Timer Please

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by sokoto, September 2, 2010.

  1. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Sokoto, you're still missing the whole point of excluding a timer from the HUD to begin with. I'm not sure if you and your team are just so incredible that none of you ever die and you are always so busy with something that to pause and look at the annihilator would spell your ruin, but I'm glad you want an XBLA game to cater to "competitive" players rather than simply have them learn to play the game (because god forbid they lose their mini-map/timer/kill streaks/whatever you say next).

    And finally Nayr: since you cannot figure it out either, I'll just tell you. By leaving out the timer, your best way to keep updated on the time is ask teammates who are respawning or otherwise near your base. Unless you are also a god-player like Sokoto (who never dies but would instantly lose for looking at a clock), there is no reason why you should cut out another bit of team communication.

    The rest of your post is either your own stubbornly self-enforced ignorance or just real, genuine ignorance. Hard to tell, but then there was this gem:
    If an incentive to die were built into the game (like death-streaks, but no kill streaks) it would invalidate any players K/D. If the game gives you a good reason to die, then counting how well you avoided death just doesn't make sense anymore. Do you get it now? No, no you do not.
  2. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    You are a ******* moron. Thank you for wasting my time. This is my last response, so enjoy it.


    Can you agree with this? Sure you can spawn bots and check the clock without dying but you should be in their base with your team so running back isn't some easy thing you can do. Apparently you don't understand how competitive matches work and your small brain refuses to think logically about what we're trying to get across.

    Good teams will control the middle of the map, good teams will not be in their base in a position to look at the timer.


    All teams know the time and all good teams will track when the annihilator was pushed so both teams will use MORE teamwork to push for the annihilator. Again, the timer is in a terrible spot. Nobody is going to be sitting back in spawn and even IF your team member dies and checks the timer, what then? We don't need the timer at all times we just need it when we hit the annihilator to track when it comes up... it's SOOOO ******* SIMPLE.

    Get it through that thick casual skull of yours.

    I've repeated myself hoping you'd read my points and address them maturely but you're either a ******* moron or a troll, probably both.
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    As a competitive player, I agree. You need to learn to play comeptitively, guys!
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ok since you already have control of the middle of the map how hard is it to see the red timer icon for the annihilator?

    I am sure it was intended that way for a reason. Also I know a few of the Devs. at UberEnt have a so called "competitive" backround. So it is very likely they had both concerns in mind during development.

    Also, Uber has already given the vibe of if it's not a mass concern they're not really going to fiddle with it.
  5. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Nayr, your idiocy is matched only by your elitism. You failed at any point in that post to respond to my post and succeeded only in repeating everything you said in your other posts (as if suddenly those points weren't bunk). You have added nothing to this thread from the start, and it saddens me to know that you may very will reproduce.

    According to your assessment of "competitive" play, a good team will be in their enemies base and their enemies will be... somewhere (do you play blitz or what?). Since you have such total control of the enemy base why not just look at their timer? And if you're dominating them so badly (as you claim to be), then why do you worry so much about the annihilator? It's great for making or breaking a push, but if you guys are so great then what's the problem? I can make a push even after being hit with the annihilator, and I'm just "casual".

    And of course everyone reading this thread accepts your assertion that you and your team are such skilled players, which never die, running such highly organized plays that not one of you can be spared to look a timer. Let me guess: you figured out the sky-walk glitch but can't get a good view of the clock from up there?

    Contrary to your "be the bigger man" tactic, I will continue to visit this thread and insult your intelligence until you reach high school and someone teaches you some damn manners.
  6. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    You dont read at all
    "Again, the timer is in a terrible spot. Nobody is going to be sitting back in spawn and even IF your team member dies and checks the timer, what then? We don't need the timer at all times we just need it when we hit the annihilator to track when it comes up... it's SOOOO **** SIMPLE."

    I have no clue why your getting all worked up about a timer as if it would somehow ruin the game or have a huge role, bad players will still be bad and good players will still be good. All it will do is make players more aware and make coordinated pushes easier. Were in 2010 you shouldnt have to die to look at a timer that should be easily acessible at all times. There are timers in nearly every popular modern shooter, I dont see it taking away from teamwork as you say, all I see it doing is making the people in the game more aware and less ignorant. I've never seen so many casual kids get so worked up for a simple timer,I would even be content with a timer when you hit select rather then in your HUD, my point being you should be able to know the time of the game without running back to spawn or dying. It truly is too much of a hassle to know the time of the game to give up map control and even if you do die like nayr said "We don't need the timer at all times we just need it when we hit the annihilator to track when it comes up... it's SOOOO **** SIMPLE.""
  7. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    Why start to pick on our skills? Keep it simple.

    My competitive perspective is pretty decent, in fact I am that competetive that when I start my games I always check my watch beforehand, so I ALWAYS know how long is left.

    My question is why can you not do that?
  8. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Dude were in 2010 it shouldnt be that much of a hassle to keep track of time , honestly its a very simple addition to the game which would benefit greatly, honestly like Zeromus EG said earlier...

