MNC Leaderboards

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by iCatastrophe408, September 12, 2010.

  1. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    I noticed a previous post about the leaderboards. If you look at the hackers its easy to find out who hacked thier way to top. I know Uber is busy. But when they have time they should take away those hackers. Put the boards back to 0 for em. I mean honestly.. you dont know who is best. We had enough of this is COD's etc. Why must it be so soon & on a arcade game. (Which is amazing BTW) Im #5 this week so far from what I last saw. Over all im working up. Im about #686 overall as of right now. When I should be about in low 500's. From what I see the top 110 people on leaderboards of Crossfire are hacked. So as of right now #1 in my book is: TXD FuNTCaSE . But I could be wrong I dont think I am but I could be just saying. In my book this is what it is. Give me your opinions on this topic. ^-^
  2. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    If I had my way, I would do away with leaderboards in all of these games. All they really give you a general idea of is how much time a person has put into the game, and encourage people to boost/glitch. It does not enhance my gaming experience in any way to know i'm ranked 1300 in the world for money earned over all in this game. Private stat tracking is fine, but when you put it public, I think it makes (or rather, helps foster) people into your sterotypical CoD KDR douchebag. (A diss towards those types of players, not those who play the game.)

    Other people might value leader boards, but other than private stat tracking, I've never seen a reason to have them. They are only an indicator of the most general of skill levels.

    Edit: This post is not meant to imply the OP is a douche. :)
  3. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    Ya true but I say not all the top leaderboard people are boosters though. Though it does come to mind a lot more than people think. I must agree leaderboards are pretty much useless. But its the thought of who put alot of time into the game & who is willing to be the best. Again leaderboards wont prove anything. Only way to prove this is have tourneys but uber or GB is in charge of that lol. So mainly I guess this is not important. But its just good knowing that the leaderboards are legit & fair.
  4. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Regardless, we don't like seeing so many obvious hacks on our Leaderboards and they will be cleaned up very soon.
  5. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    I really do hope uber sets up another tournament because I never got to compete in the first one with my team. The only reason we didnt is because we didnt know about the website until the middle of the tournament was going on. This game is dropping alittle bit becuz of hackers and glitches but soon it will be fixed im sure and boost the game play again.
  6. TowelWarrior

    TowelWarrior New Member

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    Yes, we definitely need more tourneys to boost the amount of competitive players.
    Also Uber doesn't have to always give prizes in the tournament, just host them.
  7. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Yes, this would be a great idea because I just need some competition besides the public matches I get in. I wouldnt mind a tournament to show whos one of the better teams with no cash prizes or a entry fee to get some sweet prizes.
  8. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    Thank you sir very much! I appreciate this very much! :)
  9. Twelve Boats

    Twelve Boats New Member

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    There is no point in Leaderboards in any game, I don't know why game developers waste their time making them. They don't showcase skill in any game, they showcase people who like to bullshit the system. Neat?
  10. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    The reason behind leader boards is to show who took the time to play and get their name up there as one of the legitament best, instead of just playing pub matches for no reason. Some people like to use the leader boards as a competitive way as well, so it boosts the games players for those who play competitively, I personally like to compete for positions on the leader board.
  11. iCatastrophe408

    iCatastrophe408 New Member

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    Very good point my dear friend. On certain games I careless about the leaderboards. But this is an awesome game. So I kinda do care about em.

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