PAX Impressions

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cyris, March 29, 2010.

  1. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I suggested this and we implemented it about a year ago. Unfortunately it turns the game extremely defensive because if you are ahead by even 1% you just want to lock down your base and not worry about trying to kill the other money ball. In some ways I agree that it's more "fair" but you can see how it might not be as fun.
  2. FifthSurprise

    FifthSurprise New Member

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    So I was an Enforcer at PAX East and I have to say MNC was the most fun I had (gamewise). Probably to the point that I have mentioned it to the annoyance of all my fellow enforcers/ friends.

    Anyway, I mentioned during PAX that watching this game was as much fun as playing the game. I thought a lot about why that was. For one thing, MNC is very similar to say watching Football and feels similar to Smash TV (in terms of style). And while I'm sure watching the same grapples over and over again will eventually get old, it was still fun to watch other people play.

    Now, I'm a big fan of TF2 and I can see the similarities but I don't enjoy watching someone play TF2 spectator wise as much as I do MNC. I suspect it's because MNC is a bit more flashy. And because I am totally getting into the idea of teams of clones fighting against each other like the NFL.

    So I suppose what I'm hoping for in the future is some more cosmetic stuff (ie. different grapple animations), some spectating/ commentating, and maybe a long long time in the future, a new opposite team (with the same skillsets perhaps) to help drive in that "league fighting" feel.

    I'm so looking forward to this game, words cannot describe!

    Thanks Uber Entertainment!

    Edit: And to the Assassin who kept killing me, the Support, I will find a way to deal with you properly someday. SOMEDAY!
  3. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Grappling I think we are continuing to add animations although there is a memory limit ;)

    There is more commentator stuff coming as well, VO is usually one of the last things finished.
  4. FifthSurprise

    FifthSurprise New Member

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    Clearly rectified by MNC2 being something we can buy. On a cd. Or off steam.

    Damnit, I want to see the sniper attempt to bayonet someone with his rifle.
  5. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    I was lucky enough to head right into the expo, after being near the front of the line to get in on Friday, and I had the chance to play a few games before the word spread and the station was swamped the rest of the show.

    My initial thoughts? I would've pre-ordered right there. When I found out it was an Xbox Arcade game, I was blown away. I brought a few friends over, and we all agreed that MNC was a must buy when it launches.

    Having been a big fan of TF2, here's my concerns for the game launch.

    Finding and connecting to servers. I wasn't able to get a lot of info out of the guys at the booth in respect to this, but it's critical. If I hype the game up to all my friends, they'll buy it. If we can't get into games smoothly and quickly (and together) when MNC launches, they'll walk away pretty quickly.

    Second, I'm curious as to how hosting will work. On TF2, we have very limited options to host games, and I was one of the few people who paid extra $$$ to their service provider to be able to consistently run 8 v 8 matches with no lag. I'd like to see a bit of thought put into more "PC Style" server options for those of us dedicated enough to the game to try and keep reliable server options up for our friends and the community.

    Anyway, MNC played great at PAX. I know there's still a lot of polish being applied, but I was very impressed with what I saw. It was well built, solid enough to pick up and play with enough originality to keep things exciting, and most of was a lot of fun.
  6. Moe Fwacky

    Moe Fwacky New Member

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    This game was fantastically amazing. I didn't get a hands on myself, but I did watch my friend Dave play a couple rounds. I've told everybody over in the unofficial pax irc channel that everybody must buy this game on release.

    One of the biggest draws of this game regarding online play is how quickly it can be picked up, played and won. I can't wait for release and subsequent DLC so I can throw money at this game.
  7. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It's going to work pretty much like most shooters on the XBox. Choose "Crossfire", choose "Find a Game" and it finds a game for you. You can invite friends to join you before you "Find Game", if you go in with an XBox Live Party, it'll keep you guys together, etc, etc. It should take you less than 30 seconds from booting up the game to be playing a game online.
  8. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    Sweet. The best part about playing with friends is...well, playing with friends.

    All I want to be able to do is get home from work, get in touch with some friends, group up and play Monday Night Combat.

    The goal should be able to take a group of friends, round them up and be in a match in a couple minutes. The worst is the typical, "Are you in? Did you find the game? What game are you in? No, I'm on the blue team? What? I don't see any of that! Crap, quit and let's try again" experience you can get with some of these games.
  9. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Exactly, we're trying to make it as painless as possible to find and play with your friends.

    It should be: Party up, find a game, play together.

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