Last Ditch Effort: Strategies For When You're Out of Options

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by mintycrys, September 5, 2010.

  1. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    If you're getting pushed back into your base by a team that went RTSD from the start of the match, there's really only one thing you can do if your team isn't up to snuff or if they're running amok in your base:

    Turnabout is fair play. GET CLOSE TO THEIR BASE.

    I play an offensive sniper who usually ends up doing most of the moneyball damage on my team, and about 60% of the time, I'm able to get away with it. Even when I'm playing in pub matches without my team (I try not to do this anymore, for obvious reasons :( ), I usually destroy a moneyball by myself, and here's why:

    When your team of inexperienced players is getting crushed repeatedly, they'll have a higher respawn rate, so they'll more or less be close to your own moneyball for extended periods of time, and if they're aiming to just kill a bunch of dudes, well, there are dudes running around in your base. It'll be a free-for-all, which should provide the diversion needed to get on the side of their base and take out a turret or two. Much of the time, rushers don't leave a line of defense (turrets) in their absence, giving you free reign to build juice on enemy bots in the back corner by their base, hiding if a pro happens to respawn (always go down the side they AREN'T pushing on to avoid being discovered). Once you have juice, start shooting at their moneyball. When most spawn-campers see that lifebar flashing, they can't get back to base quick enough. It's possible that you have no bots to drop the moneyball shields. This hurts the strategy, although sometimes, good teams are more interested in getting inside your base and racking up kills. I've seen good teams spawn camp and just let the bots march toward their base. So stupid. Anyway, start shooting at their moneyball without activating juice. THIS will get their attention. You are now public enemy number one for the opposing team. In a best case scenario, at least half of their team will leave your base to hunt you down. Prepare for battle in their base. When you see them coming, juice and take down as many as you can, but try to keep that moneyball's lifebar flashing to make the enemy team think they're on the defensive. Most of the time, they'll have divided their forces, making it easier for your poor team to clear out your base and then do...whatever it is that they do, I suppose. If you're playing with a good team, then this will be a boon to your ability to hold the map.

    The point is this: make yourself the threat to their base IN their base, and they'll start camping their base, waiting for you to show up. That keeps them out of your base, but it also puts them on the defensive, in their mind. Keep heading to their base, dealing whatever damage you can do, and even if you get killed, you'll make them feel that their decision to stay in their base on defense was a good one, keeping them there for a good portion of the match. It's even better if you can try doing this before overtime. If you haven't given yourself away before then, you'll be unopposed at their undefended moneyball come overtime, provided your team can protect the moneyball long enough for you to enact said strategy.

    Bear in mind that this usually doesn't work on teams smart enough to leave a sniper at base or support turtling behind the glass shield while overhealing Rockits, but in many cases, teams that rush down are just abusing potent rush tactics, and not leaving anyone behind to guard. I can't tell you how many bases I've sneaked into, only to find a ghost town. This strategy is for those instances. It's also important to remember that this strategy still applies even if you're playing with your normal team, and it's usually eve more potent!

    Just so you understand where I'm coming from, I run a Sniper build with Speed/RoF/Skill.

    Feel free to add to this thread if you have any class-specific strategies for making that last ditch effort!
  2. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    my last ditch effort against good teams that steamroll you is,

    screw the objectives and play the game likes its TDM, your going to lose anyway so why not have a good time doing it?

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