read if u need a sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by tomin83r, September 11, 2010.

  1. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    hi im tomin83r and im one good sniper im looking to join aclan as my clan microsoft mafia isnt playing on this at all the best ive done as a sniper so far is 51-7 truth and ive had 2 uber streaks im also a good assasult and gunner so either my gt tomin83r or message or post on this
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeah, and let me guess, you just sat back and tried getting kills, and didn't bother getting a few kills, pushing up to their ball, and then getting it destroyed?
  3. Pezow

    Pezow New Member

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    I'm a better then you at assault
    This statement has just made you mad.
  4. Kappy

    Kappy New Member

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    Im just looking at new posts and keep coming around enniigma's hate comments on people. Stop puting people down and just learn to play the game nicely, my god. You cant say someones bad until u've seen how they play and I've seen this guy play sniper, hes not bad.
  5. tomin83r

    tomin83r New Member

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    enigma ure wrong i dont play defensive i go up to the enemy base and snipe of people use freeze traps to protect me and take out enemy turrets and when the money ball goes down i juice up and destroy it because sniper are one of the best to obliderate the money ball and if i goes to overtime i juice up and take it from 100% health to 0% health in one clip
  6. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Was it really necessarily to flame a guy who's just looking for a team to join?
  7. Prande99

    Prande99 New Member

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