Make headshots go away

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Liefglinde, September 13, 2010.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Quite simply, I see no reason that headshots need to exist in this game.

    Oh, you're a tank with level 3 passive and gold armor?
    Oh, you're stuck in my trap?
    Oh, you just spawned and are leaving the spawn area?
    Oh, you're stuck on top of a turret?
    Oh, you're an Assassin who is cloaked and sprinting?
    Hahaha you think the above scenario is impossible?

    As it is, Snipers are generally protected from the other team because they sit in their base and don't leave it. Do they really need the ability to OHKO? Their headshot (which happens WAY too often) entirely negates any armor endorsements. Now I'd get into how OP Snipers are, but I don't care to have that discussion right now.

    Yes, headshots are "realistic" and of course they would be possible with a sniper rifle. But with that argument, please explain to me why anyone could survive getting stabbed in the face. I don't care how much armor they have, every pro's face is exposed (barring the Assassin's ahahahaha). And I'm pretty sure Tanks can't fly, heavy as they are. So please, avoid the "realistic" argument.
  2. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Headshots shouldn't be removed, traps and explosive shots should be nerfed instead.
  3. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Without headshots, snipers are pointless.
  4. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    I like the headshots. Alittle bit of realism in a crazy fictional game.

    Every game should be head shot = 1 hit kill.

    Also, i love the hitbox on headshots on this game. You have to be dead on, or it just will not work.
  5. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Oh man do I love the sound a headshot makes in this game.

    I smile every time.
  6. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    This is the absolute truth.

    Hey, I hate getting nailed out of nowhere. It drives me nuts - but the simple fact is that the player is that skilled, and you can't nerf the player.

    The sniper that's sitting back on defense isn't rushing your base's defenses - well, except on Steel Peel where 60% of your base's defenses can be sniped from the safety of the other team's base.

    The Sniper's relying on you to present yourself as a target so try to find a way to avoid that. Sadly, that's not always feasible, and it's one of the reasons that Snipers can be such a devastating force in the game. Traps definitely seem a little too powerful - maybe there should be an option to tap jump or wiggle the stick to break free a little quicker? But headshots are pure skill.

    And I'm enough of a pincushion myself to hate it too.
  7. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    Everyone thinks some class is overpowered in some way, look at all the posts.

    Now for headshots - they are the purpose of a sniper. Also very easy NOT to get headshotted too. If you know they have a sniper - jump around, strife back and forth use your sprint, use your charge (assault, tank), use your smokejump (assassin) use explosives and fire them at the snipers direction to make him dodge them (gunners level 3 is GREAT for this), airstrike them (remember they come from the top, so you can throw it on platform below them OR even right at the bottom of their base - where they cant see where it lands). Every class can counter a sniper and headshots by movement or distraction with right strategy. I've been headshotted many many many times - I have no issue with it they got me before I got them or got me when I was distracted - they deserve the kill.

    Traps I do find a little overpowered. The rare times I do play sniper I usually make what I call the "Triangle of defense" and I stay in the middle. If they miss one, they set off other. Now it makes me still a easier target as I am close (very close) but if I see them coming and SMG them a bit, once they are trapped I run behind and they are gone. I think level 1 and 2 are fine. Level 3 is too long. I think giving it level 2's time and if they break out they get "Shavice turret slowdown effect" for a few seconds AFTER if they break free.

    As for balance issues - removing headshots and INSTANTLY the sniper is the weakest class in the game. A non-headshot takes 3-5 hits to kill them and this is at level 3. If they were to remove headshots they would have to increase the damage of non-headshots and that will make the sniper even MORE powerful than ever. I do think the damage should be weakened more over distance making non-headshots at great distance be weakened and making the headshot much more needed (at longer distances - harder to get).
    Saying they need to be removed is saying the Assassins back grapple instant kill should be removed as it's just as easy to pull off (sometimes even more easier).
  8. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    Spinning in place while in a trap is a fun way to avoid headshots and confuse the sniper.

    Now if only the AR could get a damage bonus (not OHK) from headshots...
  9. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    I think what the OP is stating is to remove the OHKO ability of the headshot, not remove the bonus damage of one. In this manner a headshot will likely kill most players regardless but Tanks and Gunners could possibly survive one if using a Gold or Silver Armor endorsement.
  10. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Really, the one, singular reason, headshots exist as a OHKO is that in EVERY, OTHER, shooting game to ever exist ever has had a headshot from a sniper=dead.

    That being said, I don't feel headshots are the problem with Sniper. It's everything else. EVERYTHING, else.

    With the precision required for headshots on this game, I feel it's quite fair. The only problem is, give them the ability to kill you instantly at long range, along with all the other overpowered BS they've got, and THEN you've got a problem.
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Yes, it's understandable that they do more damage. But a OHKO every single time? That I don't agree with.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Planes can fly and I am pretty sure they are a lot heavier. Plus the Tank has a Jet pack which give him the ability to "fly."
  13. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    Its also worth mentioning a tank with gold armour at 2/3 passive WILL survive a headshot.

    Level 2 will bring you down from full to the tiniest sliver of hp, level 3 gives you a little bit more. Same applies for an assassin sword backstab.

    Took me a while to realise myself, but I ended up testing it on splitscreen and its handy to know. It doesn't usually make much difference, a single shot to any part of your body afterwards kills you.

    Still, taking out the ohko of the sniper would be almost...silly.
  14. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    No, it really wouldn't be silly. I mean, as OP as they already are, I'm quite sure they'd do just fine without a OHKO. Yes, I've played as a Sniper. I am completely incapable of getting headshots because I don't have the patience. And yet, my first game playing as a Sniper, I went 23-4-2. Now THAT is just silly.

    Thank you for completely ignoring the argument about the Assassin's grapple. You basically implied that it is a solid argument. I also have yet to see anyone else mention that.
  15. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    He's got ya there DeadStretch.

    And, yes. Snipah is OP. Me no likey.
  16. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    I'd give the Tank the ability to headshot with the railgun. It's stupid that only one class in the whole game had the ability to perform Headshots, not to mention boost the tank a little.
  17. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    Shooting with the sniper is pretty tough in this game. If you do play against a sniper who can consistently do what the opening post stated, you'd probably lose no matter what class they choose.
  18. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Except it's not an instant kill, is it? It's more lethal, but that seems exactly in line with what the OP's idea of a headshot is.
  19. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    To be honest, MNC feels like a game that could have easily done without a sniper. There i said it. You don't have to put a sniper in a shooter his because everyone else does. The structure of the game would not be compensated, as most snipers play as if it's a team deathmatch, Selfishly. But I guess the 5n1PerZ wouldn't like it. We'd have a lot of angry 15 year olds.

    On an unrelated note, it makes me laugh how you can look at someones gamertag before a match, and if it's something like XSephirothX or DarkAngel666 or anything with a dragon in, you just know they're going to play as a sniper or assassin? Funny Gamertags > pretentious Gamertags.
  20. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Those guys usually stick with "Undefeated" protag :p

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