The developers already stated that Uncle Tully's was going to be the last map for original MNC, so no thank you.
I actually brought this up before. Maybe when SMNC is good and developed, they can send a version XBox's direction. A less often changing version, but a version that changes a bit nonetheless when they release pros and maps (unlike they were able to with original MNC). If they are willing to even partially work with minecraft's updating schedule, they might also be willing to do things that would have saved the original MNC.
I hope this game never updates. All Uber ever did for the PC version was make it fair and fix all the bugs and glitches. F*ck that.
Yeah... If Uber gets a hold of MNC on the 360 again, given the decisions they've made for the PC version, I would pretty much drop the game entirely and just play Soul Calibur V.
Same here. I honestly believe Uber got lucky the first time but since then they have only come out with worthless crap. Spunky... ewww. Praise the xbox gods for letting us avoid their attempts to balance as well as uncle tully's.
if an update and new map meant new players, then that could possibly outweigh some of the bad changes they made. how hard would it be to update the main menu of Xbox MNC? I have a either good or terrible marketing idea.... first off how did the doritio's crash course challenge get xbox to give a game out for free? Well, I think they should make this game free like TF2 did and do a little advertising and the dashboard or under the "march hits" section. Then, update the menu stating how this game has not received and update and won't receive one, but that SMNC is being tested on PC and to head over to for more info. I don't know how feasible that is, or how many console players will bother looking into a PC game, but at least you aren't cutting out 1/2 of your target completely.
Yeah, seriously? I bought a copy of Brink last fall way after everyone else decided it was **** because it was 4.99 and I haven't played it at all.
I like Uncle Tullys. I won it after being spawntrapped the other day, by doing a good old assassin-change-botspawn-camp. Haven't done one of those since MNC 360. Love how when the enemy wins, they spawncamp you, and that actually is the CAUSE of them losing an already won game. Best part is how I will never get that loss counted torwards my career, and they will never get the win counted torwards theirs. Life isn't always fair, but sometimes you get to rip someone else off instead