Testing results: Assassin vs Firebase

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by zarakon, September 6, 2010.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I did some testing in a private splitsceen crossfire match against myself to set the record straight about assassins vs firebases, and which one kills which the best.

    First, I've seen several people here say to just use smoke bomb for an easy firebase kill. So I took my assassin, with gold armor and silver RoF, up against a non-hacked, non-overhealed Lv2 firebase. I led with an immediate smoke bomb out of stealth, then counted how many sword slashes it took to kill the firebase. I got to 15, then the firebase killed me! It had 2 or 3 slashes worth of health remaining. Remember, this was with no hacking and no overhealing, with optimal endorsements on the assassin. A real-world firebase will almost always be either hacked, overhealed, or both. An assassin with less optimal endorsements would fare even worse.

    With the same strategy against a Lv1 rockit turret, the assassin wins easily at 14 slashes, taking very little damage.

    Against a Lv2 rockit turret, the assassin loses at 19 slashes, with the turret having about 15% health remaining.

    With juice, it takes 5 slashes to kill a non-overhealed Lv2 or Lv3 firebase. Overhealed, it takes 6. A Lv2 rockit turret also takes 6 juiced slashes.

    A Lv3 firebase with Lv3 hack will kill a juiced assassin by the time the juice meter is drained down to 20-30%.
    Last edited: September 6, 2010
  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I made a thread yesterday about how the damage a Firebase does to a juiced player is ridiculous, and of course.. I get all the supports replying on my thread laughing. Of course the Support would laugh about it. I agree with you, they do put out too much damage to Juiced Players in general.
  3. lanngc

    lanngc New Member

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    Support laughs because its understood that it's very hard to get kills/survive without a decent fire base around. Soon as I see a competent Gunner/Tank I just pocket heal them and push. Bad support with bad placed fire bases screw games.

    I say more HP and damage for them! here here
    Last edited: September 6, 2010
  4. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    You could always ya know...hack at it till you start to get shot then dash away till smokebomb is back up then rinse and repeat. Thats what i do at least with turrets and it works fine as long as a support isn't spamming heals on it. If he is run in, smokebomb assassinate and run out.
  5. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    What if the Assassin upgrades his skills?
  6. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Good thing to do is to shoot it with shurikens, does alot of damage.

    Or get a teammate, stun it with the smoke bomb, teammate takes it out. Tanks are a GREAT help.
  7. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I LOVE how every mistakens "Puts out too much damage" with "how hard or easy it is to kill"
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The only upgrade that would matter is the passive, and as I implied by putting sword in bold, it was fully upgraded
  9. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    Well that sort of is what the topic is about... ?

    Anyhow, yeah, shoot that thing with shurikens. Does too much damage and is too quick to reload for the support to outdo the damage by healing it. I know this because I play support, and smart assassins are my bane.
  10. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I do believe the topic is about the fact that a 3.3 firebase can 'put out enough damage' to kill a Juiced Assassin..
  11. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    That's because killing it nulls the damage it does. It's the whole "kill it" and "forget it". Firebases are easily killed so therefore the damage they deal to a player who doesn't bother killing it is kind of a mute point. The arguement you have is a null point if you kill it.
  12. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Well then every argument ever made in this game is null, other than glitches, because everything can be killed, which nulls the argument.
  13. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    That assassin sucks then. My teammate (Deadza is his name) has no problem taking out a 3.3 firebase and 2 or 3 other level 3 turrets when juiced and average around 20 kills a match (hell last night he had a 20 kill/30 assist match). It's sad to say but 80% of the people playing assassins are just very poor players. That's why I go out of my way to applaud good assassins cause they can be a real pain in the arse.

    Here is a simple little tip. Wait till the firebase is attacking bots, take out the support player and while it's engaged with bots....attack it. Firebases are STUPID, they attack the first in range target it sees. So with your invis and smoke bomb you got 2 chances right there to get it to turn it's aim to something else. Or heck when I can't get a bomb on a turret do what I do...call in the nearest gunner or sniper to take the darn thing out...it is a team game after all.

    My all time favorites are the assassins who ignore the firebase you just laid down because they are focused on you...well duh...slash it once or twice before it pops up and go back to invis. Before they pop up you can spit at em and they are toast.

    People just got to face it...good players can handle a firebase. Hell I can get mine in under the bridge and still have em shot down 5-6 times in a match.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I also average 25+ kills a match with 2- deaths a match, so i am NOT one of those 'bad' assassins as you say. as all together i just tend to avoid firebases in general until im juiced which doesnt take long and can kill them while juiced.. I NEVER said... NEVER SAID they were hard to kill..
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Anyone CAN take out a firebase while juiced, but the firebase does way too much damage to juiced assassins.

    And what's the point of mentioning how good your teammate is? I can easily get 20+ kills every game, too. Not that hard :)
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    People are bringing up the damage output of the firebase because it IS relevant to how difficult it is to destroy. If the firebase did not put out such a high rate damage to assassins, people would not be complaining (as much) that it takes too long to kill them.

    Lost in this entire discussion is WHY the assassin takes so much damage from a firebase: distance.

    Despite having a ranged attack, most Asn players insist on meleeing the firebases. The firebase, like all full auto bullet spray weapons in this game, will put out more DPS (damage per second) the closer the target is to the weapon. If the AsN is engaging at melee range, close to 100% of the projectiles will hit the AsN. This mechanic applies to many weapons in the game, not just firebases. The AsN faces a lot of hardship in this area because it is a low health/armor class (even after endorsements) which many people play exclusively at melee range. It is a risk of engaging at point blank.

    As for the amount of damage a firebase can take, it IS very difficult to destroy with non-juiced melee attacks in a single smoke bomb run. This does not mean it is overpowered or anything. The S-Launcher is better in most circumstances for taking out a firebase, especially since it can be banked around corners. I normally soften it up with the Launcher before running in, hacking at the turret, smoke bombing, and hacking some more before I lunge cloak around the corner for safety.

    A full clip or 2 from a juiced S-Launcher will melt the FB from a safe distance. And attacking a firebase alone in melee range is rarely a good idea. No changes need to be made to this mechanic, as there are many alternatives other than a smoke bomb/melee combo to taking out a FB.

    This entire discussion is also quite silly, because in this TEAM based game, any number of 2 pro combinations can take out the firebase with EASE. (Tank + Assassin is amazing for this).

    Also, the fire base is INSANELY weak when it is first deployed and setting up.
  17. MetallicaSucks

    MetallicaSucks New Member

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    It's a no brainer, OP firebase wins everytime! F Assassin lol
  18. Vuther

    Vuther New Member

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    I think that's the issue. A well-placed one can win games with sensible teammates that pile into the area and attack the enemy moneyball. Since changing maps are probably out of the question, I think the thing to do would be to make disables (From Product Grenades and Smoke Bombs) be much more effective (like, 3 or 4 times more) against Firebases. This would force Support to pack it up (... you can pick it up if it's stunned, right? If not, you definitely should then) and move around rather than locking down an area for an entire victorious match. The Support's survivability is not heavily affected from it (The Tank would only blind it while away from the turret to not get mowed down by it, and so wouldn't be able to reliably kill the now much more vunerable Support, while using a Smoke Bomb on the turret as an Assasin when the Support is probably facing it just means they'll op to jump away afterward.)
  19. Prowler Jesse

    Prowler Jesse New Member

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    excellent split screen research!

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