Website Leaderboards?

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by Sm1tty Sm1t, August 10, 2010.

  1. JACKO6622

    JACKO6622 New Member

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    Is there a way to check how many games you've lost/won? I wanna check my Win/Loss ratio
  2. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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  3. boxxcarcadaver

    boxxcarcadaver New Member

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    I'm going to bump this topic because it defiantly needs to be done on this website so........

  4. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    One way to tell who is cheating is to look at the weekly stats.

    On the kills board under all the cheaters there's a guy with 17k kills. He's pretty much all but admitted to boosting in private matches to get that high. It would be awesome if private matches with less than 6 people didn't count for stats.

    I know for a fact that the leader for wins is legitimate (the guy directly under all the cheaters). The only game he's been playing all month long is MNC.

    But yesterday I played with someone who was a contender for being on the top 10 legitimate wins. It was sad to discover that he was a speed assassin cheater.... and a sore loser.
  5. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Currently, we don't have a way to report leaderboards to the website. If we find a way at a later date, we'll let you know.
  6. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Is it possible to remove the obvious hackers from the leaderboards?
  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Yes it is possible. Working on a fix for that with Microsoft.
  8. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Ow i love you guys.

    Uber is certaintly are living up to their name. :D
  9. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I do wonder if certain things are something to be proud of. Highest number of kills/wins/money just means you play the game a lot and not totally suck.
    Highest K/D ratio would be something to be proud of, but that is not the object of this game (neither is number of kills).
    Highest win/lose ratio certainly is something to aim for, but since i get disconnected a lot, i need to rejoin matches a lot and join in the middle of games a lot. Since people on the losing team tend to quit more often, i end up losing a lot of games by joining an already losing team. Also it is not hard to get only wins simply by partying up with two other good players and play in the open matches, the chances of being defeated by a random team are slim.
    Average money would mean even less since games do not last the same amount of time.

    To really get a more accurate measure of how well you are playing there should be a ranking system where you are measured against the ranking of all the other players in the match and your ranking will be adjusted according to how well you perform against them.
    Which would not be a simple job to implement, but at least it can also be used to upgrade the pairing of teams, which is working horribly at the moment, but that is a different topic. I heard they were using some kind of ranking system to determine teams now, but whatever they are using, it is not working...i also don't see a reason why we are not able to view those rankings, at least that is something i would really be interested in.
  10. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    But K/D ratio is absolutely the worst stat to publically show because it makes people uncontrollably obsessed with it. So much it really degrades games like BF:BC2 or MW2, people only look at K/D ratio and everyone is trying to keep that as high as possible, most people are just fighting their own war to keep that little stat up instead of honestly going for the objective or w/e.

    Maybe a money/hour earned would be a good way but again you can make money from simply overhealing the crap out of your base as support for example, much like you can keep a relatively high K/D ratio without actually helping your team win.

    Perhaps the whole intend of the leaderboard was just to simply to see who got the most kills and money and not pretend to show someone's skill in the first place? :)
  11. MassaYoda

    MassaYoda New Member

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    As someone who plays primarily support, I can safely say that the money you make from healing/overhealing things is crap. You make 1$ about every 5-8 seconds if the thing actually benefits from the healing. You make much more by actually participating in killing things. Even just setting up your firebase in a bot lane provides much better income.

    As to the latter point, I've been in several games where a team will just base camp the other team to keep racking up the kills even though they could easily take out the moneyball. They just want kills and cash, and don't seem to care about actually winning the match.

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