Juice is dumb

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by kirkkh, September 10, 2010.

  1. kirkkh

    kirkkh New Member

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    Win every game, yay :)

    1. Pick a class (I suppose tank or assassin is the best)
    2. Don't spend any of your money
    3. Play
    4. Get $500
    5. Buy Juice
    6. Destroy turrets
  2. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    Not that i do not agree that juice is a bit dumb. But this tactic does not seem very solid.

    It's probably more effective to first boost the skills you need, making you a better class for the rest of the match. Once you have done that, you can start saving money to buy juice, but even then, it's often worth it to just destroy turrets unjuiced, let the bots bring the ball down and then juice to take down the ball.

    But anyway, if you feel you have success with your tactic, please proceed.

    <edit> oh, and destroying turrets does not win you games.
  3. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    My strategy:
    Early game - Build a couple turrets, usually longshots, to hopefully start some revenue coming in (if it looks like the other team is going to destroy every turret, I will abandon this).
    Next I will build a couple skills (with assault, it's usually my charge, then passive).
    Once the game is rolling and I am killing bots (and pros), I will then either bump my skills or, if their money ball is dropping frequently, buy juice and use it to rape the moneyball once down.

    Of course, this is subject to change...if turrets are especially effective, I will build more. If I am a sniper, I will spend more on skills since I usually get at least 3-5 "juice" without buying it.

    Juice is a great way to finish off the other team. I dare say that if your entire team had a stash of 500 bucks and bought juice before hitting the dropped moneyball, most games would be over much quicker than they normally are. I see teams do this on occasion and the totally decimate the opposition with only showing a little coordination and teamwork.
  4. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I don't really like the idea of juice. If used well, it can be almost gamebreaking, at least in my experience. Thankfully, most teams don't have the coordination to pull this off.
  5. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Juice in overtime is problem because players can bypass the need for bots and turrets to take down your ball. Hopefully the next update will reduce the effectiveness of this like they promise in the patch notes.

    On the other hand, juice does take more thought for effective use in normal play. Sure, they can burn down your turrets, but this does them no good if they can't get bots to your ball. Saving money for juice also means they're not upgrading skills, buying turrets, or buying bots, which doesn't help the team at much until they do juice.

    Juice is also one of the few ways to break down a heavy turtle. When you have a two supports constantly overhealing the turrets and another class (like gunner or sniper) providing cover fire... sometimes the only way you're going to bust those turrets down is to push with juice.

    But even then, juice can be countered. Good grappling can waste precious juice time, and in the case of Tank (normal grapple), Sniper (B grapple level 2), and gunner/assault (B grapple level 3) even send the juicer to a swear inducing ring out.

    On, and frost traps, air strikes, slam, product grenades, tank charge level 3, assault bombs... and probably a few others I'm not thinking off and really ruin a juicer's day. Particularly tank and assassin that want to be in close range while juiced.
  6. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    ^this. Juice is meant to be powerful to break defenses, but that's not to say it's unstoppable. After all it only lasts, what... 15 seconds or something. Also if you get one of those juicers that absolutely has to kill players, make him chase after you away from your base to waste his time and juice.
  7. x PIGFACE x

    x PIGFACE x New Member

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    OMG UBER ENT!!!!

    PLEASE for the love of all things fix JUICE!!!!

    I don't think i can play another game again. I can't stand watching an assassin walk into a base full of turrets and then rip them to shreds along with any pros while JUICED!


    On top of that, juice just sucks all around. I know you need a way to bust up a turtle match but seriously, there just has to be a better way.

    Can't wait for Halo: Reach...ya i said it. (but i'm sure that game will piss me off too).

    Ok, now i feel better.

    (after a few moments i realized i love UBER ENT and mean no harm. Great game...fix juice)
  8. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    It's the turret-destroying powers of juice that I don't like. It's really not hard to counter unless the opponent uses it to wipeout all of the hard earned turrets and bots you may have had allowing the bots to move on in. That's of course if your team isn't paying any attention, but if it happens every 30 seconds, you'll have a major problem.
  9. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Un-juiced and unchecked a harassing support player can level all your turrets in 1-2 minutes. Even overhealing can't save them from a triple air strike (level 3). In most cases, a gunner can do it even faster unless you have a jonny-on-the-spot support guy keeping everything over healed.

    It actually takes a LOT more work to build up or save up for juice to wreck a base then to just play a gunner or support in most public games and do it the normal way.
  10. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I'd have to disagree. Once you can get a steady stream of money flowing, juice almost comes naturally. I haven't really seen too much success from gunners destroying turrets. And don't forget that an easy juice stream can enhance a support's turret-decimating capabilities even further, or allow him to hack one of your own turrets each time he gets a chance.

    The time and amount of effort it takes to reach such a juice-flowing state is up for debate, however.
  11. scyfed

    scyfed New Member

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    the problem here isnt juice is too strong. its that turrets are too weak.
  12. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    A gunner with the level 3 passive upgrade does more damage to a turret than a support can heal....depending on his endorsements.

    You're joking right? I can juice and kill a level one rocket turret in 1 hit while juiced if it has any damage. Laser Blazer turrets are always one hit while juiced. I don't need juice to kill the turrets. I can rush into your base with reckless abandon, start hurting a few turrets, reload about mid health and then juice. Everything dies. If lots of people are on me I use the gun, if there are nasty turrets I use the mortar.

    I disagree that juice is dumb; but I think it is way too cheap for what you get.
  13. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    I meant without juice. I don't think juice is dumb at all. I think it's a great reward for a long kill streak. I just think that it is too easy to get it.
  14. kirkkh

    kirkkh New Member

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    No shields...lose game?

    What kills shields? Hmm... I think Bots kill shields.


    Wait, turrets in game? Turrets do something? ...Maybe turrets kill bots?


    Juice in game?

    Juice do something...
    Juice do something...

    Yes, juice kills turrets. Wait...juice $500?


    Juice win game.

    MNC dumb :)
  15. Enigma5081

    Enigma5081 New Member

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    I believe people abuse juice. If you spend your money building lets say 2 level 3 rocket turrets hacked with level 3 and you have a dedicated support healing them then a juiced tank has no chance. Or you can use your juice once the other team juice rushes. I do this alot with my support and the shotgun. But i will be happy when they tone down juice rushing in overtime. Personally i think they should cut down on the length of juice but keep how long it takes to gain it.
  16. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    You can spend 1400 on a level 3 rocket turret, but it will still get taken down by a juiced player. The Tank does not have to be in range of the second 3/3 turret to destroy the first one.

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