1. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Am I the only one noticing Legit hackers in the game? Check the leaderboards.. the top people, of course, in all games with a leader board, are hackers.. LOG Bayrock nubmer one with 2,147,483,647 kills, one example. and some people are brave enough to take it into the actual game. KISSMYASSCOD, even though i avoided him, i continue to get in games with him, and he cannot be grabbed, jumps as high as an assassin, though he Allways plays sniper, and more.

    And my main question, Why do game developers allow this? Why can't we players have a Legit leaderboard?
  2. Gothalion

    Gothalion New Member

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    Its not so much that they allow it. Its that in order to roll out fixes that will filter out the cheaters on the leaderboards and so on have to go through a verification process...

    Ive never been one of those players that lives and dies by the leaderboards, not since the honor system in WoW... it makes things less fun.
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Microsoft does a lot to deter cheaters, and Uber's acknowledged and is working on dealing with them as well. The big problem is, the dev is behind the curve by default, since they have to figure out what's going on first. It's not like Uber hang up a sign saying "Cheaters welcome."
  4. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Theres like way over 100 hackers on there, I actually played with one the other day, everyone in the room reported him .-.

    He was like rank 3 or something on the boards
  5. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    But like.. There they are Advertising themselfs as hackers on the boards. HEY LOOK GUYS NUMBER 1 FOR EARNINGS WITH 298347923864293846239847 COOL HUH? I USED MY HACKS. HEHEHEHE. There he is.. proof he hacked... Ban him. Period. is that hard?
  6. Monty

    Monty New Member

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    I haven't seen someone advertising that they're hacking on these boards. I might be missing it, but whatever. Honestly, I don't care if someone hacks the leaderboards. It sucks for the people who want to compete for the top, but that'll never be me. As soon as hacking starts spilling over into the actual game (like people become invisible or **** like that) then it really starts to bother me.
  7. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Can they just delete the hackers on the leaderboards? If not than theres ur answer why they do it, to mess with everyone and just be idiots.
  8. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    I agree that the leader board hackers should be long gone. It's not that I care that I'm ranked ~3040 instead of say 2998 but they're the low low hanging fruit of hackers publicly and blatantly cheating. It's less serious than in game hacking but it's still hacking and I'm sure there's a sizable overlap between people who hack the leader boards and people who cheat in game. I don't know if the fault lies with Uber or MS but that they're still active accounts shows less concern for hacking than I'd hope :(
    Removing them from the leaderboard would be nice(although I'd think uber could edit the values on the server to null them out rather than client side filtering with a patch) but that's not the main issue, the obvious leader board hackers shouldn't have xbox live accounts anymore and the ban-hammer definitely doesn't require a patch.
    I don't know if that was intentional or not but I found it quite funny.
  9. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    I've seen Many hackers In game. Snipers jumping like flash-bang assassins..Gunners that litrally kill anything in 1 bullet.. tanks that can hold their blossom spin for a long time no reload. lol
  10. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    That's Microsoft's bag, and I don't know how likely it is they'd ban leaderboard hackers (well, permanently).

    A couple of the guys cheating are missing accounts now, according to XBox.com. They do act, the question is really how much and how severely.
  11. Mister A

    Mister A New Member

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    YES!!!!!! ive never understood why devs cant just do this. i understand a leaderboard filter would take time, but surely uber or MICROSOFT has the ability to ban someone at any given time, and people with over a billion kills are obviously hacking

    gears 2 leaderboards are ruined and are still filled with obvious hackers, why not just ban them or at least reset their score or something
  12. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    I can look at the leader boards any time.. Microsoft DOES. NOT. ACT. they can say they do, but No, They Lie.
  13. pizzapotamus

    pizzapotamus Member

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    Well as I said I don't know who's dropping the ball, just that someone is. I know the ban ultimately has to come from MS but there's no way of saying if it's Uber not taking the needed steps to get MS to start action, MS refusing to take action/having ridiculous requirements, or some combination. If I had to bet I'd place the majority of blame with MS but either way it sucks, consoles in general and MS in particular don't give users the ability to control things themselves with admined dedicated servers and the like so the responsibility is on the provider to keep their house in order and not let it be the freaking cesspool that it is. As to whether or not leaderboard hacking is something they'd ban for, they'll ban you for gamerscore fraud so it would be pretty hypocritical for them not to(yes I realize being hypocritical wouldn't really be a bother for them)..

    IZI GENERAL IZI New Member

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    Then Xbox are lieing, Cheaters/hackers etc all come from Jtags and Xbox messed up big time Jtags can not be stopped no matter how hard old mister bill gates trys. a Jtag (modded xbox) has KV's (key vaults) when an xbox is banned the KV is banned but the best thing about it... you can add a new KV to the Jtag and they will last 4-5 hours and you GET 4 NEW ACCOUNTS FOR EVERY NEW KV before the xbox/jtag is banned then repeat the prosses. thats what happend to CoD. What i mean is Xbox can ban people but it wont matter its down to the game dev's to clean up there leaderboards and make the patches to stop the modders. Xbox fail because Every Xbox has a KV and can be taken from it to be used in a Jtag.
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Yes. Conspiracy theories abound.

    IZI GENERAL IZI New Member

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  17. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Self Explanatory.
  18. OoPpEe1985

    OoPpEe1985 New Member

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    The sad part of any game is there will ALWAYS be hackers or people who find exploits in the game. Can't patch them all nor can you prevent it. When you patch something you could cause another exploit to form. This is why patches can take a long time to apply. A example is they patch the Support hack through walls but since that code was changed (hack and wall detection) it could of formed a glitch that will allow Support to throw their firebase IN a wall and shoot through. I've worked on a few mods and when you change any code, it will effect other parts of the game. A example was a Quake 3 mod, we changed plasma code (it's explosion) and the BFG particles dissappeared. Not gameplay effecting but we didnt touch BFG code at all.
  19. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    At least it's not the Castle Crashers leader boards... I honestly wonder why these games even bother to have them since the top 50 spots are always hacked scores in the first week anyway.

    Lost Planet 2 really screwed it up though. One of the tags for completing the game 100% required you to get a #1 spot on a leaderboard. I worked on that for a week straight and got a legit score of 21.221 seconds. 5 days later someone hacked in a score of 11.something seconds. How do I know it's hacked? It's impossible to complete that time challenge in under 18 seconds.


    IZI GENERAL IZI New Member

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    if you dont belive me about Jtags and that they can not be stopped please GOOGLE TTG "The Tech Game" and you will lern all you need.


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