Being a (Trapless) Offensive Sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Unic0rnSunshine, September 2, 2010.

  1. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Unic0rn here. I'm a player who mains Sniper, but I don't like being put in the category as the kind of guy who owns a campground in his own base. No, I'm an offensive sniper. I'm sure you opened this thread thinking to yourself 'Offensive Sniper? Surely those two words can't go together in the same sentence!' How wrong you would be.

    We'll start with your weapons.

    Your Rifle And You


    (Note: All pictures will be provided by me. :cool: )

    Here it is, your way to reach out and touch someone (lethally). There's not much you can actually say in the way of advice for using the rifle, other than PRACTICE. You need to get comfortable with the sniping in this game to be successful, and since you'll be playing a more offensive sniper, you're gonna need to be able to line up quick shots at long to medium-range. All you can do for that is practice.

    Quickscoping is always an option if you're desperate, but I'd only recommend that if you know for a fact that you're in a game with little lag, since it's MUCH harder when you're not. A way to check if you're in a laggy game is to tap your scope button very lightly. If it pops in and out twice with one press, I wouldn't recommend quickscoping, just switch to your SMG.

    How To Make Enemies And Irritate People


    Now, the SMG is a deadly little secondary, depending on your endorsements. With my 3 Sniper custom classes, my SMG is good on 2 of them, due to RoF Gold being on them. (The third being a joke no-scope class with Iturba that I just mess around with)
    You can use the SMG at short-to-medium range (obviously), and since you'll be pushing on a walkway on both Steel Peel and Grenade III, you should be relying on it a lot for medium range and to finish Gunners and Tanks that may survive your grapple.

    You actually have more range with an SMG with no accuracy then you think. On Steel Peel, I killed someone (with VERY little health) while standing on the walkway close to my base and they were entering the "lobby" to the back tunnel to their base. SMG's a great little tool that you should definitely get used to switching to.

    Let's talk about the pregame, now that you have an idea of your class.

    Think Before You Kill


    When I say "the pregame", I'm talking about your skills/endorsements, of course.

    Now, endorsements.

    I use (on my main sniper class) Rate of Fire, Armor, and Clip Size.

    Rate of Fire, because it lets me put out more shots with my sniper faster, which messes up turrets AND bots. Also, like I said earlier, it turns your SMG into a delightful little death hose.

    Armor, because dying from a front grapple sucks and you're about as tough as a piece of toilet paper before you use armor.

    Clip Size, because JESUS CHRIST, that SMG eats ammo.

    You can switch Clip Size for Skill Recovery for Flak if you so desire.

    Now that we have our awesome Sniper class, the game has started! You spawn and realize, I don't know what skills to upgrade!

    Here's my order (the best order :D )

    Passive 2 + Grapple 2 (with your first 300)
    Flak 2 (the second you get 150)
    Passive 3
    Flak 3
    Grapple 3

    Now, Passive 2 is important for bot killing and such. And Grapple 2 is REALLY important for being an offensive sniper, since you're going to be at close range with enemies A LOT. And without it, well... you're pretty much screwed.

    Flak 2 is important for turrets, bots, and enemies around corners, since Flak 1 is useless.

    Passive 3 is, behind Grapple 2, THE MOST IMPORTANT UPGRADE TO TAKE.
    The explosive shots absolutely decimate bots and, if your team has gotten to the moneyball, help greatly if the enemy likes to give their ball big hugs. (Free kills. :) )
    Also, keeps supports from humping their firebases so close.

    Flak 3 is just to kill turrets faster, since the enemy has either upgraded, or rebuilding from you destroying them, which you should be doing. >:O

    Grapple 3 is kind of overkill, but screw it, I'd rather grapple kills than ring-outs.

    I'll put up videos of myself playing a match on each map (except LazeRazor. Sorry. I don't snipe on LazeRazor. Anyone who wants to record a match on LazeRazor using these tactics is welcome and if it's good, I'll put it up.) to show an idea of what to do on each map.

    Now, let's talk about each skill individually.

    How To Improve Your Golf Swing


    Ah, grapple. The most hated/loved skill in the whole game. Love it or hate it, it's pretty much the only prayer the Sniper has at point blank range, and it kinda fits his character to be over-prepared at all ranges. And remember assassin's, it's just as hard for us to land the grapple as you.

    Anyways, since you're gonna be pushing up where the pros roam, you're gonna be ticking damage at long-mid range with the sniper, closing with the SMG, and if they didn't go down with that, the grapple is your friend.

    Also, assassin's who are dumb enough to front-grapple you will PAY. :)

    Properly Using That Death Sphere


    (It was the best thing I could find. Shhhh.)

    Now, Flak is 99% useless at Level 1, so ignore it until you level it once.

