I am sorry...NERF the sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by savvon, September 8, 2010.

  1. savvon

    savvon Member

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    I know most of you are going to whine...but if you do not NERF the sniper, it will kill this game, I am certain of it.

    I play every class but the sniper, until today. I played the sniper today for a few hours and OMG, easy kills. After a bit, I got pretty attuned to the sniper and all his abilities and it is MNC easy mode.

    I will be playing the sniper from now on and exploiting the hell out of it. When I say exploiting, I simply mean just playing the sniper.

    Why I think the sniper is OP?

    1. SMG/UZI way OP...I rather use this than my sniper rifle. This gun is an easy kill. Killing gunners and tanks like they were paper.

    2. Ice trap time needs to be reduced.

    3. Sniper grapple needs to INJURE people so you can get away, NOT kill anything you touch. I charge tanks and gunners instead of shooting them. Watching people rage quit because a skinny *** sniper beating down on a bruiser is pretty funny.

    The only other complaint I have is the LAG issues...but we will see how it is after patch. Sucks not being able to GRAB anyone because of lag.
  2. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    the sniper rifle is pretty damn OP too if u one of those lame snipers who goes for body shots. u can 3 shot a gunner with it
  3. Dwavenhobble

    Dwavenhobble New Member

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    I'd say the sniper is only OP'ed against turrets or with highly increased fire rates, most of the classes either move too quick for the sniper to kill without headshots as they can move to cover or the slower ones can survive a fair while due to their armour.
    Also most classes other than the sniper and the support have an easy way round ice traps be it hovering or jet jumping over it, in with the assassin using the dash skill to jump over them.
    The trap time is also fine as its just long enough to punish you for not looking where you're going.
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I play Sniper all the time. Only thing that needs to be nerfed is their grapple to the following:

    lvl 1: keep same
    lvl 2: decrease throw distance by 50-75%, decrease damage by 50%
    lvl 3: Change to current level 2 damage and distance

    This wouldn't require any new animation and would balance the class nicely.

    Also, Assassins should have some way to disable the Sniper's Traps.
  5. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    It's really hard to take out the sniper traps even when you see them. That's the most frustrating part to me. I'm not an idiot. I can see the thing on the ground. But either I put too much effort into trying to take it out while the sniper gets free time to shoot at me...or I try to jump over it which always seems to turn into a fail...especially when my dumb teammate assassin thinks she can run past it if she's cloaked or something and gets me trapped in it.

    Is it me or does the ice trap last 5 minutes? Seriously, the trap should just go ahead and shoot you in the head itself...you stay stuck there so long there's no way they won't shoot you in the head
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Im all for the nerf of snipers, not a big nerf, small tweeks here and there. Iv'e played every class and i must say the Sniper takes the least effort, and is actually HARD to be bad at it. Its very easy to be a good Sniper. (I know your surprised i didnt say Support) But it is much easier to rack up kills, push lanes, etc as a Sniper.

    Now you'll get those people who will say "Omfg what r u talkin bout? Sniper nawt OP! jump ova da traps ya noooooobs!"

    Which is funny cuz ^^ is not even remotely a decent counter-argument.
    Good Snipers can place traps where there is literally no way to jump over them (even with smoke bomb) to get close to the sniper without setting of the trap.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  8. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Snipers are pretty insane. The SMG does far too much damage, 3 instafreeze free headshot traps at once? and a grapple which not only does huge damage but also fires you accross the area :?
  9. Shivers

    Shivers New Member

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    Are you kidding me? If you're killing gunners/tanks 'like paper' with it then they must be absolutely horrible.

    Charging the top armour classes in the game with one of the lowest armour classes is wise...

    If you're going to make a nerf post at least make your complaints legitimate.
  10. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Only snipers actually CAN charge tanks and win?
  11. banaqior

    banaqior New Member

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    Meh, everyone has stuff that is OP. This is stuff that they need to survive. When it comes to this game you gotta know your classes and what they do so you can watch yourself when you go up against one.

    On the Uzi: Yes I know the Uzi is pretty powerful when you make it so with certain sponsers, otherwise it is not as good. But to say that it is killing tanks and what not like nothing? Come on.

    On the Traps: Traps are easy to avoid. When you see a sniper look around for traps close to him and stay away from them. You won't get frozen that way.

    On the Sniper Grapple: This is a real easy one. Don't get close enough for him to grapple you. Sure, its going to happen sometimes but if it is happening to you a lot there is a problem.....you are getting too close.

    I know you are PLAYING as sniper so I know these don't really effect you unless you are playing another class. I just think that there are a lot of people playing this game that are not that good and like to call out NERF!

    Just learn the game, classes, and the moves they have and learn to avoid them and you will be fine.
  12. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    You can beat snipers by forcing them out of their hiding holes and sneaking around them. I do this all the time as a gunner, not the easiest to sneak with, but possible. Learn the maps, learn where they want to be, learn to hug walls and stay out of their sights. Then make them question if that was a good place to hide.
  13. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I am all for the nerfing of the grapple so that level 3 would end up being what level 2 is now. Grapple: OP (lvl2 should be lvl3)

    As for the smg, the only time the thing is outright terrifying is with Juice...and maybe bacon. If you spend all of your endorsements to make it so you can run and gun with the smg, more power to ya. Not OP.

    The sniper rifle, in EVERY game I've ever played, does heavy damage to EVERY class of character. In order for the sniper rifle to be truly a beast, you have to upgrade it or spend endorsements on it...a level 3 sniper rifle is a monster, especially if you set it up with certain endorsements. I would not consider that OP.

    Ice traps...well, I am not a master at their placement, but considering that a sniper gives up all situational awareness when looking through the scope, I think the traps are necessary... 3? Not so much. Make level 3 give 2 traps.
  14. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    I'm fine with 3.

    Here are my issues with the ice trap.

    1. They are hard to take out even when you can clearly see them. They need a bigger hit box

    2. If my teammate hits it, it shouldn't trap me 2 seconds later when I walk by

    3. It traps too long...Way too long
  15. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I dont think you can take it out with anything other than explosives can you? I cant get it with my tank weapons or the shotgun anyway.

    And for those saying uzi doesnt do huge damage. It'll take an armour 2 tank 3 guy down to half hp on its own in medium range in 1 clip :roll:
  16. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    this man speaks the truth.
  17. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Issue 1 is something that doesn't get enough attention, snipers have the best hitbox in the game and it can act very wonky with a little lag (basically any game you don't host.)

    Traps are pretty obviously overpowered.
  18. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    All I know is this...

    When I play sniper I not only get absolutely insane K:Ds AND end up at the top of my team in scores with minimal effort, but I can stop whole teams dead by myself. Freeze traps combined with some quick-fire headshots can seal a whole lane easily; I've even stopped 4 man support/gunner rushes single-handedly with this class and I'm hardly amazing at the game. Assassins trying to sneak up on me don't work particularly well either as most decent snipers don't get tunnel vision so easily so it's not particularly taxing to spot them coming (especially as they're usually encased in ice :p )

    And to concur with what someone else said I do grapple tanks for fun. I did it twice in the last hour of playing MNC actually. Sure I'm hurt and on fire half the time I do this but I don't die from it and I never do it when there's someone around to take advantage of it. The only time I get killed messing about like this is when lag causes my grapple to slide off the tank like he's covered in grease or something :eek:

    They could definitely use some tweaking.
  19. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    lrn ur rolez guyz. if u playd ur cl@zz rite u wud haz no problum w/sniperz. u just cant handle my 1337 skillz lol noobs


    xXxSn1P3r PwNzxXx
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Is that an alter ego?

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