Easy fixes to make some turrets desirable

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by dwiguitar, September 2, 2010.

  1. dwiguitar

    dwiguitar New Member

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    First of all, great game.

    It's a mix of FPS with DOTA with turret defense. It's unique and groundbreaking.

    However, right now the turret defense aspect of the game is little more than a gimmick. Most games come down to who can juice rush and use the anihilator the most.

    The turrets are extremely weak to juice, except for the rockit turret.
    Unless hacked, lazer and long shot turrets pose no threat at all. Not even a bit.
    Shaveice turrets serve only one purpose, letting you pass the 50th round of sudden death. Their drawbacks are greater than their benefits because simply, they ocuppy a spot that can be for a rockit.
    I think turrets should be something that the other team HAS to bring down if they want to rush a base. I can juice up as any class and hit the money ball for like 10 secs (thats like 25% damage) with two rockits firing at me plus a couple of enemy players as well before i finally get killed.
    I propose the following:
    -Juiced up pros take normal damage from turrets.
    -Shaveice and long shot turrets get 10% more health, no cost increase.
    -Shaveice turrets deal continuous small amounts of damage (1% per second, 2% at lv 3) to pros ans bots in their area of effect.
    -Level 3 lazer blazer damage decreased by 10%, health increased by 20%.

    thx for reading
  2. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I just thought of something from what you said.
    What if when the two front turrets are up on one side (doesn't matter what they are) there's a huge defense boost to the rear turret on the same side. When all 4 front are up, a boost in defense to the moneyball happens. The two rear turrets could give a boost to moneyball defense as well, maybe even stacking the two bonuses to make hitting the moneyball with all turrets up almost pointless.

    *applies to crossfire, almost forgot that
  3. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    So every turret spot used improves the Moneyballs shield? Nice idea!

    Also upgrading turrets could do the same too.
  4. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    This sounds like a good idea, which is why I know I'm reading it wrong.
  5. SushiBomb

    SushiBomb New Member

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    I'm all for beefier turrets. Also, a slow dot on the shaveice would be amazing.
  6. tezmac

    tezmac New Member

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    Also this turret could add "attention" to the slowed Pros which makes the other turrets more damaging to the Pro whilst in the Aurua zone
  7. dwiguitar

    dwiguitar New Member

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    I've only gotten positive answers in this thread so far, that's a good thing.

    I'm pretty sure most players agree that turrets need to be equally beneficial even if they serve different purposes.
  8. SCV

    SCV New Member

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    I also like this idea. Especially the dot for the shaveice turrets.
  9. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Awesome ideas!! I think the turrets SHOULD be something that needs to be destroyed before the money ball can go...I hope the devs do something to make them ALL worth spending money on and allow them to have a higher valued purpose.
  10. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    good idea but then most of that hard work pushing your bots will be wasted because of all the turrets still a good idea

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