Once it is upgraded to level three this ability does not go well with his other skills. We all know why it does not work well the after explosion making a charge suicidal. So a change to a level three Product Grenade would be very great. A possiblility I have in mind is that half of it would explode on impacked while the other half processeds as normal.
Actually I think it would be better if they just dropped the MERV idea, and added an increased effectiveness on bots and turrets, OR maybe anything stunned recieves extra damage, making more since with the tanks charge ability.
How about if the grenade just set people on fire? You can pounce on someone and then when they try to escape you blast them from behind, blinding them and igniting them to make it easier for you to catch up and seal the deal. Although less useful if you're aim is off or against multiple targets...