Most Underpowered Class?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by scathis, August 25, 2010.


Most Underpowered Class?

  1. Assassin

    87 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    19 vote(s)
  3. Gunner

    10 vote(s)
  4. Tank

    80 vote(s)
  5. Support

    18 vote(s)
  6. Sniper

    6 vote(s)
  7. None, they are fairly well balanced

    108 vote(s)
  1. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Exactly my point, though. How come I keep seeing assassins simply 2 shotting level 3 turrets, including RockIts? There is obviously either a glitch that allows this, or someone has modded the game/used scripts with a JTAGed console. I don't really understand why the assassin has such a weird hit system, though. I played a bit more, and sometimes I can quickly go through bots like they are nothing, other times I can hardly do any damage to them.. I've tested it on non-overhealed, etc. bots directly after the match starts when I farm up swords immediately.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Your blade does more damage from behind, and the lunge is a bit picky about whether it will hit just one target or a whole group
  3. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Assassins are very quick and they are invisible. Gunners are slow, (only one class is slower) large, and obvious targets; as a result it's rather hard to grapple anyone. It follows naturally that having a grapple on the gunner is stupid (unless it was a grapple reversal or block).

    Ok so what, the bomb is the last thing you buy. I NEVER buy any upgrades for my grapple, because it's poorly designed for my class. I NEVER buy the level three deploy because it doesn't help do what it was designed to do (live through a sniper attack while deployed). Some of my friends only play assassin so I have their knowledge at my disposal. Remember, you were asking me why buy the upgrade.

    You agree the helmet seems stupid. Awesome! My point all along has been no one has a worse set of skills than the gunner. Isn't this the wrong forum for the cloak discussion? I know you're reading that one to so let's talk about that there.

    To reiterate: being big, slow and bulky (definitely not invisible!) makes little sense to have a grapple. Here's your problem: The support isn't necessarily designed to get as many kills as the gunner. MNC is a team game not a solo sport and as such you're not supposed to be equal in kills. You are a scalpel while the gunner is a massive claymore. The idea is to find a good team with a balanced set of skills to destroy the enemy's money ball. An Assassin is great for taking out someone from behind or for taking them out of a fight for a few seconds. It really doesn't take long to position yourself for the grapple when you are much faster than every other class. Now you've contradicted yourself. It's either a race for kills or it isn't. In order to stay in the argument you have to agree that it doesn't matter that the gunner can kill two people in the time the assassin can kill one. It matters that the assassin can kill one and run away to do it again and make people waste time looking for her. That is a useful tool that you probably don't think about. How often do you move your back to the wall to reload? How often do you shoot at air because an assassin might be there? The time we waste looking for you and that equals out the time you lose moving into position.

    As I have said, right now the assassin is massively broken. It's so hard to find a group of people who aren't obviously cheating. Last night found an assassin who was infinite dashing all over the place (it's so obvious how you move when I slam you if you are cheating or not). At the end of the first match, they won and said, "we aren't cheating; watch us next game." The next match their assassin had zero affect on the match (previously he took out our turrets from multiple juices gained in quick order by killing bots on super speed). He said he had a speed gold the first game but it was such a load of garbage. The bottom line is that an assassin moves a certain way when you slam them unless they are using infinite dash.

    I'm getting tired of having $2000 and having nothing to spend it on. Previously I had to buy all our turrets, but one of my friends has gotten to where he gets almost as much money as I do. I will keep my vote on gunner because half of his level three skills are worthless.
  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I suspect you're having lag just like everyone else. There are games where I backpedal and enemies come straight at me. I'm using my mini gun and usually we're talking about a support coming at me with the hurt gun. I can empty the entire clip (enough bullets to kill 4-6 people on average) and never even hit him. Sometimes it's only one person in the game, which makes me suspect at times that person is lag switching.
  5. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Well, first off I say the bomb is the last thing to buy. That doesn't mean I ever get around to actually buying it :p I tend to end a lot of matches with it still at rank 1.
    With the annihalator, juice, ejectors, bot-spawners and turrets getting exploded I'm surprised you have money lying about in your pocket at all; there always seems to be something to spend it on when you're helping out your team :3

