What is the correct protocol for being rolled? :p

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Geminosity, September 4, 2010.

  1. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    So... I was in a game where an organised team were steamrolling mine. I was doing crazy stuff left right and center to hold off the inevitable, including single-handedly pushing one lane right up and destroying their rocket turret without juice in one smooth motion but I couldn't force win because I couldn't trust the entire rest of the team to hold the opposite flank. It was a wonderful combination of a well-coordinated team pummelling the pupils from the last short bus.

    The problem here is that I'm not sure what the best thing to do is. They're already getting steamrolled with me on their team and we don't seem to be getting mixed very well from match to match (I'm guessing the other team were mostly a party or something) so if I leave (which I eventually did out of frustration and a spectacularly stupid loss) then it's just going to get worse for them. I doubt they were having fun dying horribly but with me pushing things hard and being able to single-handedly hold a lane myself they might've at least felt like they were accomplishing something.

    On the other hand, losing because my team isn't up to the task isn't much fun and there's not much I can do about it. I can hold a flank myself, I can try and shore up the gaps in the line, but there's only one of me and whever I'm not the more competent team is going rush through with almost alarming speed.

    Is the right course just to leave to save my sanity, should I have stuck it out to try and help them or is there a third option I could've used to try and save that game from a chain of endless defeat? I kept holding out hoping it would mix the teams but none of the good players who were working together ended up shifting to my side... not that it would've helped the other players much admittedly :p

    I had meant to try out the gunner class for the first time during this match but the team skill levels were so uneven I had to go assassin/sniper just to hold them. I was using the assassin to hit the annihilator constantly and rush one of the lanes in the hope I could get to them before they got to us (only to have to turn back because our ball went down in my absence just as I got the rocket tower down) and my sniper plans were pretty much turning one lane into a death zone and ice trapping the groups as they rushed. Nothing prevailed in the end because I couldn't do it to both lanes simultaneously :p

    What would you guys do in this situation? Is there a class that's best suited to bearing the burden of a whole team or was I right to leave in the end?

    In situations like this in other games I'll usually start using text chat to direct people, teach them how to play and organise them into a fighting force (nicely, before any of you start imagining me cracking a whip or anything like that :p ) but due to xbox live being voice that wasn't going to happen (I hate using voice, don't know where my mic is anyway even if I wanted to use it and if people don't have a headset on they usually can't make out what you're saying anyways.)

    What's your guys thoughts on these situations? Even if you don't have an answer I guess interesting anecdotes about times you were up against the wall in these situations would make fun reading as well :3
  2. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    Rage Quit, or Nerd Rage at your team for being ****. I prefer the Nerd Rage aspect. Anyway, what should happen is a counter push from the Assassins but hey 90% of Assassins figure "OMG I can trade a Kill and get some money" Instead of "OMG Free Base" Since that way it atleast forces the enemy to back a little. Over all though, the Support is probably best to protect the base...

    Support can,
    -Set up FB top deck and controlling that is everything
    -OHK a lot of stuff
    -Heal Turrets
    -Passive up our bots
  3. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Hmm.. i'm not too confident in my support yet, but I'll give it a shot next time. I know what I can do with assassin/sniper so that was the main reason I used those two (if the rest of the team hadn't have let me down I would've pretty much won the game down the other lane single-handedly :p )

    Main trick I don't have down is firebase placement. Ah well, practice makes perfect :3

    I'm not a rager... at least not in public XD
    I mgiht shout a few obscenities at the TV though after the 8th lost match in a row (I think I quit after the 10th)
    I kept thinking "hmm, maybe if I try this strategy instead..." Always liked a good puzzle :D
  4. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    For one thing, there isn't a ladder ranking in quick matches. You can leave without penalty. If the other team gets as badly stomped without you, they'll all leave and find lobbies they can do better in.

    In other words, don't feel guilty about leaving a bad team if you're getting steamrolled. If you're with a party, its bad mojo to team-ragequit, since you're encouraging the same behavior by example. Stay through to the end, tell the other team "Well played," learn from your mistakes and their strategy, then leave and find a new lobby. Its really harmless.

    Priority number one with video games is having fun, and getting stomped 6 or more games in a row by the same group isn't very fun. So take the graceful way out after you've had your fill of getting dominated. If the other people hate you for it, so what? You didn't pay $15 to be a miserable punching bag.
  5. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    I feel your pain. Ive been in this exact situation too many times to count.

    Sometimes no matter how many times you annihilator, how many bot kills you got, how many times you cleared their base of all turrets... Your team is just so utterly horrible compared to the enemy that nothing you do matters. It just prolongs the inevitable.

    Matchmaking and team balancing needs to be looked at in MNC, badly.
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I had the same thing happen yesterday. For 5 games in a row i was the only player on my team with a positive kill/death-ratio and almost twice as much $ as the rest of my team.
    I can however still play this. Since i am doing ok myself, my team however did not win once.
    If for some reason the other team would manage to steamroll myself too. I would probably have quit after a few games, if i noticed the teams would not mix.
  7. Bobthecatlol

    Bobthecatlol New Member

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    The best thing you can do is just stick it out. It's a team based game so either your team mates will have to step it up a bit or you'll lose. Anyway atleast you can say you're playing your best.
  8. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I'd have stayed and learned tricks from a superior team. Sending them polite messages might even win a few friends so you don't have to play alone.

    An above average Support is a huge nuisance to the opposing team. Don't quit.

