Kill Streaks!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by wickedxtheboss, August 30, 2010.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Crossfire matches: 6v6. Same as Team Deathmatch in MW2
    When you press select what happens? You see K:A:D in the EXACT same format as MW2
    Regardless of who does more damage, the player who deals the final blow gets the kill
    Pressing the left analog stick allows Assassins to dash.... same thing lets you sprint in MW2
    Snipers get headshots. 'Nuff said.
    Similar to Domination in MW2, the game has a point but almost everyone plays it as Team Deathmatch
    K/D is indirectly stressed more than the actual goal (again, referring to Domination in MW2)
    Snipers are hated and cussed out a lot

    ... I don't know what game you guys have been playing.
  2. SuLLy

    SuLLy New Member

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    MNC>MW...Don't you ever insult Uber like that again. EVER. This game is ridiculously awesome and it's only 15 dollars.......and the first DLC is free....UBER>Infinity Ward.
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Calm down.

    I never said one game was better than the other, I was merely pointing out the similarities in the two.
  4. SenorPancake

    SenorPancake New Member

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    :? Not sure if serious :?
  5. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    guys this games not about kd! its about teamwork and fun! plus killstreaks would unbalance it since a new player who keeps getting killed by the older player would still get killed by him then he gets a "killstreak" thus makeing the new guy delete the game over rage you really want less players uber? if u dont never ever put killstreaks
  6. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    ^This. You already get something equivalent to a turret upgrade, bot spawn, player upgrade, annihilator, or ejector from a streak. The difference is you can choose when it happens in your streak.
  7. starwolf333

    starwolf333 New Member

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    In my opinion, if you add something like that, you run the risk of being too much like other games. CoD is infamous for the killstreaks - including one that literally ends the game - and while it can make all the difference if one person on a team gets lucky to balance the match, there's one huge difference between that and this.

    Mainly, the bots and turrets. They're there to keep the opposing team from being too dominating for too long, and provide the other team time to recoup and maybe even pull off a reversal. Taking that away would really make Quick Matches - where most of the people are casual gamers and not world-class snipers - really lopsided, allowing one team to completely dominate without any chance of the other team putting up a fight.

    Yes, that happens already, but that's not as often. And, I'll be the first to admit that when you're on either side of those games, the win is less satisfying, and the loss is more infuriating.
  8. selkie210

    selkie210 New Member

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    actually i think that kill so many bots=killsteak.i dont like MW much but i thought that the killsteaks were a decent idea.maybe like 10 blackjack kills=1 blackjack on your team spawns

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