Any 360 players heading to SMNC? (PC)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by teapot, March 12, 2012.

  1. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    I've played a bit, recently but only about 10 or so games and I've never had a "good game." I originally played back sometime in the closed beta and hated it, so I played three games and didn't go back because of the vastly slower pace and lower lethality.

    Going back now, I've enjoyed things a good bit more. I'd be willing to play with some of the 360 vets on here and we can maybe figure out things together. I have 4 invites to the beta or whatever it's called now sitting in my steam inventory so if anyone wants one just let me know. My account name on Steam is azulvandes, add me if you guys want!
  2. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    The game gets exponentially faster-paced the more people you know are on your team.
  3. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    it looks very boring

    even with players you know on your team.
  4. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Played like 60 some hours, most of which was during the it's super early state. Something didn't quite click. Probably my lack of motivation to get good at aiming. >.>
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You should play is again Zatch. That game is completely different from back than. Lots of health drops across the board for bots and players.
  6. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    There's probably a pattern to the pace of the game, and the way people play. I've even noticed it in some of the gameplays.

    It's probably not the best thing to do, but I plan on disregarding all that and playing at a pace I want. I'll probably be too slayer focused and push up. As long as I don't die, I don't see that being a problem.

    All I can think of is how MNC players were dealt a game that no updates for almost a year, and yet continued to find ways to change the game and counter situations. That makes me want to play the new game and fool around with all the untapped potential the meta-game has.

    What works on console prob won't work on PC, but with no one hit kills I'm not worried about much.
  7. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    Mind linking those replays?

    There may have been several lethality since some of the uploaded skill plays. Just wanna confirm of deny whether they're out of date or not.

    Of course, it's going to feel slow coming from MNC regardless, but it has gotten a tad faster. And games will competent players get rather intense.
  8. theyieldingram

    theyieldingram Member

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    Doesn't the lower lethality in general lower the skill ceilings? Poor decision making, inadequate awareness, and lackluster aim are penalized less because fights are so easy to escape from, which is precisely why the game is so unappealing to me. The primary reason as to why I come back to classic MNC is to fine-tune my abilities, so why should I play a game that puts a damper on that?

    I also can't afford a PC that's capable of gaming. :p
  9. ASH

    ASH Member

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    Totally agree.
    Last edited: March 16, 2012
  10. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the skill ceiling has been lowered. If that were the case, then the top players wouldn't stand out as much as they do.

    I admit that SMNC can be somewhat overly forgiving in the early game, though a disadvantage is still a disadvantage, and starting the game with a disadvantage means you'll have to make up for it at some point in the game.

    Even though there are larger health pools, there's little room for poor decision making. The slower movement speed, slower health regeneration, and brand new stuns/slows/blinds/displacement abilities allow for the opponents to capitalize on your stupid decisions. Not to mention, the punishment for dying is far worse in SMNC than it is in MNC. Die in MNC and you've given more money for skill upgrades. Die in SMNC and you've gotten your enemy closer to getting an extra point for skill upgrades, a stat increase, and money for juice/bot spawns/regenitol.

    Same goes for inadequate awareness. Don't notice a flanking enemy and your team is most likely f*cked depending on which pro it was. Get stunned, slowed, or blinded too close to the enemies and you're probably f*cked. Get caught in a bad situation against a competent enemy and you're f*cked. Stray too far from your team as certain pros, and you're f*cked. Turn a corner or take a jump pad into a group of fortified kitties/ overclocked firebase... well you may not be f*cked but you're definitely hurting and close to being f*cked.

    Unless you're playing the healer or commando role, I wouldn't say there is any less aim requirement in SMNC than MNC. The initial jerk reactions are slightly less required, but still having a better reaction time will still give advantages. SMNC requires far more consistent aim than MNC. For example, a mediocre sniper would be able to perform fairly well in MNC, but in SMNC he would get his tits rocked if he couldn't land 70%+ head shots. So in a way, aim is actually more required in SMNC. You have to frequently land your skill shots in order to be considered useful. You'll rarely get lucky kills, nearly everything is earned.

