Assassins just got NERFED!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

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  1. TheKennedyCurse

    TheKennedyCurse New Member

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    90 % of Assassins are kill-whores who are detrimental to a team anyway. They don't go after targets in order to help teammates, they do so for their kill/death ratio (which is usually horrendous anyway).

    Not to mention, half my team is always composed of Assassins who do nothing to contribute to the win, until overtime where they juice and attack the moneyball, of course.

    I just take comfort in the fact that most assassins have no skill whatsoever and they're so easy to kill during their pitiful attacks.
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Still wrong, since not only is nobody complaining about the removal of her infinite sprint, but also nobody's complaining about the removal of her double smoke bomb.
  3. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    So...You're going to make bad players on your team worse, or have bad players migrate to other roles.

    The former is just laughable, especially if you want to win. The latter seems nonsensical.

    Let me put it this way: I can swap to Support and get 30 Kills a game without helping my team push for victory. My numbers won't be as good with a Gunner, but I can do it. Or a lot of people, not me but a lot of people, can do good as sniper.

    Basically, you're disincentivising "bad players" from playing Assassin and...What? punishing yourself and others in the process? Pushing them into other classes which will better suit them as Kill whores without making them better at the game?

    Though I appreciate your candor. Most people try and wrap their desire to make Assassins suck in psuedo logic. Such nerdrage "I HATE THEM SOOOOO MUCH" arguments are refreshing. If irritating.
  4. boxxcarcadaver

    boxxcarcadaver New Member

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    I think its a good way to weed out bad players... imo

    it gets to be a little irritating when your an assassin that actually plays the class for what it is intended (clearing bots, controlling lanes, taking out turrets, and taking out pro's when they get in your way)... and time and time again every day that I play, I get teamed with 2-4 other guys who think its a wonderful idea to choose assassin (despite the fact that i make sure to select assassin before anyone else)

    so then i re-select gunner to play defense because i know damn sure that the 3 assassins aren't going to play much (if any) defense. and then we lose because i can only hold off so many waves of bots and pros juicing... and then the scores come up... there's the 3 assassins at the bottom of my team averaging something like 4-6-25

    and i think to myself... if you guys would have spent the time to kill a few bots instead of trying soooooo hard to get kills, not only would you have been awarded more money... but maybe we could have won as well.

    so yea...i would appreciate it if these people played a different class
  5. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    Bottom line you shouldn't be able to cloak while are not done attacking in a grapple until the animation is over. It was unintendid and i'm glad they are taking it out. Assassins also get more leiniency on their missed grapple after patch so its give and take. The amount of rage over this is insane.
  6. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    You obviously don't play assassin, so you're not going to understand why people want this.
  7. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Oh god, I love taking out people like you, who group all assassins as "bad". So then when I'm about to grapple you from behind you won't expect it, seeing how all assassins are bad.

    have fun in your comfort zone.
  8. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    Then they need to drastically shorten the animation, give the Assassin more Hp or armor or something, because any attempt at assassination will result in them getting shot off by a bot, turret, or Pro.

    Hell, a Slim bot could kill an Assassin in time with the length of the animation. That's even with Armor as the Gold sponser.

    As for the amount of rage over this it's the combination of (a) this being a lot bigger of an issue then many of us who main Assassin's seem to think, especially when you throw in the dash attack getting weakened too and (b) you have people like TheKennedyCurse and many, many others saying stupid, accusitory things like, "Assassin's suck", "You don't know how to play your class", "All Assassin's are horrible players and are obviously noobs that suck".

    That kind of rhetoric has a tendency to piss people off.
  9. boxxcarcadaver

    boxxcarcadaver New Member

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    Never gotten killed by a slim bot on my assassin or any other class for that matter... bit of an exaggeration.
  10. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    "You obviously don't play assassin, so you're not going to understand why people want this."

    @Rawfull, Assassin is my goto class if there is enough gunners in game already so i do play alot. I don't cloak mid grapple and still do fine...don't see the problem, and don't appreciate the assumptions since there is no way to tell the level of my understanding from my TWO sentences about this issue.

    Also saying you get killed by slim bots IS excessive.

    As for the lunge it only says damage is getting "retuned" nothing about it being lower so we should prolly wait till we know what is the actually case.
  11. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I can easily go positive with assassin without the recloak, but it takes away the assassins ability to kill an enemy camping by a turret or a support near a fire base.

    And yes, the damage is being lowered for the dagger, not the sword though.
  12. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    It doesnt take away your ability to kill them it just takes away the ability to kill them and get away totally unscathed.

    I would like to see them buff smokebomb a bit because the stun is WAY too short... bordering on useless, even at lvl 3. At least for turrets and firebases. Same with tanks product grenade. I think they should keep player stun the same but up turret and firebase stun duration. Not enough to kill it out right but enough to kill a turret before you die if its stunned and you get to it quick enough.
  13. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    Also i just realise i don't think gunner even has a stun. Correct if im wrong but slam does nothign to slam turrets or firebases.
  14. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    The dagger lunge does more damage than the sword lunge right now, that is getting fixed.
  15. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    lol yeah that does sound like a prob. They should up sword instead of lessen dagger...
  16. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Same could be said for the assassin and freeze traps. :)
  17. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Correction. You can very much so die mid grapple and NOT get the kill.

    So yes, it does lessen their ability to kill turret camping pros.
  18. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Is walking across the map difficult for you? If so maybe you should play something else.

    Can turrets shoot you while you grappled that guy? no. Is it harder for other players to see you if you recloak after the grapple? Yes. Does it make it too easy too pull off assassinations? Yes.

    Exactly, you're supposed to surprise someone and have a brief moment of weakness; as is you vanish about 2 seconds too early and you will get away far too easily.

    I am curious who decided that assassins should clear lanes. They really don't do a very good job (except on exploit speed). The reason I say that is that fighting bots means a free kill for just about anyone who sees you.
  19. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    'too easy?' By who's definition? Yours? Considering how often my assassinations slide off people's teflon bodies I'd hardly consider it 'easy' by any stretch of the imagination until they put some kind of reliable lag compensation in. You know what, I've just randomly decided that slam is too easy to use. It hits in 360 degrees so you don't have to aim it like a grab and it doesn't have the same "you have to be kissing" range of grapples either. I now proclaim slams 'too easy'. How do you feel about my arbitrary decision? Does it feel like a constructive addition to this conversation? Does your decision on how easy a grapple should be feel any more constructive to anyone else? Should we start adding quarter circle motions or something? Maybe a Quicktime event, because people loooove those? :p

    As for lane clearing, of the three classes I now play: support, sniper and assassin, I can push lanes hardest and fastest with her. I don't know how the other classes fair outside of those three but if I want to do an aggressive lane push then of my 3 played classes she's top :3
  20. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Come on. That's not the issue here and you know it.

    Except, you know, for the other elements already mentioned that you ignored in making your "is walking across the map difficult for you?" quip.

    The cloak doesn't exactly provide a large window and is easily defeated. So's the grapple.

    Sorry, I must be playing a different version of Assassin. My cloak doesn't even guarantee an escape, since any pro can still target me and turrets can hit me as long as my cloak is lit up by them. It also runs out fairly fast, limiting escape options even if I can re-cloak mid-grapple.

    Well, considering they are sub-par at pro-killing as well, it's not hard to see why they would say that. Clearing lanes is significantly easier for an Assassin and makes better use of the cloak and sprint. It also gets you a lot of juice fast, allowing you to wreck the enemy's base.
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