Tanks and Product Grenade lvl 3

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, September 15, 2010.

  1. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I've posted my love for level 3 of this skill in numerous threads, and I seem to be the only person who has this opinion. The upgrade for product grenade 3 is totally worth the investment, adding huge AoE damage, area denial, and turret destroying capability, not to mention the fact that it can take down an entire bot wave at range, and put a nice chunk of damage in the jackbot's armor, and is probably among the best firebase killer skills in the game due to its extremely low cooldown, bankable shot, blind + AoE damage, and ability to hit targets under roofs. I shoot this thing every cooldown because there is virtually none.

    But most people seem to only pay 150 for the blind and call it a day. They say the cluster bomb effect does not really work on smart pros, and is therefore useless and not worth 400. These people miss out on all of the expanded utilities the tank gets from this upgrade IMO.
  2. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Lvl3 is a good upgrade, but not great. ...The problem with lvl3 is that the Tank is generally a close combat guy, and there's been more then a handful of occasions where I've either hurt myself or killed myself because I charged into the blast radius of the grenades. The synergy of the skill just isn't 100% perfect for the tank.

    However, I too am an avid grenade user: I use Skill Refresh as my Gold perk, and spam it to no end. It's good against Turrets, but not great (not enough damage usually, but it's decent enough I suppose). The Tank is an excellent Creep killer, and turret disabler, which is usually the role I fill when I play him.

    I've seen his grenade being used more often now that people are accustomed to being blinded by good a Tank user.

    Gold: Skill Refresh
    Silver: RoF
    Bronze: HP regen

    ^ makes for a well rounded offensive tank.
  3. Lane528

    Lane528 New Member

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    I'm totally with you, I love PG3. While the rest of my team ignores all the Slims and Blackjacks I can take them all out with the lvl 3, stun and damage a jackbot, or hit that annoying assault who is pinning me down from far away. Deployed gunners will usually succumb to all of the bombs dropping out of it. Not to mention, the stun and damage can give me the edge to take out a lvl 3 LazerBlazer or RockIt 1 all by myself. There are just so many good uses! Now yes, I occasionally charge directly into it and blind/kill myself, but in the end it's completely worth it. It has earned me tons of money and the blind effect has saved me countless times.

    Product Grenade 3, I love you.
  4. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    product 3 is amazing considering how well it counters firebase camping supports

    Being able to not only kill an entire cluster of bots up close, but across the map as well makes you a baaad azs lane pusher

    and ya turrets...what turrets?

    the pros out-weigh the cons imo

    I think people just are not being creative and remembering to use it often
    maybe its partly people are so addicted to the jetgun, I prefer to use a mix of the rail and the jetgun
  5. Neargood

    Neargood New Member

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    The one thing that Product Grenade 3 does better than any skill in the game is trivialize bot waves; it's a set-it-and-forget-it skill for any number of enemy Black Jacks. If you value bot control at all, you will get PG3.
  6. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    I can vouch for the fact that more people are discovering the usefulness of PG3.

    The ads!!! Not the ads again!!!

    As a common target, but not a user, this skill is indeed effective. :) :x :lol:
  7. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    I'm going to get on MNC right now and shoot some people with it. :mrgreen:
  8. mute

    mute New Member

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    On Blitz with Product lvl 3, you can litterally stand at one door killing waves with fire + spin and turn around and keep grenading the wave coming out of the other door - leaving the turrets on that side to quickly finish the job and move to the wave behind them faster. You can keep doing this up to (and beyond) level 60, holding the front completely by yourself. Tank with PG lvl 3 on Blitz is amazingly fun. Give me 2 tanks and 2 supports on Blitz with co-ordination and you can go very very far into the wave levels (which is otherwise hard to do past lvl 72 with 4 player Blitz).
  9. TGO023

    TGO023 New Member

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    Whoops! What I really meant to say is that PG3 is totally ineffective, and that you should avoid using it at all costs...especially against the support class. :roll:
  10. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I only go to lvl 2, but I always go to lvl 2. I feel lie the extra juice run is more valuable. Against smart players it really isn't useful and if you blind bots, it only takes like 1 or 2 rail gun shots after you fire it with lvl 2. I've realized how important it is to have juice as a tank so I rarely upgrade anything other than my passive.

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