shurikens, a blade, and as a last resort, a grapple, I don't really mind not having my cloak on when trying to grapple. You just have to learn the when's and where's of doing things, like with any class, such as... throwing an airstrike at someone who is under a platform >.<

    As far as getting the speed glitch fixed, I really don't care. I was good without it, but it was always a temptation to use as a way to counteract people being extraordinarily cheap (Assault: "Jump until I face you so you can't grapple me, mash the b button because I'm so good." Sniper: "Throw traps all around, and grapple because that's all I know how to do [rather than getting an easy, free headshot which I'd respect a lot more.]" Gunner: "Mash the x button because that takes a lot of skill, get a ring out, or shoot in the face because they're too slow and stunned." Assassin: "Pull the left trigger... I'm a beast at that. Sneak up behind people and grapple because I can't get a kill any other way. [I laugh at stupid Assassins that just try to grapple me in circles while I laugh and lunge at them. And even when they grapple me from the front as the first method of attack, I scoff, and show them what happens when you grapple me and fail to kill me, with a grapple out of mockery that finishes them in one shot :lol: .])
    Being an Assassin, I take pride that I have a nearly equivalent number of blade kills as I do grapple and shuriken kills. The only thing I can say is truly cheap about the Assassin, which is mostly on the players' part, is cloaked back stab kill. Sure it's how the Assassin was engineered to be played, but it's irritating when it happens repeatedly. I personally have the decency off turning off my cloak when going in for a back-grapple. At least I can say they had a chance at seeing it coming ;D

    And anyone care to tell me what exactly damaged return by lunging with a dagger means? As far as this update is concerned.

    Tank: I think this update will have a fairly interesting turn out. I can't complain much about tanks. I just try to avoid them because Tanks>Assassins head on, and a back stab doesn't always kill them :x

    Assault: Where to begin with the Assault? I hate the ones whose first instinct is to charge at someone. It's probably the most annoying thing in the game, preceding the Assassin's back-assassination. Perhaps decreasing the distance launched would make it better, because I'm sure many people despise getting knocked from one side of the map, to the complete opposite side ending in a ring out. I mean come on, it doesn't take much skill to charge >.> The entire group I play with absolutely hates the Assault and anyone that plays as them. [I won't grapple you, unless you try charging me]

    Gunner: I can't say too much about the gunner, seeing he's pretty straightforward. The dual minigun is pretty intimidating, as a low armor class. Maybe the slam attack can be complained about, but I guess not even too much because it can become pretty easy to evade with some practice. I'm just glad the gunner can't throw you way off the map.

    Sniper: You never cease to amaze me with your ability to plant multiple traps (which can be jumped over with the Assassin) and your quickness to go Tiger Woods on anyone that gets near -_- I don't know, Snipers that think they're awesome because they can trap and grapple is a peeve to me. I'd like a reduction in trap time mostly, and a decreased distance thrown when grappled. Also, the level 3 frag shot... that, I feel, is a wee bit overpowered. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't really like Snipers. There're are two types I encounter that are all the same to their play styles: First type listed above. Second type - too stupid to effectively use the Sniper well and gets killed too fast. Occasionally I meet that one Sniper that actually poses a respectable challenge... very rarely, and they're usually on my team luckily.

    Anyway, sorry for writing a novel. I know we've all encountered an incredible amount of players that influence how we view each class. I tried to remain as unbiased as possible. I also know that it takes a lot of practice learn how to become efficient with each class, and each class has to handle one another differently, with player skill playing a BIG part.

    Thanks for your time, and I'm open to legible and intellectual comments and suggestions.

    Happy playing (^.-)b>
  4. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    As far as I can tell, dagger lunge was doing more damage than intended so they're going to lower the dagger lunge damage. Sword should remain untouched as far as I know. Only a dve could say for sure though :3
  5. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Correct, there was a bug that made the dagger do more damage after a lunge than the sword. This has been corrected.
  6. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    Ahhh that makes sense now. I never had my dagger for long, because I'm always quick to upgrade it to a sword. It explains why my friend thought the dagger was stronger than the sword. After I read that I thought the devs were implying that there was now going to be recoil damage. Thanks for clarifying :]
  7. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    Also, for the update fix the speedy assassin glitch ( where you rapidly press x and you zoom across the map in less than a second) make it like you can only dash when you are fully charged and the exploit where the sniper can snipe when his entire body is covered by a wall

    it would be nice if you did this but the tank turret mode sucks a whole lot. either triple the range on the jet gun while mounted but 1/3 of the damage and burn time or just replace it entirely
  8. BBOT

    BBOT New Member

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    I just got this game yesterday and I must say, that was probably the best 1200 MS Points I've ever spent. :D
  9. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Thanks for the confirmation Scathis :3
  10. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Awe, I was hoping they would take the damage done by the dagger and just give it to the sword and vice versa...

    Oh well
  11. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    You mean you wanted to cheat to counter people using their skills to gain a superior tactical advantage?

    The level 3 slam is quite hard to dodge. If I am fighting a good assassin I do a little jump first before I slam (because I know you will jump). You are going to go flying way away from me and take quite a bit of damage. You're probably dead unless you get super lucky (around a corner or someone new attacks me).

