Buff Scramblers IMO

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Wile E Coyoteee, August 31, 2010.

  1. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Weapon Grapples like LT with a certain weapon aren't affected by skill drain I dont think.
  2. ShadowSonicZ

    ShadowSonicZ New Member

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    Maybe a good buff is be making friendly bots move faster. You know how Scramblers move slightly faster than Blackjacks? How about if Scramblers are near Blackjacks and Slimbots, they move as fast as they do?
  3. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Your right-click melee isn't affected by drain either :3
    Like I said though, the numbers of them spawned each time might have to be tweaked with this. Keep in mind though I didn't say anything about speeding them up or increasing their health so they'd still be fragile and sluggish... you'd just have to go in and smack them to stop them is all :p
  4. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    What if their skill drain had more range and instead of them running off trying to wolverine someone to death, once they an enemy pro was in range of skill drain, they just stood there and drained them? Scramblers would, then, go out seeking players in a moderate range and drain aura them. You don't have to boost there atk or def power. Make them a real nuisance. By doing this, player would have to seek out the scramblers. I know for a fact, if you have 3 scramblers on lazerblazer and they went unchecked, with it's many nooks and crannies, they would be a gamebreaker (lessen backdooring)
  5. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Really? It was like that when I played blitz. It drained my lunge ability too.

    Maybe its different for crossfire.
  6. AcidSnow

    AcidSnow New Member

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    Gremlins come in firstplace because they all travel as a pack, thus attacking the same enemy target at once, which can be very distracting while [already] in combat.

    Bouncers come in second place, but their downfall is their ability to get stuck behind large groupings of allied creeps, which makes them easy pickings; because they get stuck running in place :roll:

    Gap Shots come in third place because they immediately start firing their mortar-shells right out of the gate - targeting enemy players and their turrets.

    Buzzers come in fourth place, because they occasionally do get some kills, but their ai-pathing though the air [and across some maps] could be improved.

    Scramblers are clearly the worst due to their slow movement speed.

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    Another solution would be to spawn 3 at once for 100$, and travel them as a pack like gremlins. That would make them more effective.
  8. Just King

    Just King New Member

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    I completely agree that Scramblers should be buffed. Most of the time I am a sniper and I don't even bother spawning Scramblers because they get killed almost instantly.
  9. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Possible solutions:

    -Mass spawn, summon more then one.

    -Speed/health buff.

    -Immunity to everything but grapple and melee, but die in one hit.

    -Smoke bomb effect to anything around it (disables bots/turrets). Pros get a fuzzy screen the closer they are.

    -Drains health as well as skills.

    Those all seem like good solutions to me...
  10. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Infact, I think they're so weak that they get killed by blackjacks and other bots long before they even reach a pro target. Maybe I'm wrong.
  11. Purple Dusk

    Purple Dusk New Member

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    Suggestions (Already been mentioned and a few new ones):

    1. Spawn more than one at a time.

    2. Add ranged damage shield.

    3. Add Health Drain effect.

    4. Increase the skill regen rate of nearby Friendly Pro's.

    5. Have them either track or latch on to Enemy Pro's. Either have it you need a turret/Pro to shoot Scrambler off you or RS Melee.

    6. Have them slowly drain Juice. Would be nothing worse than having a full juice bar, going to run into a base and activate only to find a tiny bit had been drained by a random Scrambler and you get destroyed.

    7. Haze/Static effect on Enemy Pro's Screens.

    8. Speed Buff(and/or)Healing Aura for nearby Friendly Bots.

    9. Slow the Fire Rate of Enemy turrets.

    10. AoE Pulse with slight knockback. (I know that negates its Drain but it would be darn annoying.)

    Please note im not saying that ALL these should be put on, just ideas for what could be put on.
  12. Shivers

    Shivers New Member

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    Already some good suggestions in here, but I'll just put another vote for buffing them, they really are terrible in Crossfire..
  13. JuicedSniper

    JuicedSniper New Member

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    I think this suggestion would be a great way to make scramblers worth spawning and give them good synergy with the snipers skills. Forcing the enemy to get to melee range to kill the scrambler would make the snipers explosive shot, flak, and ice traps powerful tools for defending the bot. If enemy pros ignored the scrambler it'd push the lane and eventually take out their turrets, making it an actual threat. This change would also provide interesting strategic considerations when facing enemy scramblers. Choosing between sacrificing some skill cooldowns or letting the bot live would require a bit of forethought.
  14. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Once scrambler locks on an enemy, it charges at them, not only draining skill but sapping life and restoring its own. When it is destroyed, it explodes and covers everyone in the area with urine. Only way to remove urine is to buy new clothes which costs $100.
  15. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Negate overhealing sounds really nice, and with a bit more move speed that could make them a lot better.
  16. Pig Of Denmark

    Pig Of Denmark New Member

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    keep armor and speed both add life and juice drain.. be great for overtime imo

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