Accuracy Endorsement on the Tank

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by c4lvitron, September 7, 2010.

  1. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I've found myself running
    This is self explanitory, as a tank you need to get close, close = damage, damage + more damage = death. However with more life damage + more damage = lawliwinanyways

    Reload Speed
    I use the death blossum, lots, all time, non stop. When you're juiced, hovering into a base and spamming this is just ridiculous, it is also the fastest way to take out jackbots as a tank. The damage spikes from the product grenade followed by a charge + spin is just awesome (post patch it will be even better for reasons previously described).

    The reason I chose speed is because the tank is slow, obviously. The speed is noticable after playing a few games with it, when the host leaves and that nifty enhancement swap happens I can tell right away.

    Now some of you I know are going to say "But RoF makes the jetgun so much more valuable" or "Lawl u dnt use raliugn nuuB" but hear me out. I've tried RoF and it is helpful, but I feel like you're just a sitting duck. By using the bomb and boost/hover jets you can deal damage without having to stay stationary or do the slow walk and shoot thing. I like to spin, move around a corner or up a ramp jump back and spin again. As for the railgun, it's awesome for killing gunners and fleeing targets, but it's just not viable for me anyways to build a whole class around it.

  2. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I dont find death blossom does enough damage to warrant spamming it. ITs like 2 blossoms for an assasain?
  3. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    Ok maybe I worded that wrong, death blossum spam is really only effective vs. jackbots and sometimes warrants its use when juiced and the team is turtling beside the money ball. What I mean is that I find that charging with a death blossum is more effective than the RoF perk for me. That's not to say I don't shoot the jet gun. Against another tank or an assault I charge, shoot for a second then death blossum. I just figure, if I could kill him with a burst of damage or wait a few more seconds for the jetgun to finish him off, why would I wait?

    Although RoF against gunners would be the only thing I'm missing out on. For now I seem to be fine just blinding them and railgunning them. Not much of a problem here.
  4. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Only use i find for the death blossom is that when the jetgun hit detection is being appauling the death blossom is an almost gauranteed registration
  5. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    Right but at that point we're just coming up with ways to beat a bad host :p
  6. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    About the only way is to leave. You cant stick through it because host migration NEVER happens and when it does you just get kicked and you cant play when its being that bad.

    See, this is one thing I always wanted to happen with the accuracy, it to give the jetgun a longer range? You know, maybe 25% for gold accuracy or something

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