Monday Night University

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Sm1tty Sm1t, August 19, 2010.

  1. sneakyjester

    sneakyjester New Member

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    I play offensive/defensive support rather well (or I like to think so. it's not uncommon for me to go 30+ - 10+ - 5 or so) I also play assassin pretty well and I know the strats for gunner but I haven't played him in a while.

    I also wouldn't mind attending for any class, especially sniper/tank.

    GT: sneakyxjester

    hit me up whenever and sorry this is so badly organized.
  2. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I want to lock down one night a week where this will be reasonable for people. I dont want to make it a weekend, because people generally play with friends on the weekend and I dont want this to seem like ACTUAL SCHOOL.

    Would Tuesday - Thursdays work for people? Once we get a day set, we can start having community leaders volunteer.

    Also, I'm organizing it, sure, but I'm one of the poorest players of MNC (besides Support) there is. If someone has suggestions or advice, SPEAK UP. You wont hurt my feelings: I'm married, my self-esteem has already been deflated.
  3. kingdom

    kingdom New Member

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    This idea sounds preety cool :). If u need help teaching assault (realy the only class i play) i could help. iv thought of some preety cool spots and strategies for him :p.

    GT: Chewymcgee
  4. FromLions

    FromLions New Member

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    I like to think tank is my best/favourite class but I've made it a personal, uh... goal? I guess goal is the right word; of mine to become good with all the classes. I'm the guy who just waits for everyone else to pick and fills in the gaps class wise. That being said I've got a pretty good idea how all the classes are played and I'd love to give this a try and learn some things in the process. Tuesdays - Thursdays works for me. Lets give it a try.
  5. Big Ninja Jim

    Big Ninja Jim New Member

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    If this ever gets started up again I'd love to join in, both as a teacher and student. I feel I'm pretty good at being an Assassin but I know I could use some improvement. Also I'm learning how to be a good sniper and would love some help there.

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