    Any mic with a 2.55mm plug will work. Nobody can see you. Chat. Laugh. Have fun.
  9. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    problem with staying to learn tricks is I knew all the ones they were using already... that's why I could hold one lane all by myself. It was my teammates not knowing the tactics that was the issue :3

    I'm definitely not gonna use a mic either. No way, no how XD

    I'll get some more playtime on my support though as that's now more than 1 vote for them holding up the party. That said, I recently ended up in a game that for some reason only had a team of 2 supports vs me on my own as sniper. Not sure how it happened or when everyone else left but it was rather fun. I won in the end with surprising ease so I dont think the two support players were very good, but the class did seem quite handy for holding the fort :3
  10. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Forget all you just read. Here is how to properly get rolled. I mean no disrespect to the other posters, but I feel they missed a very, very important topic when pertaining to how to handle being rolled.

    Step one: Click this link. It's totally about ways to solo MNC without cheating.
    Step two: Watch the video.
    Step three: Gone before you can punch me.
    Step four: You have been rolled. Laugh and plot eventual revenge.
  11. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    While I can make a fairly educated guess about what you linked there, it'll have to remain a guess because it no worky. Your link got 'foxed' as we used to call it in the Aliens vs Predator community :p
  12. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Foxed? >D I don't play AvP. But yeah. Come on, nobody did a rickroll on this forum. It's the internet. It's supposed to happen. What next, you gonna shoot the Derp Derp Derp dog like Ol' Yeller? >D
  13. ironzerg

    ironzerg New Member

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    The number one thing should be to finish the game, and then leave once you get back to the lobby.

    If I get super-frustrated, I'll just hang out in the spawn for the last bit. Otherwise, I go into what I called "touring mode" where I try to pop around the board as much as I can and check out different camping spots, attack angles or firebase placements the other team is using. Even in a good steamrolling, you can generally pick up a couple extra tactics to put in the toolbox for next time.

    Ragequitting is the worst thing you can do. A close second is to get on your mic and start screaming like a little baby about how awesome you are, but how bad your team is, or how the other guys are hacking.

    You want to be a good guy and help foster the community? When you get back to the lobby, congratulate the other team on a steamroll, and then politely bow out. It's poor sport to drop in the middle of a game, but no one likes to spend their entire afternoon being steamrolled by another team or premade.

    I've actually made a few friends this way, as well. Stayed cool on the mic after a match, and actually got myself invited to a party. Had some great matchs, a few steamrolls and made some new friends, which was a much better outcome had I just nerd/rage quit.
  14. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Oh... I didn't even think of quitting mid-game. Sorry. I guess I should've made it clear I left in the lobby, not the actual game :3

    I'd never leave mid-game. It's not in my nature :D

    Also, without a mic I'm going to have major trouble communicating with anyone :p
  15. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Send a FR to iJesseee, I rarely use my mic either :)
  16. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Eep! that's quite a gamertag XD
    I meant to add you a few times just for fun but I could never remember how many e's and s's there were in it :3

    Had an extra fun version of this happen recently. I was trying tank for a change and we got hemmed in despite my best efforts with a class i'm not too familiar with (still ended up top of my team though and held one flank fairly well only for my team to let me down on the other :s ) The key difference this time was a sniper on the other team. I decided that to make up for being on the losing team I'd have a sniper fight with them as a sniper myself to prove to them that with a class I actually played they wouldn't be able to keep me distracted on one lane for so long. Why was this fun? Because after that match the game put us on the same team constantly for the rest of the games XD

    Also on the same night but a different host/bunch of people some assassin was doing suicide runs into our base and backstabbing me as support because I was so distracted constantly trying to rebuild all the turrets they were destroying (and getting moderately annoyed because I was the only one spending all their hard-earned monies on it) We lost because that assassin kept bringing down our defences and none of my team-members were helping rebuild so next game I thought "Right! You want to see how assassin works? Let me show you!" and I rushed them so hard and fast that I crashed right through their own rush attempt, left their defences in smoking ruins and tied up 4 members of their team in their base trying to find me and stop me shooting the money ball with shurikens. Not only was this mischief run rather fun and won us the game, but I got the same kills as my opponent's annoying assassin with roughly 1/7th the amount of deaths (2 vs 13) and 8 times as many assists (8 v 1) :p
  17. WiredGunslinger

    WiredGunslinger New Member

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    If the support is going to be real good though he needs to do more then just play defense. My teammates hate it when I get split out because they know I can take a 2 minute match for them and stretch it into overtime and maybe even a win.

    What I do is if a team is pushing heavily on one side but ignoring the other I'll wait till I can buy a few moments, run up their free side and setup a firebase that takes care of their bot flow. Usually even organized teams because they are rushing one side ignore this. This frees your team up to focus on one side. If they are holding them off enough I'll even wipe out their turrets on that side and head back to re-up overheal, upgrades turrets with that cash I'm getting from the bot kills and start overhealing/aura'ing the bots to the other side. The best thing a bad team can do for that support guy though is help by upgrading turrets etc. Even if the other team is destroying them...it can still slow, frustrate them when they come back and you've got a new lvl 3 up. Plus it can also buy enough time for a quick rush from a couple players to wipe out their ball while they are focused on your defense.

    Even if no one is speaking I'll be pushy and point out things they can do because sometimes you got a couple that are at least listening so sometimes that nudge can help. However, it is frustrating when you got 40-50 ranked guys that are still playing like a 5. So forgive me if I've nerd raged on you for playing badly...chances are one day you'll be in my spot ;p

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