Sudden Death Blits Leaderboard?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ThisClockwork, September 7, 2010.

  1. ThisClockwork

    ThisClockwork New Member

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    My brother and I set a new record for the Sudden Death Blitz a few weeks ago. My gamer tag is ThisClockwork and my brother's gamer tag is FromLions. I have recently gone to University and I left my Xbox at home for a few months =[ Just wondering if anyone felt like keeping me updated on whether or not we are still number 1 and 2? We plan on shattering our old score at Christmas break and I want to know if we have a new score to shoot for. Something in the 3000's would be good for us =D


  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    1710 is the highest right now.
  3. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    A team passed of two passed you just this morning (1710). I'll keep you updated on the scores if you like.

    Going for >3000 is insane. I made it to ~1220 and was bored out of my gourd after five hours. That's going to take you over half a day!
  4. ThisClockwork

    ThisClockwork New Member

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    Man once you get a taste of the top that's all you want. And it took us 5 hours to get to 1527. So if we start in the morning and just go all day I think we'll have a nice score to beat :p We have a lot of determination to be the top, no matter how mind numbingly boring it is lol. And this time we will be prepared. I was making food runs into our kitchen on slim bot rounds last time lol
  5. Greggyyyy

    Greggyyyy New Member

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    Okay wow. How the hell is that even possible. I make it to like 88.

    Would someone mind explaining how one gets to that high of a level? Or perhaps throw me a friend request on XBL?

    GT - Greggyyyy
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Wow, you guys have more patience than I do. That's some crazy scores!
  7. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Sometimes it seems like luck of the jackbots. Starting at about round 70, I inevitably get get a jackbot rush, and before the anialator is back up, another one comes two rounds after. Even juiced I just can't kill the damn things fast enough with Tank or Support.

    I'm thinking I need to mix in a good assassin player to juice and drop them faster. Hmm, come to think of it, maybe I should try assassin instead of tank just to mix it up.
  8. grindout

    grindout Member

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    Me and one guy got to 588. Assassin and support setup.

    Like we could have gone forever, but it is all about the luck of the jackbots. We had 3 back to back to back round of jackbots, then a blackjack round and then another jackbot round.

    That happened basically twice, and because of that we lost. First time it happened took more than half our health. Especially if the assassin's juice bar glitches and he can't get juice unless he kills himself.

    I would just love to know other setups the other higher up people have used. Everyone seems to have a different setup of turrets, and would love to see how people use their characters. Everyone probably uses them a little differently.

    But going for over 3000 is ridiculous for the fact of no-life(ing) it. Like get some sun! lol
  9. ThisClockwork

    ThisClockwork New Member

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    To Grindout, we get plenty of sun and both my brother and I are currently attending university so spending a day doing absolutely nothing and getting number one with a score that is gonna be tough to beat sounds like a fun day for us. And my brother and I had a Tank and Support set up where we actually couldn't lose. Even it was all jack bots we had a system to deal with them without using the annihilator. We tested this by not using the annihilator at all after round 1000. The only reason we lost is because it was 2 in the morning and we were both pretty sick of doing it. Plus we didnt think about food or washroom break so we weren't really prepared for going for 5 hours. Our money ball was still at 75% health and we couldn't remember that last time the shields were breached so once we get to the point where the rounds don't get harder, they're just random it should be pretty smooth sailing back up to the number 1 and 2 spot.
  10. grindout

    grindout Member

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    I hope you realize my comment was not being rude but a sarcastic fun comment. I understand how to do it, haven't used a tank / support cuz nobody knows how to use tank well it seems.

    The only problem I have is how none of you (includes all top leaderboard people on this site) will share your setup and how you did it, and how you take out many rounds of jackbots in an actual detailed description instead of just " We used Tank/Tank or Tank/Support setup and this where we out a turret". I tried to give the best desciption I could in the strategy thread for Sudden Death Blitz.

