Tank Underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Chaotic Phil, September 1, 2010.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Just did a little testing of gunner vs tank damage at close range..

    The target was always a tank with gold armor, no passive upgrade

    The only time the tank was able to kill the target faster than the gunner was if the tank had a higher RoF endorsement, the gunner only had the single minigun, and the gunner started from a cold start. In all other situations the gunner equaled or exceeded the tank's killing speed.

    Gunner with dual minigun firing at full speed with silver RoF killed the target in around 1/2 to 1/3 the time of a tank with silver RoF. That means the dual minigun is doing 2-3x the damage of the jet gun at point blank range. Even the single minigun, once spun up, does more than the jet gun.
  2. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I support this post. I don't think it's saying tank does too little damage. Seems more like the gunner does too much damage from a cold spin.

    Honestly, my biggest issue with the tank is his poor skill synergy.

    -Charge can knock pros out of death blossom range.
    -Level 3 product grendade means you might bomb yourself if you charge.
    -Product grenade's bounce makes it very difficult to use againt mobile pros
    -Not being able to aim while deploy activates means you can't use it against pros. A lack of damage boost also discourages this.
    -Level 3 passive doesn't really add anything except assassin survivability.
  3. Uncle Kulikov

    Uncle Kulikov New Member

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    The deathblossom is lethal to all standard bots without a support aura.

    The Railgun pierces everything but glass and has extreme range.

    I agree at the point blank jet gun, but he is good against a lot of stuff.
  4. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    Wait... The Tank's underpowered? Since when?
  5. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Ask them nicely to stay close by.
  6. Captainremo

    Captainremo New Member

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    Tank using his jet gun is definitely underpowered compared to the gunner, and unless the tank has a support healing him, he is going to lose most 1v1 unless he gets the jump on someone. Now if your a smart tank you'll stick to your rail gun.

    I play a tank primary and i think my biggest complaint is how sad his jet gun is. First of all Uber NEEDS to fix the hit detection with the jet gun. I will be burning an assaults face head on and it wont even be registering damage on him. I think the jet gun looks like it shoots straight but in actuality is a little angled to the left. I find if i lead the target to the right a little i do regular damage.

    Second complaint is his grenade, at level 3 it is nowhere near as good as say the supports bomb or assaults bomb, and the burst that can blind yourself, makes it only usable at range which seems a little backwards considering he should own at close range.

    Third complaint, tanks can be head shot from behind, and its pretty easy to headshot a tank, gunner gets a shield at lvl 3 if he deploys, why doesnt tank, because i get ammo regen? thats not very useful if I'm dead.

    Tanks pretty good he just needs someone healing him if hes going to do anything with jet gun.
  7. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    Good post, agree on all points.
  8. Chaotic Phil

    Chaotic Phil New Member

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    OK after playing the tank strictly for several days and playing around with endorsements. I have noticed now that is isnt as bad as i thought. Just it seemed when i start with tank it was impossible to do ANYTHING. The other classes i had down easily once i started with them (Yes i am not a strictly use one or some class player, I use all and now quite god with all) it was just the tank seemed impossible and it took several days to figure out the best endorsements to use for my type of play. But continue if you wanna discuss anymore about tank being underpowered.
  9. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    The tank is in my view next to useless. He's like a gimped gunner. Your railgun is like the mortar launcher, but with far less damage and no AoE, your fire gun has piddly range and even inside that range does less damage than the minigun, the deploy i find useless because of the tiny range and the fact you cant aim whilst deploying. For all that your not even gaining much in the way of survivability. The only thing I like about him is the product grenade
  10. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    They need to add fire damage to the railgun that would buff the tank greatly and maybe change his passive 3 to something more then just "More health"
  11. mipegg

    mipegg New Member

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    I think he also needs more health. Even with armour 3 my tank can barely survive an assasain grapple. I also think the burning needs to be something to be feared. It would give a reason to have a shave ice turret. At the moment the hurt gun outheals burning which is just silly (hurt gun heals for next to nothing)
  12. DDM

    DDM New Member

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    What if the Y ability for the tank was change from deploy to shield (think of mauler in gears of war 2)
    it would simple reduce the damage you take from the front and at the same time cut down movement speed

    and heck for level three passive why not give the tank a dual jet gun or at least a bigger one suriously they did it with the gunner
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Yeah, make Lv3 change it to a rocket booster gun instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkvzYsZnHyA
  14. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    I think the issue is that the Tank is overshadowed and outshined in just about every aspect by the Gunner. I can do well as the Tank, but I don't think there's anything the tank does (other than killing bots) that the Gunner can't do better.

    Close range: I read a thread where someone tested point blank jet gun vs. point blank dual mini's and the dual minis outperformed the jet gun in every way. Point blank is supposed to be the jet gun's specialty, but the dual minis still outperform it even when it's at its best.