    As for the difference between gunner and assassin grapples I wasn't commenting on the ability to get a grapple, but rather the speed of the grapple itself. The assassin's footspeed doesn't make her grapple any more 'instant' than the gunners, though it does help her land it more often. That's why I take objection to you trying to claim the back-grapple is some kind of all-powerful god-like attack. Hell, I get more headshots when I play sniper than I do backstabs on the assassin and I get a lot of assassin backstabs :p

    Talking of which, the manoeuvring required in getting a backgrapple are more reliant on the target not spinning around like they're on a magic roundabout and bounding around like they've got a firework trapped up their hiney. As both sniper and assassin, people's habit of fidgeting in this game is a good way to really screw up that grapple/headshot so the real key is patiently waiting for that one moment of calm that allows everything to line up. That takes time. If you're not very good and like getting killed all the time you can get grapples pretty darn quick... they just won't be back-grapples very often and you'll survive them even less often.

    Again on the time to kill, it's not a race, it's about time spent not pushing. I mentioned that in the sections you quoted so I have no idea how I'm contradicting myself or why you got onto that topic in the first place :p
    I don't spend any time shooting air looking for assassins either. That's just being paranoid :p
    Closest I ever get to that is tapping the hurt button on the heal gun to make all assassins in range magically appear if I know there's one about, because the cloak is fairly visible from a surprisingly distant range, and even further away if they're dashing ("oh wow, look at that line of dust clouds travelling towards me. What could that possibly mean?") On the sniper I don't even bother looking because my level 3 freeze traps pretty much render them a joke :p
    That said, I often jump everywhere because there's no reason not to, so assassins don't cause me much trouble in general (sure they could try and time it to when I'm landing but in this thing called reality we have lag and so that almost never happens at all with any level of success :3 )
    All said, however, I'm completely aware of how paranoid people get around assassins. It's my favourite part of playing the class and one of the main tools of my trade. Saying I take that for granted is hitting rather far from the truth I'm afraid :D

    Actually, let me backtrack a little: I just realised the one time I have trouble with assassins is, ironically enough, when I'm an assassin myself :p
    That's mainly because the fight turns into a big lunge battle with both of us watching for an opportunity to grapple. On support it's more a case of 'lol shotgun' and on sniper it's a case of 'lol icetraps' followed by a headshot or grapple. It's probably worth noting that I don't think either of these classes are all that overpowered either :3

    The last topic I want to tackle though, is you going on about the speed run glitch and super jump glitch when I said the assassin is fine. What the heck? Seriously? Did you for one second think I meant that those two were ok? What next? Because I said the sniper isn't overpowered does that suddenly mean I'm ok with them being able to shoot through glass? Way to try to put words in my mouth :/
  6. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Bouncers are very situational, I always hit the annihilator and it's cheaper/faster to shoot people than eject them. Why would I buy juice when I can get it so easily? Why would I push the enemy team more? I hate winning over and over again in two minutes.

    But that is my point. A grapple on the gunner without a lunge or charge component makes as much sense as putting a double minigun on the assassin (instead of say shuriken). Of course using it would make you move at the same speed as a gunner shooting it, and you'd still have the lowest health of all the classes. It would be beyond stupid. The minigun is not quite instant either unless I am juiced, but I throw that out as most classes get instant kills while juiced. Good players will quite often run away right before I finish them off.

    Time spent looking for an invisible assassin who just ran by is time spent not pushing. It's the same thing. Never forget that a small physical impact can have a large psychological impact.

    So then you grant that we waste each other's time equally?

    I didn't say you were a cheater, and I didn't say you used those tricks. I said I'm so tired of seeing assassins who cheat and say I wasn't cheating (wearing a cat eating the canary grin). Is the cloak cheating? Rough topic, but all I can say is that using it feels like cheating and being on the receiving end of it feels like cheating.