    "I can't believe any sort of argument is being spawned out of someone asking for a timer.

    Regardless of if you're playing competitively, there will always be times when you're completely dominating the other team. Times like that, nobody wants to walk all the way back to the spawn just to see how long is left in the match. Saying "use a watch" is a poor excuse and you shouldn't have to do stuff outside of the game when all that's being asked for is literally a few pixels that change every second.

    No question imo, either put a match timer somewhere on screen or have it in the menu when you press start, no reason not to."
  9. starwolf333

    starwolf333 New Member

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    Seriously? You can have a competitive perspective without having a timer in the bottom right of the screen. If you do that, you run the risk of ruining the atmosphere. This is a professional sport of the future. Football players don't wear timers in their helmets so they always know how much time is left in a quarter. They have to look up at the clock just like you do now.

    Putting a timer there, for the sole purpose of timed annhilator pushes or whatnot, takes a lot of the spontenaity out of the game, that a lot of shooters suffer from. Team Fortress 2, for example, gets kind of stale when you realize there's only two ways into a base, two ways out, and there will always be people there doing nothing but killing you as soon as you walk around the corner. Essentially, making there a RIGHT way to play a map.

    So, really, having a timer would make it LESS competitive if anything, and more akin to homework. Going here at such and such a time, doing this, and that. It would make games too predictable. This way, you can still have that timed push, but there is less of a sense of overwhelming odds that there's no coming back from no matter what, as well as keeping it from turning into "who played correctly, and who missed their mark". Now, if a team wins, they all win. If they lose they all lose. They don't single out one person on the team to blame because they did something a fraction of a second too late or something.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    But yet you seem to keep it up. Face it this "isn't" every other shooter.

    Also, starwolf333 well said.
  11. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    God damn it Sokoto, just play CoD so I don't have to read anymore of your silliness. Honestly, if the timer on the annihilator is that important to your winning then just figure out a better way to keep track of it, don't whine until the Devs do it for you. If you want them to alter the game to better suit "competitive" players then why not just play a game that was designed with "competitive" play in mind, instead of a game of XBLA?

    Oh wait, I bet you suck at CoD and that's why I'm stuck dealing with your crap. l2p nub
  12. Zeromus EG

    Zeromus EG New Member

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    No no, next I want them to take any sort of HUD stuff off, because being based on a gameshow and all, I shouldn't be able to see anything besides the surrounding area.

    In fact, make it first person, we are playing as people after all. :roll:

    Also, I don't play competitively at all, I just think that a timer is a good thing to have. Christ, have it removable in the options if you're going to cry about it.
  13. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Ha, that would be cool. If all of the HUD information were displayed on a board outside of your base (k/d, current health, etc) and you had non-quantitative method of tracking your health. Counting ammo would be a pain in the butt though.

    Although I hate first person shooters, since you can never really tell if you're actually behind cover or if your gun is poking out or something. All the targeting reticules would be replaced with laser-pointers, so you could aim but without knowing your actual spread.
  14. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    I love how all of you casual gamers are getting all worked up for a simple addition to the game like I said there should be a timer in the bottom right or when you press select. You guys make it seem like it will ruin the game when in fact it will make more players aware and less ignorant. Also I dont play CoD I play shadowrun and other competitive titles.
  15. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    This entire thread confuses me. All this over a timer so people can check when the annihilator is about to reset and when to push for it? Cant you just look at the cool down ring? Im sure the timer would be useful for other things too, like seeing how longs left, but there are two giant clocks in each map. If your not in your base, and your pushing on the enemies base, just look at their clock.
  16. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    That's too difficult for "competitive" gamers. Almost all of their brain's functions are suspended in order to maintain a perfect focus on playing MNC. Unfortunately the ones touting their horns here on the forums apparently forgot to resume those brain functions.
  17. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    I know right i love how us "casual" gamers don't need one but its so important for MLG'ers. Its not that hard to knwo when annhilator is about to go cause its almost always right after Jackbots spawn. I know this cause i honestly try to hit it everytime its up.
  18. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    I'm glad there is no timer. In fact I wish that they didn't have a specific time on it. I'd rather see a random time of anywhere between 1 & 5 minutes (with the longer side coming more after short time frames).

    I like the fact that it creates a rush to get to it when the announcement goes off. It'd be pretty lame to have it basically 'camped' for 30-60 seconds before.
  19. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    What are you talking about? Camping it for the minute before its ready to be used is the best "competitive" way to play! :p </sarcasm>
  20. bdcjacko

    bdcjacko New Member

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    Look you pack of fucker and noob, I need a ******* times, mini map high lighting where everyone is (especially those pesky cloaked asshatins) and a kill to death ratio of 10 to 1 because I play competitively. Now I realize every other shooter is already set up like this, but it angries up my blood something fierce that there is one that is meant to be fun and **** you. That isn't how it is suppose to be. **** you, you don't play competitively enough. I need to be able to work out prefect strategy. Clearly Monday Night Combat is broken.

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