Big Skill Gap

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by sokoto, September 4, 2010.

  1. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Last night I was playing with my friend Pandemlc and Ghos7 and we went into matchmaking and it brought us into lobby with just us 3 and gave me host. It was really awesome because my team mates didnt lag, the host(me) never dropped/quit and we played a bunch of games consecutively. After playing a ton of matches 40+, I realized that there is a huge skill gap in this game, even with horrible team mates and even after ghost left me and pandemlc won every single game last night and I leveled up from a 97-99 in that timeframe. Im making this thread to discuss the big skill gap among good individual players with teamwork versus slayer oriented pub kids.
  2. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    some people play more than others. people that play more will obviously have more skill through experience form all the games they have played. no real big surprise there but thats how i look at it.
  3. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Well throughout the night of 40+ Games together well played a whole variety of ranks we played a few 70+ and we had a few 99's like 3 or 4 but they all quit after 1-2 games. We had 2 close games were our moneyball was 25% theres was 100% and me and pandemlc held off till overtime and juice rushed for the win twice other then that I just realized there is a huge skill gap and I've seen a lot of people who have played a ton but still dont know to win, there usually just camping going for that 1 kill not realizing were pushing lanes and killing turrets.
  4. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    If you have 2 players on mic with you, working together, your "skill" already increases a lot.

    Also since MNC's team splitter seems broken, if you have 3 organised good players together on one team, the chances of having a team of random players that can defeat you is indeed incredibly slim.

    I have never even seen two 90+ players in one match, but i can imagine three of them together can decide almost any match. Note that skill and experience both lead to a better player and even a non-skilled 90+ player will be pretty good.

    <edit> as a response on your last post. That's an excellent example of an experienced player, not a skilled player. It does not take skill to buy juice and destroy a ball (not everyone is equally good at it), but it takes an experienced player to know this is a usefull tactic.
  5. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    We are 98,99,99 but anyways even after ghos7 just me and pandemlc continued our winning streak even with our team doing horrible going 3-9,1-12 consistenly even against higher ranked players 70+ we easily won every game. My point being there are some individually skilled players but they always seem slayer oriented which shows a big skill gap, the players that realize that kills wont win a game but escorting bots will.
  6. KanibalkittN

    KanibalkittN New Member

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    I'm level 53, I played the game a lot at first but for the past week i've just been waiting for the patch to come out. Last night I jumped on and got top score almost every game against higher levels. I'm not saying that you are wrong, but there are exceptions.
  7. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Thats true I know a lot of friends who are lower ranked but are still very very good.
  8. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    That said, whatever Uber uses to determine teamsetup, it's not working. I would rather have level being used to determine teams. Sure, it won't always work out, but better than what's going on now.
    After teams are determined and all the higher levels are in one team (this happens so often i am starting to think it's actually made this way), the other team will get slaughtered. There has not ever been one exception to this in my games.
  9. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Yes there needs to be some type of matchmaking system that actually "matches" player with other players of similiar ranks to prevent higher ranks from completely dominating or every game will be like this..

  10. Patch

    Patch New Member

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  11. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You do realize that your rank means nothing in this game, right? All it really stands for is the amount time you've played the game. FYI, you can level up in Blitz as well.
  12. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    Organized groups of friends beating random people is nothing new to online gaming. The only solution would be to make you wait for an equal size and level party to be matched against if you're playing in a group. This would create long wait times and screw up the flow of the matchmaking system for everyone, so it will never happen.
  13. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Level only means so much, at lvl 1 I felt I understood how to play every class now I just understand how to escort bots, control annihilator, spawn bots appropriately and help my team out better. Before I just killed a lot and eventually would win through raw skill rather then then the knowledge of the gametype. Level means nothing more than how much you play, a good player could still be good at lvl 1. The game is easy to learn if you are good enough.
  14. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I think a lot of it comes from what each class is capable of vs the chaos of uncoordinated public games. Most people running solo simply cannot push into a base.

    Assault is pretty much boned if a support is defending the turrets, and that's with Gold Rate of Fire for the nade launcher. Even left unchecked it takes Assault a LONG time to drop a turret, especially without a RoF endorse.

    Assassins require a lot of patients and timing (or juice whoring) to drop turrets. I've seen good assassins pull this off. Most players are not these assassins.

    Tanks are good at it, but they have to be able to -get- to your base to do it. There in lies the problem when most games have assassins, assault, and gunners middle camping.

    Snipers are good for pressure between flak and sniper rifle, but they too have trouble safely crossing the map (for flak). A support watching the base can usually shut down a sniper with gold rate of fire plugging your turrets by himself. Over healed rockit turrets with constant heal can live through sniper rifle juice too.

    So guess which two classes (in my experience) actually push into the base on a regular bases?

    Gunners (mortar)
    Support (Airstrike)

    Even playing in groups of 3 or 4 with friends, how smoothly the game goes in our favor always boils down to, "Which one of us is going gunner or escorting support to their base?"

    I can't really say those two classes base take down power should be nerfed for it... but I would love to see some small buffs to tank (in general) and assault's turret take down power to make add more variety in classes that can bust into your base without juicing it.
  15. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    A good assassin is the best lane pusher by far. Off the start you spawn gremlins and push the lane on the side where you spawned the gremlins, kill all the bots the gremlins will then go straight for the turret, you smoke nade the turret get it weak then run away and the gremlins finish it off and you kill the next set of bots and there you go.
  16. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    I don't play a ton.....but I'm just naturally good at games....not great but good...

    But yea there is a huge gap....but it's not just 1 gap.

    1.) Great players who play team-game.

    2.) Great players that go for K/D

    3.) good/ok players who play team

    4.) crappy players but play team-play and are usefull because of it....

    5.) Worthless kids who run around getting killed and attempting to fire a round out of their gun before they die.

    I don't mind a crappy player here and there, as long as they play to win and not K/D........
  17. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    6) The 0-19 assassin who always manages to be on my team
  18. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    FTFY, considering the object of The Game.

    I've never lost against a team with a phenomenal player who just goes for kills. Lone wolves end up being a liability in a game like MNC. I'd much rather have someone awful on my team following me around as a support rather than a stat whore killing machine. He's always going to max out his skills before building turrets, will prioritize other Pros over bots & turrets, and can't be counted on to defend the base.

    I've lost count of how many times I've seen a sniper or assault on the other team go 35/2 but lose the match. They don't rage quit either because they care so much about their stats.
  19. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    I think rage quitting happens most often when people aren't having fun, which may or may not happen when they're losing. If someone only cares about K/D they can lose all day, but as long as they're killing people and not dying a lot they don't care. Some people only care about winning, so they can go 2-20 and as long as they're winning it's still fun to them. Some people have to have both a good K/D and win the game in order to have fun and those are the ones you'll see dropping from games left and right.
  20. NastyCrustySock

    NastyCrustySock New Member

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    That's a pretty accurate representation I'd have to say. I enjoy the K/D aspect of it coming from MMOs and COD2 and the like, where the main objective is kill people usually. Yes, there's typically an objective but overall the main goal is to kill the other team over and over again. So that's what I strive for, and win or lose I have fun as long as I've killed a bunch of people and don't die too often.

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