    I am a gamer inside and out, was a pro in 07. But I just can't understand how you could play ALL DAY one gametype. Like Blitz is addicting i admit but ugh playing for 3000 rounds? screw that.. LOL.. I would rather jerk the turk you know? ;) (( ;) = sarcasm ))
  11. ThisClockwork

    ThisClockwork New Member

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    Well maybe one of the reasons we don't want to give a detailed description of how we did it is so we can stay on top. You wouldn't ask a chef to give out a secret recipe that kept him in business would you? And raw determination is what keeps us going on what motivates us to get to round 3000. And whether you were trying to be rude or not doesn't matter to me. Im here to let you know that we were number one, then someone got a better score and we are going to prove that we have the strategy to keep our money ball's shields from being breached so we can get on top again.
  12. grindout

    grindout Member

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    Well goodluck to you guys i guess..

    But a chef is for a business standpoint.. this is for a game that gives you nothing but satisfaction in knowing you can sit down for a long time and not pee

    The pleasure of blitz is to see how high you can go, with your "skill level" so strats don't matter if you are great at doing what you're doing. It's the pleasure of helping others try to even do half as good as you should do.
  13. ThisClockwork

    ThisClockwork New Member

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    I understand a chef would keep it a secret for business purposes. But at the same time, why should we do all the work to develop a great, working strategy just to share it with everyone else. The best part of sudden death blitz is trying to figure out a strategy that keeps you going. It's trial and error, we managed to come up with a strategy on our third try. I just don't see how the blitz could be fun if someone hands you a strategy and you just follow it. To me, that doesn't seem like any fun. I could understand looking up what classes to use and how to set up turrets, but when you are looking for an in-depth, step by step guide on how to deal with each round specifically then it seems like it's taking out all of the fun.
  14. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I don't know Grind, I have a lot of fun coming up with the strategy. To have someone give it to you just kind of makes it a grind and a grind only.
  15. grindout

    grindout Member

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    Don't use my name as an adjective... So quit Hassling the Hoff! ;)

    But in all realness I am pretty sure you aren't doing all the work for others with your strategy... If you are better than the other guys than it doesn't matter. If people find the strategy appealing like you and me even, then they won't be looking for other strategies on this site you know?

    Also it is cool to compare strat's like I probably wouldn't use the same strat as you anyways and just try to make mine better. Funny thing is, most people that play Blitz have basically the same turret setups. I would love to know how the two tanks did it up to 1700 cuz that seems crazy without a hacked turret anywhere, but they could REALLY easily take out the jackbots.

    Today me and a buddy just randomly started a blitz cuz there was nothing else to do until the football game tonight and we got to level 502 without the ball dropping once and then he was host and his internet dropped which blew.. LOL. We wouldn't have gotten to 1700 or anything because the game is on at 8:30 eastern. We prolly have the same strat as you guys i am guessing with the tank support setup but its always cool to see what others are doing. If we wanted we would go for the top spot but its just toooooo much time.
  16. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    It is a lot of time I'll give you that. And I don't mind helping people at all, I've actually had lots of random messages asking for help with turret set up and endorsements as well as class choices. Which I've gladly given. But breaking everything down to how we handle each wave is noy only time consuming, but I'm basically holding hands at this point.
  17. grindout

    grindout Member

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    I went into Nerdville/Loserville today.

    Got to level 2005. We got to 2000 and said lets see how far our turrets will take us. haha..

    Just took toooooo long. Never will i play blitz again. Haha 2pm to 10:30 pm about... Have fun destroying us, at least we got to 2000 first haha.. could have gone farther just didn't care anymore LOL
  18. ThisClockwork

    ThisClockwork New Member

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    Oh man, awesome! Think you could write me up a detailed description of how to handle each round? I'd like it a lot
  19. grindout

    grindout Member

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    I know you are being sarcastic and trying to be rude..

    but i already did on the strategy forums..
  20. Dark Lord Slateran

    Dark Lord Slateran New Member

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    yeah well ive just done like a 312 round with a assasin and support and we raped and my assasin is nao in top ten of the steam mnc leaderboards :3

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