Your most humiliating kill/death?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Zeromus EG, September 7, 2010.

  1. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    Was playing as Assassin a few days ago and had my Shuriken Launcher out. Took down a few Black Jacks from a distance and I see an uncloaked Assassin charging towards me. Forgetting that my Shuriken Launcher was equipped, I went for the grapple, jumped on top of her and slapped her in the face. Luckily a friendly Firebase did enough damage so the slaps killed her :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    I had to leave the match after that, I haven't laughed that much at a game in a long long time.

    Anybody else have some particularly funny kills/deaths?
  2. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Slapping someone in the back of the head is always a fun time.

    How about...every time I lunge off a platform, go two feet instead of 5 and die because I didn't have enough momentum to reach my target.

    Watching a sniper grapple a person into the dead zone which then kills them.

    Tons more...must think...
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I lunged into a gunner from behind at low hp then ninja flipkicked him for the finishing blow the other day, lulz ensued
  4. c4lvitron

    c4lvitron New Member

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    I know it's got to be humiliating to someone when I bounce a product grenade off a wall and blind them. Then they get hit twice by the rail gun or whatever it's called and die before they can even see the screen again. That's probably my favorite way to get a kill. It's really funny when they are just spraying everywhere and jumping around cause they can't see.
  5. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Match just started, I was assassin. I got stuck in a freeze trap. The sniper runs up and grapples me (level 1). Naturally I live through it and HE IMMEDIATELY TURNS HIS BACK TO ME WHILE RUNNING AWAY! It was almost an instant retaliatory backstab, beautiful. :lol:
  6. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Whenever I turn a corner leaving my base and some Support has put up a Firebase and it kills me as I sprint past. The next time I remember and don't go that way. Then the next time I respawn and head over, oh yeah! It's still there! pew pew pew, I'm dead again. D'OH!
  7. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    To this day I don't understand how this was possible... So a sniper has been pissing off my team and killing all our bots (on steel peel of course). So I rack up some juice as an assassin and get ready to kick his ***. I look around and notice theirs no freeze traps around him, just a turret. So I juice it up and start slashing at his face. My sword was going THROUGH HIS FACE but he wasn't taking any damage. I'm going at him, hes backpedaling, sword still not hurting him and the next thing I know I just got 9I'd off the map. NOT FUN
  8. SpiXLOL

    SpiXLOL New Member

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    Was mid game, i totally owned 2 guys rushing at me, i played as sniper, and right from nowhere this gunner was behind me, and tried to kill me. I did a 180 degree spin and fastzoomed, bang headshot. Jumped down and died from fall damage.

    Not fun.

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    Probably earlier when I was facing an assault on top of a bridge. I was playing assassin and the assault had already charged at me and missed. I RB dashed at him back to finish him off, but he jumped out of the way and I went flying off the stage! I was only a few hits away from juice as well. Very disappointed/humiliated!
  10. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    On Steel Peel, I was playing Sniper and guarding the back entrance to the base when a sniper started throwing shuriken to get my attention. I threw a flak at her to shut her up, and then she started to run out of range. I knew exactly what the player was planning and taunted as she ran back down the path. When the camera swung back around, she was in mid-dash towards me (oh how sneaky you are) and I grappled her on reaction and put the 9-iron to work. RING OUT. From then on, it was amateur hour in revenge kill arena and I had a new BFF for the next 7 minutes.
  11. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    Favorite kill of this game: It was during the demo when it first came out, I was playing Assault. An assassin charged straight at me and I was out of ammo, so as a last ditch I threw a sticky bomb at her. She front grappled me with the knife, and as she was bringing it down into my face I saw the blinking blue grenade attached to her face (not unlike how she was attached to mine, lol). I detonated it and blew us both up. It's the kill I wear my current protag is from: Headcrab.
  12. Show me the Bacon

    Show me the Bacon New Member

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    I was backpedaling from a gunner up on top of Steel Peel as assault, and tossed a bomb on the walkway in case he kept coming. Then I saw an assassin come up from behind him and cloak, clearly heading towards me. Completely guessing on the timing, I blow the mine. Perfect timing: I see the flaming assassin fly off the ledge, out of the window and off the map. Win.

