If they do make the mistake of "fixing" how cloaking works..

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by monmaker, September 1, 2010.

  1. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    C:\Program Files\MNC\Data\Pros\Light\Assassin.Pro Execute Application DELETE.exe Target->C:\Program Files\MNC\Data\Pros\Heavy\Tank.Pro
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Heaven forbid an Assassin actually make the kills.
  3. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    What Monmaker is trying to say is that your theory can't work unless assassins get better at killing tanks and snipers. I like the idea that all classes have 2 counter-classes but right now the assassins have 3 counter classes (tank, sniper, assault) so giving them another counter-class is bad.
  4. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Hard counters to assassin:
    Sniper: Freeze Trap, Grapple.
    Gunner: Slam, Grapple. Gunner's upgraded grapple destroys assassins incase your slam missed.
    Assault: Jetpack. Charge also brings some pain.
    Tank: Everything.
    Support: Shotgun, Firebase (after patch).


    Did i miss anything?
  5. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Yup. :p
  6. TranceAddix

    TranceAddix New Member

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    Yes, I have a very unorthodox play style ;)
  7. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    Where did you get this theory?

    Sure, the Sniper is the best counter to tanks and supports, but as an Assassin, Gunners can slam once you get anywhere near them and once they see your cloak (and let's be honest; when they see your cloak) and both of their weapons are more than capable of tearing you apart almost instantly. Same goes for tank; the jet gun seems to have built with Assassins in mind.

    The Gunner and Tank, simply put, are damage takers and damage dealers. Nothing too complex with them, other than getting in range and being willing to take the aggro. Dual miniguns, airburst mortars, and giant beams of light tend to attract a lot of attention.

    The Assault is just an adaptive class that is good at everything, but doesn't really excel. He takes a little bit from almost every class, from the Assassin's speed and jump to the Tank's charge to the Gunner's weapon class (albeit slightly downgraded) to the sniper's traps that come with the airstrike's explosive power. As for the Support, well he tends to do a good job of holding the line. While his shotgun can make short work of Assassins, it works equally well against gunners. The only real universal offensive capabilities he has are the ability to help Heavy classes move the line forward and hold the enemy from advancing past that line.

    The point I'm trying to make is that for the most part, you don't go into a game with intention of hunting down 2 specific classes. The only exception is the Assassin, which tends to do a good job at taking out non-frontline characters like the Sniper and Support, and even those have plenty of counters for the Assassin. Sure, you can smoke bomb up to the sniper's nest, but all he has to do is surround himself with traps. The support may often be preoccupied healing teammates and building/upgrading turrets, but his firebase is never far and that thing will tear you to shreds.

    I think the Assassin barely gets by as she is. You have to be consistently lucky enough to catch the enemy off guard, and/or have a competently aggressive team that excels in wreaking mayhem. Cloak is already easy to spot, and her grapple is weak enough for Tanks to be almost immune to it. Her smoke bomb hardly has any stun effect, and trying to even press the right trigger is suicide.
  8. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    It's interesting that the two classes players often charge with but shouldn't (Support and Assassin) received the most adjustments. Maybe people will finally start playing them the way they were built.
  9. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    not really if so then why do the make tanks not 1 shot from behind? they are a heavy target plus if they take out the assassins cloak while grappleing ability then why not take every other classes ability to switch weapons while being grappled?
  10. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I doubt play style will change much.

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