    The other day I got called a cheater by some guy as a gunner. He sent a message to all friends and recent players (including me) to have all his friends report me for cheating. I dance, bob and weave as a gunner and it makes me harder to kill. But I'm no cheater. I apologize if I hinted that you were a cheater. But we did report that guy for tampering: having your friends/recent players report someone they've never played a game with is by definition tampering.
  7. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    You even bringing up those glitches in the first place is irrelevant. Not only were they not intended, but also give the Assassin a distinct advantage. Thus, they will be removed. Anything else regarding the Assassin is underpowered.
  8. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Oh don't worry, I didn't think you were calling me a cheater :3
    I was just going "what the heck?" when you quoted me saying the assassin wasn't really that bad then went on about the glitches. Made it sound like I thought those were part of the class or something whether I used them or not XD

    As for wasting people's time, I don't have to be around to do that. If they see me uncloak for a second as I lunge through their robot line behind them before I fade out again they'll be jumpy for ages, even if I'm long gone :p
    Infact, an alarming amount of people seem to determinedly chase assassins so I'll often just lead them back to their own base and lose them or I'll guide them into the waiting barrels of a friendly gunner/engineer and firebase. in those situations then yes, we're into equal time-wasting territory :p

    Cheating accusations are always annoying. I used to get called a cheater in counterstrike because I used headphones to work out where people are in the map and shoot them through stuff. It's one of my strongest points in PvP games; using sound to track people. It's also my greatest weakness :3
    A friend of mine was playing against me in CS and after getting destroyed for a while he started walking instead of running and suddenly I was on the losing side. Same thing happened in Monday Night Combat when my flatmate turned off my amp (can't remember why, now that I think on it, which bothers me slightly :eek: ) I was suddenly very useless as an assassin. Didn't realise how much I counted on listening for airstrikes over using the visual warnings until that moment XD

    Hmmm... I'm loathe to do it but I suppose I should really give the gunner a shot sometime. I try to avoid forming an opinion on stuff until I've played as it myself and the gunner and tank are both classes I've not really touched (which is why I avoid trying to discuss them in any detail :p )
    I usually reserve playing classes I don't like for ones that are giving me trouble but I suppose it's worth checking out just for the sake of variety :3
  9. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Well, since we're now on assassin glitches...

    So I was playing a match today where an assassin was scouting for a sniper with MLG in his name (lol), and while the sniper did end the match with 25 kills and 2 deaths (was headshotting our entire team the moment they came out of spawn), I noticed something while watching the assassin. It was using the infinite speed-dash glitch, but another thing I saw that was weird that I haven't heard about. They were using the smoke bomb to SUPER JUMP. I watched the guy do it several times, he would throw down a smoke bomb and suddenly jump up to the other side of the map, or at least sometimes jumped up to the ledge above him. This wasn't near any jump pads either, so meh. Guess another "MLG"er that always complains about unfairness then uses every glitch to his advantage found something new to use. Anyone else heard of this?
  10. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I don't see the purpose of telling everyone that he had MLG in his gamertag :?
  11. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    Haha, yeah I was just having a discussion about MLGers elsewheres and for some reason that got typed in. Not like it's a hindrance to what I was saying, though. Just read the title update and saw that what I was talking about was a known glitch though, so I am glad it will be getting patched.
  12. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Ok. Just making sure you know that most people with MLG in their gamertag usually aren't real MLG players.
  13. TheKennedyCurse

    TheKennedyCurse New Member

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    Probably, from my experience, the Tank. Although, I could just not be skilled with him.
  14. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    All classes have deadly potential but most of all, Snipers seem the weakest.
  15. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    Trap spam+AoE sniper rifle ftw?
  16. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    Best long range weapon, close range he has freeze traps, smg, flaks, and best grapple in the game.

    Yeah, he's...weak?
  17. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    I've never ever had trouble with a sniper... The frost traps are obvious. don't go there. As an Assault.. Throw a bomb.. Boom One shotted. as a support, drop a turrent near him or if your slick, jump around the traps and shot gun him while he's aiming. as a gunner.. shoot at him with nearly endless ammo, all he can do is hide.. Don't go near the sniper, and sniping is pretty hard imo, long as you move alot he's usless over there. Get cought in an ice trap? Shoot at the sniper. lawl. snipers are Laughable imo.
  18. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    If only an assassin could disable traps :)

    Or if shurikens worked on moving targets.
  19. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Me bringing up the exploits of assassins was a personal side note.

    Oh right the Assassin is underpowered? /laugh. It's the only class that can taunt while invisible. And if you think that's nothing of note then you just really don't know how to play this game.
  20. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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