    And the time I was playing against a team with 4 snipers on LaseRazer and chilling in the covered walkway by their base. My bomb was lvl 3, and I always had one on the wall, ready to blast it for a ringout. There was one enemy sniper who always ran in with the SMG, and got launched out everytime. I would always taunt afterwards for even more money (making 150 a kill!). The 4th or 5th time was the best, when he caught me reloading. At first he was hanging back, out of bomb range (I thought he had learned...) but when I was about half-dead, he decided to charge in again, and I casually pressed X, followed by a taunt. Thanks for the money!
  13. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    Just a while ago, a stupid k/d AZAZN pretty much hunts me as a sniper. I build a shaveice on grenade 3 for funzies. The AZAZN camps our base for me to come out (waiting behind the wall). I run past and she goes after me cloaked. I hear here and kite here around the shaveice...possibly the stupidest AZAZN of all time. SMG for the win.

    Another one was on steel peel sniping. I had to counter snipe this guy that loves to snipe at snipers. With lvl 3 passive while in the process of trying to kill him I headshot 2 of his allies, splash kill 3 and him, then headshot him twice out of the spawn while trying to kill someone else.

    That was a good game.
  14. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    I got my most humiliating... or maybe stupidest... death last night.

    I was on Steel Peel, playing gunner. I took the jump pad to go the middle ring, where a big fight was taking place... I landed right on the head of an enemy gunner.

    I tried to move from the head of that guy, but he was moving the same way I did, so I was blind to anything that was happening under me...and then the enemy firebase which I couldn't see at my feet terminated me.

    Felt pretty noobish :?

    BIONICxSHADOW New Member

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    One of my most humilating deaths was when i (playing as the assault) was knocked out of the arena by an enemy assault.

    I used my jetpack to get back to the arena and was about to exact revenge on this unworthy assault when a gunner comes round the corner and proceeds to ground slam me.... back out the arena

    Needless to say i was pretty peeved :shock:
  16. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I was playing assault and I got killed by a tank
  17. SushiBomb

    SushiBomb New Member

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    I was playing assassin and another assassin kept trying to grapple kill me but failing horribly (she kept face grappling with the shuriken and stuff like that) and would then cloak/dash to escape. It was getting pretty annoying so this time I followed the little dust trail that assassins leave when they are dashing. She ran into their base and uncloaked thinking she was safe I guess. As I was dashing towards her I lined up the shot and lunge killed her, cloaked and dashed out the other side. Did this with a support, assault, firebase, and two rockit turrets and they just sat and watched. I don't think they knew what was going on but to he assault's credit, he started to shoot at me but I was long gone by then.

    As assassin again I was fighting an assault and he was almost dead so I lunged hoping to kill him before he shot me to death, missed, and ended up going over the edge. Probably should've paid more attention on how close that edge was before lunging towards it.
  18. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    As a support I threw one bomb at a downed Money ball and ran away.. and for some reason, all 6 people were i nthe blast radius. EZ All star great. lol
  19. Cerberus150

    Cerberus150 New Member

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    On Steel Peel I was an assault in the middle pushing our lane when out of nowhere 2 assassins, a sniper, and a support all rushed me at the same time. I had a bomb planted to clear out bots at the time, so i used it to jump straight up to the ejector. Two seconds later, my screen was filled with ring-out icons as they all flew into the central pit. :) Another time I was assault on laserazer and used my bomb to jump out of the enemy base after attacking their turrets. As i hit the bomb to jump away, i received a kill and saw a flaming assassins ragdoll flying through the air right next to me.
  20. Divine x Ninja

    Divine x Ninja New Member

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    I was in LazeRazor arena as an Assault on the side balconies, and these 2 Assassins kept coming at me.

    From the front,

    With no cloak.

    I put my lvl3 bomb and lvl3 charge to work and went 36-2 or something.


    Then I sent them a message saying "You didn't even have your cloak up"

    I never got a response back. :p

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