New classes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by X360 killer 23, September 13, 2010.

  1. X360 killer 23

    X360 killer 23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Cool thought

    The Outlaw

    -A man slightly fatter then sniper with a hat and gruff voice.

    - Has a repeating rifle that can aim
    - Six shooter also can aim
    - Likes- Westerns, horses,

    - Dislikes- Being called a cowboy, that ******* sniper, modern technolgy

    Primary Taunt- "It's either you or the rifle and I don' t think it's your day".

    Secondary Taunt- Spins gun


    2 - Increase C hit
    3 - 2 six shooters in hip fire (one in aim but with extra ammo) and hat shield for C hit shots

    BLUE - Wanted- mark an enemy with a bounty on their head for a minute. Start at 50 reward and adds 25 for a kill the bountee has made. Long load
    2- Shorter loads, and makes it for 2 lives
    3- Makes player on own team, open game for anyone but no money for own team (Betrayals)

    YELLOW - Cell Door - a door that can be placed anywhere and destroyable. See though and can be used to block bots and Players ( Charges can hurt it but left dazed)
    2 - Adds strengths to it
    3 - Shorter load and makes 2of them

    RED - Grapple - Rifle butt to face or pistol whip. Back kills like execution style
    2 - Add throw (Rifle butt then baseball bat hit with rifle. Pistol whip and then horse hoof kick, neighs when kicks.
    3 - Adds dead aim ( Close up on outlaw and aims and shoots while a short western theme plays and head shots the player dead)

    Bots are gremlins
  2. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    Very creative! I think the bot should be bouncers though :)

    "I'ma lettin the cattle loose!"
    "gitty up little bouncer"
  3. Bast

    Bast New Member

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    0 quite perfect as it is IMO...maybe a half human half robot character that would have an incredibly hard front facing shell/shield would be good to see or even a pint sized wacky mad scientist that zips about on a tiny futuristic vehicle that would be hard to hit..
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Hey I give him points for creativity. That did sound interesting...
  5. X tweaker IGC

    X tweaker IGC New Member

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    im pretty sure there not going 2 make a new class but i do like it.... But for the WANTED ability it just just put a skull over his head which u could see threw walls

    my class idea is the Tech
    same health as the assault.Mainly uses Skills only and his/her weapons are just there a in a suit similar to the support and wheres a face mask that resembles a mask from GoW2
    Also has jet pack similar 2 a lvl 2 assaults
    Weapon 1: beam of light: smaller version of the tanks gun with less damage
    Weapon 2:pistol:..... u guess.....


    red abilty
    Rocket: rocket flys out of the techs wrist can take down turrets and take about half of most pro's health
    2. does Damage over time after does impact damage
    3. heat signiture(will follow target

    Yellow Ablity
    Robot friends: brings out 3 small robots similar 2 gremlins with guns that will not move out of there 20 feet radius unless u summon them with ur cross hair over and enemy in that case they will attack them.LAST 60 SECONDS
    2. More health/ last 90 seconds
    3. equiped with grapple does half of assaults health

    Blue ability
    flak same as snipers

    Bot is a upgraded black jack
  6. EnLight

    EnLight New Member

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    Pretty cool idea actually, I was expecting more of a "epik rocket lawnchur demo man"

    Not sure about the cell door but the rest of the class seems alright, i like the Wanted skill, although the class is somewhat out of place.
  7. Radagast107

    Radagast107 New Member

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    sounds like an interesting class, but for a quote they should burrow the quote from Clint Eastwood "Make my day" and then he quickly pulls out a colt and insta kills an enemy player
    Also the assassin should have some new finishing moves.

    Adventure time, Chowder, FMA: Brotherhood
  8. X360 killer 23

    X360 killer 23 New Member

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    dammit cole stop with the dam chowder and other cartoon stuff that no one cares about.
  9. roscoeaton

    roscoeaton New Member

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    a rocket class would be good. all you have is grenade launchers that do alright agianst turrets after a few shots.
  10. TheRealBowser

    TheRealBowser New Member

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    I might be interested in new classes, but honestly what is there to add? We pretty much have everything already, a lot of diversity without being redundant. I'm pretty happy with what we have.

    For instance I'm not real fond of the OP's idea. While it's, er, different, it's really out there... no offense, OP, it's an original idea, I just can't see it fitting Monday Night Combat, lol.
  11. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    The only Pro missing is a full-on Melee Powerhouse. Right now we have the silent and fragile Assassin, the Mid-range Gunner and the more defensive Tank. We do not really have a "Warrior" style Pro to chose....
  12. TheRealBowser

    TheRealBowser New Member

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    This is basically what the tank is. The tank isn't literal melee range (if he were, everyone would grapple him and own him). However, his jet gun is pure melee superiority.

    He may not punch people or beat them down with an axe, but he is definitely what you are describing.

    And seriously, the tank doesn't even last long at melee range. Do you think that someone who did more damage at melee range (overkill) and took more damage (even the tank can barely survive against, say, a gunner or an assault when chasing them down and not playing it safe) than a tank would be a viable class?

    No, they'd need to be able to have defensive abilities such as cloaking and moving fast to make up for this lack of survivability. But then we have the assassin, don't we?

    It's not a bad idea, it just wouldn't really work well for this game. For the most part, any class like you are describing would be target practice. You may as well name the class 'Super Fan' and look like Bullseye because he is not going to get any kills from any halfway decent players. I'm sorry...
  13. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    name: Berserker
    hp 200-250
    primary fist
    rt punch
    rb power punch (is a slow action only for non moving objects and jump attacks)
    lt grapple
    secondary _____?
    movement speed: fast
    B ability: grapple lvl 1 nothing special lvl 2 charge no throw high damage 175 lvl 3 can charge multiple times in rapid succesion.
    Y ability: recover lvl 1 100 hp can over heal lvl 2 300 hp lvl 3 takes half damage for 5 seconds after.
    X ability: lvl 1 pick up friendly bots and use them as a club for a damage bonus 10-20 uses lvl 2 greater damage bonus reuseable parts (can re-use an object) lvl 3 unlimited re-uses press x again to throw for high damage and stuning effect. note sucessfully grappling will drop the object)
    passive lvl 2 cannot be grappled (assassin back grapple still works assaults charge lvl 3 funtions as lvl 2) all other grapples end just as they do against bulls eye lvl 3 perma health recharge 5 per second, does not lose over shield over time

    now this dude would be a beast

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