    Mid range: Don't even need to discuss, it's the tank's weak point and gunner's strong point. It also happens to be where the vast majority of combat in MNC takes place. The only chance the Tank has against the gunner here is if the gunner is completely unspun, the tank lands a product grenade to start off, and the tank doesn't miss a single railgun shot. Even then the Gunner will still win if he has good aim, but if the tank can make him miss a little while simultaneously landing his railgun shots he has a chance.

    Long range: This should, in theory, go to the Tank. He has a hitscan railgun that does good damage and has infinite range. The Gunner's mortar outshines the railgun in every possible way. The arc on the mortar is very easy to master and the damage and explosion radius of the mortars are devastating. If someone is at the range where the mortars just split but aren't really separated yet it's goodnight for them. If not a single mortar does comparable damage to a single railgun shot anyway and doesn't need to have nearly as much precision. The mortar is also one of the best turret killing weapons in the game, again if lined up so the mortars have just split but not yet separted far you'll watch the turret's health drop in gobs.

    Note: I'm only comparing the Tank directly to the Gunner in combat to compare their respective weapon's killing effectiveness. You can apply the comparison to every other class except the Assassin where the Tank has the advantage due to not being 1 shot by back grapples.

    The advantage in the entire game I'd give to the Tank is bot killing. Death blossom is unmatched for killing bot waves. Killing pros and turrets is hands down the Gunner's advantage. Again, I'm not saying you can't do well with a Tank, I've had many 5+ k/d ratio and most cash earned games with him. What I am saying is that despite that, the Gunner will outperform the Tank in almost every situation.

    On top of that, the Gunner only needs to spend 550 dollars to reach his full potential, compared to the Tank's 1650 dollars. Some people complain that the Gunner doesn't have anything to buy when that's one of his greatest strengths. He can be maxed out 2 minutes into a game when all of the other classes need almost the entire game to reach that point. It seems to all boil down the unmatched effectiveness of the Gunner's base weapons. This might seem like a nerf Gunners thread, but this is basically why I think people feel like the Tank is underpowered. It's not that the Tank is underpowered, it's that he's outshined by the Gunner, which paints the Tank in an unfavorable light.
  15. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Oh please, Level 3 charge should do this instead.
  16. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    no, more like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWJU6sbf ... re=related

    Also, I totally agree about the gunner overshadowing the tank. Mortar is a much better long range gun against both players and turrets. Even the non-upgraded minigun does more damage than the jet gun at point-blank range. The dual minigun does far more.

    In almost any situation where a tank could get a kill, a gunner could do better. There are many situations where a gunner will do much better than a tank (medium range, high ground).

    The tank is better at three things, though. He can tear through bots much faster, although he has to put himself more in harm's way than the gunner. He can also tear up a base and cause chaos with juice much better than a gunner. He can survive assassins better than a gunner. That's about it, though.

    Tank vs Gunner: Gunner dominates. Sure the tank will win if he gets the jump on the gunner, but the same goes in the reverse situation, too.

    Tank vs Support: The tank is one of the easiest people to stick an airstrike to. With gold armor, the support is actually really damn hard for a tank to kill, and he can 2-3 shot the tank with the shotgun if he happens to miss with all of his airstrikes.

    Tank vs Assassin: A bad assassin (like me, most of the time) will try to grapple the tank and lose. A good assassin (like me, some of the time) will just frustrate the tank with shurikens.

    Tank vs Sniper: BOOM headshot. The tank's best option is just to stay out of the sniper's sight and otherwise ignore him.

    Tank vs Assault: If the tank gets close, he'll lose to charge+grapple. At medium range the assault is quick enough to either kite the tank to death or chase him to death. At long range, they don't really do anything to each other.

    Yeah, the tank will beat you if he's able to sneak up on you, but the same goes for any class. He even has a disadvantage there, being slow and the largest, most obvious target on the field.
  17. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Briq and zarakon pretty much summed it up.

    Tank is outshined by gunner in most situations and has blaring weaknesses against other classes.

    Everyone agrees he's the champ at bot kill, but even that can be a bad situation for him because of his poor speed if someone catches him.
  18. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Okay, you win.

  19. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    I dunno if you have Gold RoF the jet gun is pretty deadly. But i like gunner over tank as well so i dunno. And they are upping the damage of Deathbloom if you have full ammo in the patch so hopefully thta will help.

    I think DoT of fire should be alot more. Unless you have only a sliver of health left its inconsequential. It should be something you need to think about if you're going toe 2 toe with a tank..."do i really wanna get BURNED?"
  20. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Tank is extremely disadvantaged with long range.. Thoguh the railgun is sweet. up close he wrecks. I've gone into enemy bases and gotten Easy All Time Great Medals. (kill the whole team alone)

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