    Just my thoughts. Sorry if some of it didn't make sense, I'm kinda tired. I don't think the skill ceiling is any lower, I just think the game is different. It's more than understandable for MNC players to dislike SMNC, I just hope some of you will give it a chance on release (despite the negative criticism given many updates ago).

    XENONOX New Member

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    If I wanted to play a game like DOTA, I would actually go play DOTA, or LoL.

    I'm just sayin'.

  12. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    That's understandable.

    I personally hate the top down perspective and controls of most RTS games.

    I find SMNC to be a good balance between interesting DotA mechanics and the control of a shooter.

    It works out good for me.
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    SMNC looks very slow and forgiving on lower levels. Try to play against somebody like Tiblolan: One step in the wrong direction, you get pulled, you are dead.

    There difference between being save and overextended mostly depends on the teamwork of your enemy. If you are in a pub match you can get away with quite a bit, in a team match between good players you have to be extremely careful. A good team will close like a fist around you and squeeze until all that additional health is gone.

    SMNC will be more forgiving for new players (once we can properly separate new and experienced players) but it is way more unforgiving in matches with highly skilled players.
  14. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    DOTA-likes are more thinking. SMNC requires more thought than MNC, and possibly even more gun-skill, due to the fact that you have to constantly hit your bullets due to the lower lethality. If anything, I think that SMNC actually would require more skill than MNC.
  15. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    LOL da best
  16. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    I've tried to like SMNC but I keep finding myself wanting to play LoL just because I feel like it's more polished and for the honest fact that it just runs way better on my computer. I have to run SMNC at the lowest settings just to keep it at a playable frame rate. LoL runs smooth as butter at 60 fps on the high settings.

    Not really a fault of the game but it is a reason why I've kinda not played as much SMNC and just went for LoL for my PC gaming. The one thing SMNC has in spades over LoL is the announcer and the overall humor in its presentation. As many times as I've heard Mickey Cantor worn people that MNC has the right of all ticket holders to use images of their death, especially if they're fun to watch, it's still darkly comedic and fitting in some way.

    That and I just can't aim for **** with a Mouse and Keyboard. I've played some with a 360 controller but it's pretty apparent(especially against a sniper/gunslinger) that the jump in accuracy people have with a computer will be a huge flaw in competing against these classes without it. Again, not SMNC's fault.
  17. HiipFire

    HiipFire Active Member

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    If anyone here wants a key just add me on steam:leinad102
    stop putting amen at the end of all your post xeno, its annoying the fuk out of me
  18. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    He can't stop it's part of his nature get over it. >.>

    XENONOX New Member

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    "Why so serious" xeno replies firmly.

    "Perhaps speaking in third-person would be a better method of communication" xeno mutters to himself.

    "But that would be too troublesome" xeno agrees with himself.

  20. benz777

    benz777 New Member

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    Here my two cents on SMNC, I got into the beta the first week-end it was released, I played the game for a few hours and I honestly hated it.

    I felt the game revolve only around killing bots.

    I didn't touch it for many months until this week-end. Uberent released a huge update for Pax 2012.

    As a MNC veteran who like teamplay and slaying, you can count me converted. They really strike the perfect balance, all the new and old characters are great. I can still play Gunner and get a fairly good amount of kills (love the new Rocket). Cheston is also very fun to play for people who liked the Gunner in MNC. Anyone who played assassin in MNC should feel right at home.

    I suggest you look at this new overview videos that was released today, it should get you a good sense of the game:

    I had very little confidence in Uberent after the whole Xbox 360 update debacle, but I believe they may have outdone themself with this one.

    Add me on Steam (ID: PsychoBen777), would love to play with fellow 360 players, you really need to play in a team for this one.

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