Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Wow I really want to know the 10 year olds you are playing. And have you played the gunner? You guys will make anything up to get your least favorite class nerfed.
  2. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I went on a 50 killstreak with `gunner...

    doesn't mean it's OP, just mean the other team is really bad.
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Thanks for having some sense...
  4. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    Please tone down the Sniper's grapple. In both damage and Knock back distance. It seems silly that the Long range character has the best short range attack.
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    No silly, they're giving the Assassin a scope for the Shuriken Launcher to make things fair.
    ^^ Sarcasm
  6. MzAerie

    MzAerie New Member

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    Most overpowered class right now is definitely Support. I've lost count with how many matches I've participated in to see a Support holding the front line with his firebase alone, constantly camping one spot the entire match. Also another thing that gets makes me upset is camping in general, makes me sick seeing a good match go to waste by campers (excluding Snipers the majority of the time).
  7. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Powerful shotgun, heal gun can kill and you can't do anything about it, firebase is way too powerful and airstrike is the same. I'm fine with supports who sit back and support their teams and turrets. Heck, I'm even fine with one overhealing a gunner as he gets kills, but 95% of support players build a firebase at opponent's base, camp it and use the hurt gun to kill everyone.
  8. DemonDiz

    DemonDiz New Member

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    It's a Shotgun. Of course it's powerful. -_-''

    It's also by far the weakest gun in the game. heh, And I think that the drain aspect is overrated.

    It's really only a problem if it's hacked and you got surprised by it.

    It's also the single most telegraphed weapon in the game.

    Really, in most cases, if you get killed by a Support, the only person you can blame is yourself. You're the one that closed in knowing full well that the Shotgun exists and hurts like Hell inside of its effective range. You're the one that couldn't either kill me or escape before the H/H Gun finally killed you, 10 seconds after it started hurting you. You're the one that attacked a Hacked Firebase within range of it shredding you. You're the one that didn't hear or notice the beacon. Why do people expect to just be able to body the Support, then claim "OP" (OP? Give the game a few months. We really don't know what's truly too powerful at the exclusion of all other options yet.) when they get repelled constantly for doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result each time?

    I think I've seen a thread or two where people have been mad at Supports that play defense and send the occasional GapShot up, too... -_-

    Thing is, many people don't realize that most Support kills are either coincidental or Self-Defense. Many Supports don't actively hunt people down or try and fight everyone that we see; we're not built for that. Sure, we can catch some people with Air Strike if they're not paying attention (Or are Deployed. xD), and we can pick some Pros off with the H/H, but that's not what we spend all of our time doing. Not if we plan to win.

    We are 'supporting'. At least I believe that I am. Is cutting off an entire lane of bots not 'supporting'? Is harassing the opponent's turrets not 'supporting'? Is overhealing anything that goes by not 'supporting'? Is making our bots stronger than yours not 'supporting'? Is distracting half of the opponent's team with one Turret not 'supporting'?

    heh, And if you want me to leave the Firebase, stop trying to destroy it. I would love to go do something else while it holds a lane on its own. ^_^


    Alright, back on topic. I really do think that the game's mostly balanced, from the 'Everybody can do well in various ways to help their team win' standpoint. That being said, if my vote had to go to a class in particular, it'd be the Sniper, mostly from a flavor aspect. I don't believe that they should have a stronger Grapple than the Assassin. Other than that, I guess I could call the Explosive Shot and the Ice Traps a little strong.
  9. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Good post. Let's go over some ways to kill the Firebase shall we, because that guy made it out to be some indestructible juggernaut which blocks half of the map. Supports obviously kill it with 1 airstrike, Assaults can usually down it in a clip of grenades, Mortars rip through them like jelly as do the gunners bullets, Snipers can do a lot of damage to them from the biggest distances (sometimes not in angle).

    Yes i do think they need to tweak the damage a bit but it isn't hard to kill.

    And like the guy said, the majority of Support kills come from stupid people. Not saying there isn't skill involved, I airstrike knowing that it will connect, with some strategy. And I support my team plenty, This is why i don't camp my firebase, i get more kills without it.
  10. Master_Scorn

    Master_Scorn New Member

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    Support, I dont think they are that Overpowered but they do need a few changes. The Shotgun is fine, does what shotguns do best. "Bang, bye bye" The Hurt gun can be a bit much at the start due to its healing but after that its not really OP. Healing gun is easly over come by Damage, maybe a little under powered I'm no expert. hacking not too bad, only gets OP when they hack a Firebase. Firebase again not too bad but when it is hacked it become a huge pain. The air strike is very limited due to the fact that your enemys have to be in open space but then again most of the fields are open space so its not that bad of a disadvantage, great for clearing out campers (that are not under roofs) but i dont think it should stick at all to Pros, Nothing else in the game sticks so why just air stricks? also the radius may need to be a bit smaller.

    The Sniper, The grapple is insane, the damage is crazy high and the knock back is way too far. they should not have the most powerful grapple, I mean it makes the assassin's grapple look like a cheery hug. And i think the Ice trap should not Freeze you in place just slow you. They should not get a free head shot, also make it more noticeable. Other than that its just how skilled you are at head shots and no complaints about things taking skill.

    And yes i know I'm a god awful speller.
  11. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    If you have a support baby sitting it though, on your own it can be quite nasty to take out. The easiest way is with a sniper with explosive lolwtf rape shots, or tank l3 product grenade.

    However, I think the shotgun needs a little bit of a toendown. Currently you can grab it, pull it out, run into a tanks face and win pretty easily
  12. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    The only way you should win against Tanks with the Shotgun is with gold RoF. And if you use that you are wasting the supports best attributes and thats his skills. You might as well be using other kill whore classes like the Assault or Gunner. Yes it's possible but then again, that can be said against any characters. Doesn't it take like 1 clip from the shuriken gun to kill a Gunner. That's equally ridiculous and it still isn't broken.

    Though that may just be some support bias :|
  13. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Its worse than that, it takes like half a ******* assault rifle clip to kill a fully upgraded tank in most of these lagging servers.

    Im actually giving up on the game until after the patch. Every server is full of bunny hopping no reg assaults or trap spamming snipers, its just not fun right now.
  14. ChrisMikeRack

    ChrisMikeRack New Member

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    Support has some of the best defences in the game, presumably to help them in the fact they are supporting their team. Everyone seems to care about kills to deaths therefore to them a support is OP, as they just want to run around killing everyone.

    This game needs a goddamn team deathmatch option so these people can leave us to our tactical warfare!

    To me the only thing I would change in terms of supports OPness (and this is coming from a constant support player) is I would make air strike do nerfed damage to bots. Keep it the same on pros, but make it maybe not instakill all the bots in its range, just kill slims and maybe leave blackjacks with about 25% health. I often think when I see a group of blackjacks stopping to shoot and I take like 6 or 7 of them out with 1 airstrike letting my teams bots push forwards that is was a bit too easy.

    Other than that the class works. We support, all our attacks are short ish ranged so if you come close, have a game plan other than 'run and gun'.
  15. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I could swear I've seen air strike just knock back black jacks without killing them before
  16. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    Wow! A complete tool on an Internet forum? I've never encountered that before! Those 281 posts make you so cool, you must be a real hit with the ladies.
  17. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Wow, someone that pulls the life card? You must be reaaaal cool IRL bro!

    that may be sarcasm....
  18. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    And your the Hero of the forum?

    I think your the coolest of all.
  19. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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  20. EdSoulman

    EdSoulman New Member

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    Jesus Christ. Are you seriously that pedantic? I pity you.

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