Is it really wrong to take advantage of a known exploit?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by bdcjacko, September 13, 2010.

  1. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    I'm not asking what they are, or what should be done about them in the next patch, but asking on an ethical level. If you know of an exploit/glitch in the game (such as bunny hopping or the assassin speed glitch). Is it wrong to take advantage of it? Or maybe are there times when it is ok and other times when it is not ok?
  2. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Bunny hopping isn't an exploit it's a technique. It can still be countered by a smart assassin.

    Using the speed glitch is cheating. You move way too quickly and you completely negate certain powers (which was obviously unintended).
  3. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    My $0.02 - yes, absolutely.

    I find myself playing Support a lot. I know that I could hack turrets through walls (I've seen it on LazerRazor, hacking through the lower hallway wall.) I've read on the forums that some Supports manage to deploy their firebases into the enemy base through the glass walls.

    Things like that are cheating, and I won't do it.

    Bunny-Hopping is annoying, but it's a tactic and not an exploit. By hopping, the player sacrifices their accuracy (unless they're a Support of course) for safety from grapples. If they're good enough to still shoot you to death - well, that's player skill, and not a cheat.

    And if I see someone using an exploit that I'm aware of, I report them to MS as well as Avoid them.
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    bunny hoping =/= exploit :lol:

    Anyway exploitation is retarded and only says that you can't play the way the game is designed to be played and have to rely on underhanded cheats to win. That's my opinion on the matter.
  5. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Bunny hopping screws up hit detection, and with the support's auto lock and no reloading, that is an exploit.
  6. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    An interesting argument. But I'd still say bunny-hopping isn't an exploit. If the game has a glitch in the hit-detection of jumping characters, then that's definitely something that needs fixing, but jumping when you're being shot at is practically a reflex to avoid incoming fire and present a more difficult target. I can't call something like that an exploit - unless someone is intentionally jumping to glitch the hit detection.

    But I doubt MS is going to conduct investigations to find out. :p
  7. RACIN N420N

    RACIN N420N New Member

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    what, we aren't supposed to use the jump button now? Christ what do you guys want? For everyone to just stand in a line so you can mow em down? A good portion of this game relies on ones ability to not get dead, and jumping around is a good way to ensure that that doesn't happen as much....

    This is pointless, it's like saying the assassin is being exploited because she can cloak and become invisible.
  8. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    I think bdcjacko is just trying to get some conversations going - I don't think he's saying he believes that jumping is an exploit. (I hope I'm understanding that right. :p ) So here I think he's playing a little Devil's Advocate.
  9. ShreddieMercury

    ShreddieMercury New Member

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    People are free to do whatever they want, so as long as an exploit exists, they can use it. However, I honestly feel that cheating or "hacking" in any way just negates the entire point of playing any game, be it virtual or not. It is incredibly annoying to play with cheaters, but all you can do is find another game and realize that they won't ever get any of the satisfaction of winning/improving fair and square.
  10. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    bunny hopping is a way to lol at people who cant aim

    also exploiting glitches is a fun way to mess around but if ur doin it in a way thatruins the game for someone else then thats just dumb( an example is crab walkin or kung fu flipping in GoW... sooo much fun to mess around with but they can be really cheap ways to get a kill)
  11. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Bunny Hopping is a Panic-Moment thing. If you say Bunny Hopping is cheating then so it is when I Fly in the same situations for the same reasons, and surely that's not? Support is really the only class that can exploit Bunny Hopping: with Cheap (Hurt) gun. Careful wording: They exploit bunny hopping, not 'Bunny Hopping is an exploit'.

    I don't see it as cheating.

    Speed glitch etc. is just as bad as putting yourself in a wall or something, it's blatantly not meant to be done and is an exploit. What was all that BBXXRRR crap in Halo 2? I mean it never got patched out but to me that's an exploit, so is Light-Speed.
  12. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    bunny hopping doesn't work against a assassin, i can't tell you how many times i have been grappled in mid air by them, its annoying but hey, i am sitting back destroying there bots and turrets from where no one can really hit me its what i get.
  13. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Jumping or flying in an intended movement. I doubt the game designers though that it would be a good idea for every one in the game to jump around all game long. Bunny Hopping is an unintended game feature, therefore bunny hopping while being a support with an auto locking hurt gun is on this side of an exploit.

    Just jumping isn't an exploit.
  14. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Bunny hopping is not an exploit. An exploit would be an unintended consequence taking advantage of a game's error. Jumping repeatedly is just that ... jumping repeatedly. Had they wanted people to wait between jumps there would be a timer.
  15. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Perhaps they didn't think people would just be bunny hopping the entire game and didn't think a jump timer was necessary.
  16. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Bunny hopping in a exploiting way is, to be fair, something that would only start to come about in longer testing periods or... about now in the games release. While it doesnt take long to realise you can jump multiple times, it does take a while to realise how effective you can be as a certain class with certain endorsements and certain skills bunny hopping around with an auto-gun.

    Cheap =/= Cheat
  17. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    I never said cheap = cheating. And I never said taking advantage of an exploit is cheating, I said it is more of cheap/cheesy.
  18. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    bunny hopping is fine, the range at which the no aim gun locks on should be reduced a bit though cuz' that crap is beyond annoying.
  19. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    It would be nice if the range on the heal hurt gun's initial lock on was with in the gunners slam radius or range of a charge or something. Then it becomes about skill and reflexes instead of cheesieness.
  20. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    It wasn't a direct comment towards anyone.

    Came across some bad bunny hopping today by KS no less! Sandman was Gunner and his buddy was Support. Now, they won, they won fair, and I'm not going to complain about a Support running around doing nothing but healing him. Fair game. But the Support's main tactic was to tease you and then bunny hop hurt gun you while he retreats to his firebase.

    Exploit? No, it's quite legitimate, Impressive play from a respectable player? Nah.

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