    Oh and gunners do have a grapple that can throw you off the map. But no one buys it because it is the most poorly designed skill ever. "Hey let's give the slowest character a grapple without a charge component!" When you factor in the tank's jet charge he becomes faster than the gunner. Also the gunner slows down when he shoots, and this also contributes to him being the slowest.
  12. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    A 1 hit kill on a black jack is really useful for Blitz. There are two modes to our game, some skills may be perceived to be less useful in certain modes.
  13. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    A grapple is just that, a close range physical attack, the gunner has a slam for longer range physical attacks and the grapple is a great counter for when people either fail a grapple on you or are to close for comfort, he also has a gun that kills anything before it can realy get to him. And a gunner that could run his regular speed while firing his minigun would break the game balance entirely. Also the tank needs a skill that closes distance fast because he is a close range clase.
  14. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    Not exactly. It's one thing to get charged by an assault and getting thrown 500 (exaggerated estimate) feet. Sure, I can accept that. But when it's the only thing they do? I mean surely you've encountered an assault at a close enough range where they charge you, and you go flying, right? And then you get back around to that spot and encounter the same assault, and BAM! grapple animation yet again, and you find yourself in the spawn room. If I get charge killed, or golf clubbed by a sniper multiple times in a row, then I deduce that said person isn't particularly gaining "superior tactical advantage" as much as they do lack the ability to be diverse. It's like if an assassin only sneaks up on you and back stabs you, only you, and shows no alternative.

    And as far as the cheating goes, sure I wanted to, but didn't want to grow dependant on it because the time has come where it's being patched :). And sometimes it just happens, and I don't mean that like "oh yeah I just happened to glitch and go super fast," I only imply that occasionally you get caught up in the heat of a big battle zone, and it just happens in the midst of things. You can ask all assassins and it will have happened to most of them, excluding the ones who purposefully do it. And with me, usually when it happened, I would go back to base, and just do taunts until it wore off. I'd only ever kill myself if I was permaburned/frozen and everything was taking too long to wear off. But honestly, I'm glad it's getting fixed because it will eliminate other assassins from doing it, and it made movement very sketchy and sensitive.

    Yeah, I typically completely evade any slam, even jumping slams, or I land on the very edge of the slam radius. Jumping just makes it easier for me to see and jump away, then go back in to finish off. But hey, if you can get me with a flapjack, then more power to you. I actually think those are pretty funny and often times death-worthy ;D
  15. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    As a MNC player, I've always been particularly fond of the Support, and basically ran the class all to way to Rank 99. Now, after having read the list of new updates, I was surprised to find out how many changes they were going to make. Most of these seem pretty fair, with a minor exception here or there.

    Pretty straightforward. The thought of an overhealed Jackbot just makes me cringe, seeing as how the only effective way for a Support to kill one is a 3.2/3.3 turret or spamming air strikes.
    Again, pretty straightforward. I never did get why the Firebase skill recharged sometimes, so I don't think I'll miss this one.
    I lold when I found out I could do this. I do this fairly often, but only to get a brief chuckle, seeing as how the Heal/Hurt beam comes from a special place. Oh, and don't even get me started on juiced taunt kills. Only ever gotten one myself, but it was goddamn hilarious.

    Overall, though, I understand this could be unfair, and I agree with its removal.
    You cannot believe how annoying this gets, non-Support players. Imagine just wasting a skill, and waiting for a decade to get that skill back. (A bit exaggerated, but still annoying nonetheless) Thank you for this patch.
    I've had my rate of fire upgraded to gold since I got my custom Support class. At first, I thought it affected the Heal/Hurt gun, only to find out the hard way that it didn't. It did give me that extra second I needed, though, to get that last shotgun shot in, so I kept it. Good to know that now I can diversify a bit more, and not have to wait for juice to actually kill anyone with the Hurt gun.
    I do this every so often, but not frequently. I can understand the sheer frustration this gives, and should be patched.
    Never really did this, nor did I know this exploit existed, but I can understand how this would get frustrating, too. Should be patched.
    I've only been able to do this once, and LUCKILY, I killed myself. Being killed under cover is also pretty annoying, so I can understand this as well.
    Now, as a long-time Support player, I can tell you that without the annoying wall-glitch, it is very difficult to get a successful hack on a turret without dying. Believe me, I've died several times doing just that. Even with an ally Assassin smoke-bombing a level 1 Rockit, I normally only get out alive with a sliver of health. Now, with the new update, I'm not even sure if hacking an enemy turret is worth it anymore, because it's already difficult enough at the current Hacking speed, and now I have to pay $400 extra dollars for it? That's kinda lame. I can't say I know for sure, though, because I've yet to experience the new Hack timing, but it's still something that concerns me.
    This is kinda lame too, seeing as how I stay defensive for most of the match, building+hacking turrets and whatnot. One thing the Support lacks is an effective long-ranged attack, and a hacked turret provides just that. If a +.1/.2 turret doesn't last that long, then we're kinda forced to upgrade to level 3, seeing as how level 2 just isn't as effective as it used to be (which is normally as high as I get it, considering I save money for juice to pull off a moneyball-rush).
  16. Bast

    Bast New Member

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    I cant seem to see it in the patch details but can anyone tell me if the issue of the gunner's main weapon not firing when switching back and forth from the secondary weapon(LT) has been mentioned or not?.... it seems to be happening more frequently and really is annoying..and maybe ties in with slight lag issues...thanks
  17. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It is not. We're looking into this one, it's a tricky issue that we couldn't fix for the update.
  18. Serevarno

    Serevarno New Member

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    Any word on when the update (and subsequent DLC) will hit? Have quite a few friends who have stopped playing and are waiting on the patch to return.

    Now with Reach's going to be hard to get them all back in. =(
  19. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    We can't give a release date yet because there's an indeterminate amount of time it takes to get through Microsoft. All we can say is it'll be 'soon'.
  20. Serevarno

    Serevarno New Member

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    I just want to say thanks to you and the rest of the team for being one of the most vocal and community involved teams I've seen in awhile. I look forward to supporting y'all when the paid dlc comes out. =)

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