Suggestions for support

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Nig_Bigger, September 3, 2010.

  1. Nig_Bigger

    Nig_Bigger New Member

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    I'm not sure if it's just me, but I am tired of firebases being over powered. I believe instead of firebases being able to start at level 3, the support should get some kind of melee weapon, like a wrench or something, to upgrade a firebase from level 1, to 2, to 3. This would largely make firebases more fair.
  2. xSneaky Turtle

    xSneaky Turtle New Member

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    every hit with the wrench would cost money.. How would he get more money?
  3. Nig_Bigger

    Nig_Bigger New Member

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    I see what your thinking. Maybe instead of money, he would need metal to upgrade his turrets, and the only way to get it is from fallen enemies' weapons.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Can he have another skill to replace the firebase?
  5. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    But when the support leaves his firebase to gather metal both the support and the firebase are made vulnerable. Maybe he should also be able to erect some sort of dispensary for metal? It would slowly give him metal the way healing slowly gives juice.
  6. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    I find that the Firebase can be overpowered. Product Grenades don't blind it long enough. Toe to toe, a deployed tank with an Around The Corner advantage can plow one down without losing too much health. Firebases aren't something you take out up close except with airstrikes. Or Assault stickygrenades. Or Gunner's Mortar rounds.

    I DO wish an Assault's charge would pick the POS up and punt it off the f***ing map. That would be so goddamn satisfying to me. I would cry tears of joy every time it bloody well happened.

    But the point being, the Support is only racking up kills in the game because people are going close to him. If you don't wanna be a Firestorm victim, stay away from 'em. Hell, switch to Support for a single Life, and then Airstrike the damn thing. I know you guys like yer K/D ratio to be nice and high, sometimes you gotta make an omelette by breaking a few skulls.

    This whole Dispenser thing seems a bit too much like TFC. It'd work in some other environments, but the pace of MNC can get a little too frantic as is to worry about yet another thing for a Support to hang around beside and hack for Snipers across the map to shoot at. >D

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