Level 20+ MNC Protag?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, September 5, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Do some people not really care about progtags they just roll with the MNC one the entire time? Ive seen a good amount of people just with the regular MNC protag and theyre like level 50.
  2. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    Well they don't really effect anything. I only buy them when im waiting to find a game.
  3. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    True they don't do anything, but there are plenty of free ones you get, are people so lazy they cant spend 3 seconds to put a protag on, lol
  4. randomthought1

    randomthought1 New Member

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    I'm level 54 and still just use the MNC protag. I haven't found any tags I wanted to buy.
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    but there are plenty of free ones..
  6. MoonGooseThe3rd

    MoonGooseThe3rd New Member

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    I would imagine people don't see a lot of individuality being expressed in the free ones, since from what I can tell those are a lot easier to get. Stuff like using the Annihilator or ringing someone out are all things anyone can do. Taking a buttload of damage in a single life or killing a high number of people are a bit more specialized and show more of what kind of player you are, but most people probably want to save up for unlocking all their classes rather than attaching a tag that expresses an achievement they vaguely associate their playing style with. Which makes sense, since the custom endorsements a player sets up, and what classes they set up first, have a lot more to do with their game than anything else.

    Particularly Personally I have an attachment to the Headcrab one because I got it on an assassin who was mid-grapple on me. Best kamikaze I've made in this game :lol:
  7. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    A lot of the early tags you get are kind of bland. Most lower level people I see are using assassin or sniper related ones like "1 shot" or "Poof".

    I like the silly ones like "Rockit man", "Loose", and "YEAH".

    When I'm in a tank mood I like to roll with "In the front door" too.
  8. MSIGuy

    MSIGuy New Member

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    I thought you got money for unlocking tags, not spent money buying them... I've been buying each one as it becomes available! Oops! :lol:
  9. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    I imagine they are saving the money to unlock custom classes. I was doing that. I just picked a cheap sniper protag and unlocked the rest of the classes.

    You can start getting protags once you get all the classes. Of course, you really don't need to get the protags at all..

    I thought it would be nice of the protags got cheap (highlight protags) the more you accomplished the requirement. Perhaps even were only unlocked by achieving them a certain amount of time. I mean, when you're lvl 20-40 it may not really seem worth spending 30k on a protag when the highest custom classes costs 250k =/
  10. Fojib270

    Fojib270 New Member

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    Lol i like to roll with the Rookie title even tho im a lvl 99 XD
  11. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    How are you #1 in Wins if A Patch of Blue is the highest legit on the win's list?
  12. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Don't worry. That guy only plays low levels and quits out of games with better players in it.
  13. Fojib270

    Fojib270 New Member

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    I was top 1 in wins and money i just dont play as much and hardly go on the forums
  14. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    Unless I'm high you just had something about me getting kicked off your team and talking trash on the forums is that correct?

    So you know I meant "A Patch of Blue" with my quoted statement and about the GB stuff, it just isn't my thing. I'd rather play fun games with friends than 4v4s in a game meant to be played 6v6. You understand of course. As far as getting kicked off the team I never even check GB and such so I hadn't even noticed/cared to be frank about it. Although I do wish you guys good luck in your future matches and all that jazz.
  15. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    He wasn't responding to you in a critical way, he just quoted you because it's quicker than hitting respond and he's really lazy.

    As far as you getting kicked off the team, it was nothing personal. We just decided to cut the roster down and use Fojib as assassin because he understands the need to completely focus on bots in a GB match. You're an amazing slayer as an assassin, which is hard to do, but we have slayers in other roles and we just needed bot control from the assassin.

    Good luck though if you're looking for a new team, otherwise I got you on my F/L still, so we can still run some 45 second pubs :)
  16. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    No I mean the quote you see is a edit. Before I refreshed the page and decided to respond he had put something along the lines of "Wow kid, get kicked off my team and then come on the forums talking trash". I didn't get that in a quote because I was preoccupied but it's all gravy yo. Maybe we didn't play enough as well but I never kill people unless their directly in front of me too eh. All's well though, yeah for sure, well run some pubs sometimes heh.

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