Most Overpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 23, 2010.


What is the most overpowered class?

  1. Assassin

    30 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    15 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    53 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  5. Support

    155 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    92 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    111 vote(s)
  1. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    How about you read what the guy was saying.

    Every class has a feasible way to deal with any other class in every situation.

    I know it's a team game, but we're discussing that the assassin CAN'T deal with a sniper 95% of the time.
  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^^ Agreed, No matter how you cut it, a good sniper will always beat a good Assassin
  3. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    The way I figure, 'Weights' shouldn't be in-breeding.

    What I mean by that is that Light Characters shouldn't be trying to best each other.

    Instead, Light should be after Heavy. Heavy after Medium, and Medium after Light.

    With this theory in full working order, Snipers should be able to headshot Heavy characters easily, and Assassins should be able to out-flank them easily. True.
    Tanks and Gunners should be able to easily rip into Support and Assault Players with their heavy weaponry. True (Tank more for Assault, Gunner/Assault is fairly even)
    Assaults and Supports should be able to easily counter Snipers (fairly true) and take out Assassins with Ease. True.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    You don't have to kill the guy all you have to do is distract him. If he's in a great sniping spot for people leaving the base you can shoot at him and tell everyone to make a run for it.

    Now he has to move to because his position is crap.

    Ok if you don't like that idea try this one:

    Let's be perfectly honest here.... you guys are actually talking about: I want to be best solo person ever; I want lots of kill streaks against every class and few deaths. I think my class needs a buff because I am having trouble fufilling my wishes.

    Not: I want to be a really great player contributing to my team.
  5. Baaay

    Baaay New Member

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    well the person with the less deaths and most kills is helping there team buy owning the other team and if its a really good sniper he can kill them before they leave there base so that leaves ur allys to destroy the moneyball in a short few mins or u can milk the match and make there team quit,

    Heres some examples:

    Tank > Assassin
    Gunner > Support
    Assault > Tank
    Support > Assault
    Assassin > Gunner
    Sniper > Everything
  6. The_Support

    The_Support New Member

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    I would have to say its pretty much even. Some classes overpower other classes and so on.
  7. lazersuprise

    lazersuprise New Member

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    This one is for every one who thinks the Support is overpowered:
    1.Airstrikes:Easy enough, you can see where its gonna land easy to get out of the way, if you get stuck, that was skill, its hard to land that throw.
    2.Firebases:Still easy, you can take these out with any class, you just have to stay out of range and kill the support first.
    3.Shotgun:This is a seconday weapon, just a slot holder, no matter what class you are, if a support can get close enough to kill you with his shotgun, you just suck.
    4.Hurt/Heal gun:this is for healing, but its ranged, just like the shotgun, dont let them get in range, and for assasins and being found with the H/H gun, well, supports need a way to defend them selves, the assasins are the biggest danger, and the assasin is way over powered, so its ok if the support has some help to defend from assasins.
    -There are ways for any class to kill any other class, you just gotta find them.
  8. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    It is not at all hard to land that throw, especially against an Assassin. You can follow it up after being grappled, and even if you just happen to see someone near you, you can just wing it. Hell, if anyone (especially Assassin) is about to grapple you, press B and it will land right behind where they are doing their grapples. You can also throw it under bridges at complete random and score kills.

    Wait, am I trying to kill the Support first? I thought you said to stay out of range. No matter how you look at it, unless you're a Sniper, dealing any kind of significant damage requires you to be in range.

    Tell that to Assassins. When Supports can magically switch their weapons as they are being grappled, it is a huge issue for Assassins. In fact, in addition with this new update, it will make it impossible to kill a Support unless two things are true: They are completely alone and it is a back grapple.

    It has a fairly large range. Just like everything else the Support can do, it's like it was made specifically to counter the Assassin. All you have to do it jump around holding R. You don't even have to aim. You literally cannot lose to an Assassin. It's almost stupid how low skill you have to be to play the Support efficiently.
  9. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    All I got from your arguments was that the Assassin is underpowered. We all know this already.

    Not saying that lazersuprise is correct. His points do have flaws. The Firebase is overpowered, it takes too long to kill and has a high damage output. It doesn't break the support and everything else is fine as it is. The firebase is the only thing that needs tweaking.

    Airstrikes are not very easy to avoid. Especially when you place them smartly. They are a great tool. Also the Shotty is an amazingly effective weapon. Not broken but def effective.

    Another Edit: Assassins have no room to say anything is overpowered because they play the worst class in the game. Everything is going to be overpowered to them.
  10. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    Of course I am speaking relative to the Assassin, though that does not mean that they don't apply to other classes as well. I was speaking relative to the Assassin because he said they were overpowered.
  11. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    If the assassin is so underpowered, why does everyone think that its equal? I think its underpowered, but nice "they don't have opinions".

    have fun with your OP class bro.
  12. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    No one thinks she's equal. It's either the Supports who don't want Assassins to get buffed, so they say she's OP, or the Assassins who don't want the already bad class to get nerfed harder that say she's UP.
  13. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    A lot of people here think that's she balanced. IDK, maybe not.
  14. Alwaysdeadfred

    Alwaysdeadfred New Member

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    The sniper is obviously the most overpowered class. It is the only class that can one hit any class and one of the only classes that has a good long range weapon. An effective way to take them out would be to use an assassin to grapple them but they have the freezing trap which makes it almost impossible to do. The only effective way to kill a sniper is to counter snipe them and even that is hard to do because of their small bodies. This has made the game nearly unplayable for me and must be fixed.
  15. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    I play support & think it's overpowered. 3 level 3 airstrikes? way overpowered.
    I think that's the only thing though. The HH gun has a pathetic range & does
    a pitiful amount of damage & the shotgun is only effective up really close.
    As for the deployable turret - it's fragility balances it nicely.
  16. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I dont see how people think support is OP, 1 gunner will mince a support. Its not like the beacons are hard to see/hear/run away from? Only things I think are OP are the sniper traps, sniper grapple and grapples in general. I think to add a use to the melee (right stick clicked in) they should make it so it will knock enemy pros off your friends if they are grappling?
  17. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I've been playing the sniper, support and assassin a lot recently and I have to say... the sniper is surprisingly powerful. I can do all my assassin 'jobs' with the sniper with greater ease and pretty much all my assassin tactics work with it but with less effort.

    I think the problem is less about power and more about tools. The assassin has tools for manouvering but when it comes to the actual combat it's pretty much all stars, grapple and lunge. With sniper and support you have a lot of interesting options at all times which gives them flexibility and power. I'm not sure if that makes them overpowered, but it does make the assassin feel considerably more limited by comparison.
  18. Solid scorpion

    Solid scorpion New Member

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    Play a sniper, i destroy supports constantly they are the class i am least worried about when i play cuz they have no ranged ability besides firebase and it has little health
  19. TheKennedyCurse

    TheKennedyCurse New Member

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    Support. The firebases should be nerfed.
  20. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Support? Overpowered? hahahahahahaha ohhh.. man. Support is Perfectly balanced. Not a thing wrong with them.

    Gunners are OP. Upgrade just slam and passive and EZ 70 kills per game.

    Assassins are OP. Invisable full sprint/dive into someone's back one hit ko grapple to stealth and gone.

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