1. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I don't think anyone would suggest that. Mostly because the consensus here is that Assassin's role is to be pwnd by everyone because "you're playing it wrong."

    Support's pretty versatile, which means it can do a lot of things. Unfortunately, this means there's rarely one in my base supporting things unless it's me.

    Then again, there really isn't much reward for being a team player in this game. I can get 30 kills and 2 deaths plus bot kills solo, or I can work with people and get...A dollar for every second or so of healing. WOOOOOOOOO!
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I'm honestly building fewer and fewer turrets, even as support, because people seem to wait around to snipe them out from under me. I don't mean snipers or other opposing team members, I mean my own. They want me to build turrets so they can immediately upgrade them themselves, getting all the benefit and sticking me with the cleanup.

    Build a turret? Gets upgraded on me.

    Hack a turret? Upgraded on me.

    I've even seen supports ignore damaged turrets or their own firebases to do this to me, and it's annoying as Hell. So I rush over to try and save a damned turret while my "Teammate" is scooping a working turret out from under me.

    Which goes back to the other post I quoted, because I can totally see why people would want to actually play in a style that gets, you know....Rewarded.
  3. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Yeah, this game needs more team work rewards.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    It's weird, since the game objectives readily seem secondary to all else. I know the game is "supposed" to be played like a sport and not TDM, but it still seems like TDM tactics are incentivised and the sport elements not so much. I still frequently make more than the players on the winning team, and I'm not even one of those players who tries to get a 50-0 killstreak or whatever.
  5. ChaRaa

    ChaRaa New Member

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    One thing I can think of on top of my head is that they should give even more bonus money for winning team, obvious enough that most people on the winning team have more money than the losing one. Eventhough money doesn't mean much after you get all your custom class and favorite protag, I guess at least it helps with leaderboard position for earnings.
  6. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I just tried calculating this and I think you get $25 per kill, $100 for a 3, 7, 11, and 25 kill streak, $75 for a triple, $100 for a round the horn, and extra money for turret and bot kills.
    So if he kills 4 people off spawning with $500 and buying juice, he should end up with $375 if he only kills 4 players. Factor in turrets, and if he starts with about $1000, he could juice like 8 times before running out of money if he keeps up this pace.
  7. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Plus there is just a lot of luck involved. I don't care how good you are, but you never know if a sniper has a good shot, an assassin just snuck up behind you or whatever. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it gets tricky to do.
  8. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    But unfortunately they are capable of being one. I do not think the support should have such high damage capabilities.
  9. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I usually end the game with around 2-3K left over, which means I could've bought many more if I wanted to be a tryhard. You just can't let people get that much money, or kill them as they get it.

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