    At Level 2, it irritates pros well enough to make them back off, or move out of cover. It also makes killing turrets with your sniper go MUUUUCH faster. It does decent bot damage.

    At Level 3, it REALLY irritates pros, making them move more frantically, usually into danger, whether it be a bot, a teammate, or YOU. It also can almost solo quite a few turrets, and makes killing turrets even easier. It does heavy bot damage, but you should be sniping most bots. Try not to Flak bots too much.


    See my face? That's how I feel about Ice Traps.

    I find them to be a little over-powered, so I don't use them at all. Only sometimes, but that's only at Level 1. Never higher than that. You save money anyway.

    If they beeped like Assault Bomb's, I might use them at Level 2. MAYBE

    But I recommend not using them. You have to be more aware, but checking your back every few moments is safer, anyway. You'll catch assassins and sneaky gunners/tanks.

    Well, that's all I can really say for now. The videos will be up soon and I may update this later with strategies for fighting each class.

    Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it/ how much I'm loving MNC.

  2. Rivvik

    Rivvik New Member

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    HAHAHA Awesome pics, bro! :lol:
  3. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Why, thank you! I'm partial to the 'Think Before You Kill' one.

    Anyway, videos of Ammo Mule, Steel Peel (<3), and Grenade III coming later today.

    Like I said in the guide, anyone willing to use these techniques on LazeRazor and do well will be included. :D
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I tried something similar where I was just messing around with sniper. I used Skill regen lv3, Armor lv2, and I think RoF lv1. Anyway I just ran around with my SMG and only upgraded flak and grapple.

    It was so fun, the flak recharges grotesquely fast and at level 3 is just evil combined with a pummeling from the SMG. And we all know about the "kick you in the nuts!" grapple being really good at just lv2, at 3 it's just overkill.
  5. JohntheShrubber

    JohntheShrubber New Member

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    Dude your closet door is broken
  6. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

    Likes Received:
    Very much so.

    Videos coming up soon.

    Don't have ammo mule yet.

    Only played Steel Peel and Grenade III today for some reason.
  7. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    I very much agree... lol, but the pics were comical :)
  8. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    I tried playing around with a Sniper using some of this - while I'm hardly a headshot master, I had a good time and I'll need to try it some more.

    And I played for hours earlier, and noticed that almost every match was Grenade III or Steel Peel. Odd, that.
  9. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    I play offensive Sniper unless it's to my advantage not to (Steel Peel, anyone?). I'm always up in the front corners destroying turrents and sniping the moneyball.

    Even playing offensively, Traps are still your best friend. It forces people to find new and exciting [READ: ILLOGICAL] ways of approaching you which forces some pretty lulzy errors. Still, RTSD tactics work well for sniper, because nobody expects to have to deal with a sniper up close, and most other players will just waltz into range thinking you're a free kill, and discovering otherwise with the quickness. It's also a good tactic for combating enemy snipers, because most like to hang back, and if you're at their base, you're flanking them, if not BEHIND them.
  10. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    NOTE: Gotta click the 'pictures' for the videos.


    GRENADE III. Was cut short, because lunch. But you get an idea.


    STEEL PEEL. Pretty good game. Actually went 10-0. :cool:

    I talk fast normally, but I talked extra-fast in the recordings to fit as much in as I possibly can. I'm not usually THAT fast of a talker.
  11. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    Dude... fix your door already! LOL
  12. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    At this point, the inside of my closet is a wasteland. So, I'd rather not fix it.

    Besides, nothing actually good In that "wasteland" besides some books I never read.

    Anyway, sorry about the delay on the Ammo Mule video. Should be coming soon.
  13. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    I've been playin around with melee snipers for a while and now this. Snipers are better Assassins than an assassin will ever be. bahahaha
  14. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    I sniped on LazeRazor.


    Sorry that LazeRazor got cut short. It was a good 17 minute clip.
  15. Vigil80

    Vigil80 New Member

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    "That's how to properly snipe on Steel Peel without sitting in your own base and jerking off."

    QFT, sir. QFT.
  16. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Glad someone got some amusement from my humor. :cool:
  17. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I'm in the video! I remember playing with you that day. It was me, Pu5h, vengeful fiend and Ace in a party.
  18. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Yes, you are in the video!

    And I figured as much, you all being the 99's.

    I do recall Pu5h/Ace doing some annoying Heal/Hurt hopping, but it wasn't too bad. And I think that was before I started recording.

    I mentioned you quite a few times. :p
  19. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Let me be the first to say

    Get a haircut!
  20. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    Oh, I am soon.

    It's usually not this long. I've just been more bothered with school/MNC/Reach to get one, since it's not really THAT long. Probably cutting it this week.

    Anyways, I hit 500 SMG Kills, and it's just SMG L.

    I was disappointed. But I do hope it's like the Shotgun titles for support.

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