I want to see numbers, how much hp, in numbers, I have total and left when taking damage. I want to see how much damage each shot does in real time, almost like your trailer for MNC of you guys getting cash from each bot. It had floating text. I would love to see that. I would love to see endorsements, both major and minor, for the class specific bots. I would love to see neutral turret nubs with long respawns. I would love to see 3 lanes instead of 2. Middle lane most clogged and powerful while outer lanes are weaker. etc.
The Devs have been pretty careful about not throwing quantitative data around. If all of the numbers were available then people would simply calculate the best distances to engage from instead of trying it out in-game.
I want this too. Think it would be cool. As for the numbers appearing out of enemies when killed, it would remind me too much of Borderlands.