Monday Night Combat Title Update, DLC, and PAX Discussion

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, August 30, 2010.

  1. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    i hope so i am ready for players knocking down money balls without bots and hopefully that juice rushing will be less prevalent.
  2. Bamb00zlr

    Bamb00zlr New Member

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    I really appreciate the devs and all they are doing for this game and the community. I also appreciate the community and its passion and the awesome variety of people. And without the other players I wouldn't even be able to play, regardless of there play styles or opinions. Now for my question to the devs: I didn't see that shooting through some of the glass barriers is getting a fix and was wondering if it is? Thanks.
  3. TranceAddix

    TranceAddix New Member

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    First - thank you Uber for everything!

    Secondly, as many have show, I have a distaste for the Assassin cloak change (main:support), and think it's a considerable nerf. I hope you guys can rethink this.

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    UberEnt you are Legen-, Wait for it...

    Really you are setting an example that the likes of Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Dice & Epic Games should really start looking towards. Actually listening to the community and instead of sitting on you're thumbs for 6 months to release a patch you're actually looking after you're community. Well done!

    For those saying support is overpowered I agree, but I have found something that leaves supports crying in their base for fear of leaving. The sniper! Use flak and sniper shots will destroy a firebase in seconds. Just make sure that you pick off the support that's sticking to it.

  5. orangesp5

    orangesp5 New Member

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    This is a great game if your a simple minded person. No really Hi-ooh
    [Hey I'm using your sence of humor from the]
    If I can do well in a shooter gamer, and I do in this one, MNC, then I
    have to say this is a loosers dream for a shooter.
    I'm ranked below 1000... or is that higher?? Well that tells everyone I know that this is a childs game.
    Child's game? Well with the grafx and in game dialog with [in-u-endo *wink* *wink*]
    it's definitly a 13yr olds dream.. Hey Timmy wanna play! These 3 maps [I never get boring with them *wink*wink*] and they have a decent play.
    This is for morons is for like me, to stupid to know and doing great at it, Hi-o!. Hey how far does 1200pts go these days?? Lol. Thaks for the stuff, Hi-o.. oh is Hi-o getting old,,,
  6. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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  7. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You must have read it wrong. The are removing players being able to bring the Moneyball's shields w/out the bots. It was never intended in the first place.
  9. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    Now that assasins can't cloak during grapple I will no longer be an assasin. I will probably play a gunner with level 3 armor with my back to an upgraded lazer blazer. I'm a little disappointed that people will be able to camp in their spawns now without fear of assasins, due to turrets pummeling the crap out of them in grapple.
  10. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    BTW I'm in NO WAY complaining about the update. Many glitches needed to be fixed, thank you UBER ENT!
  11. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    HAHA! This is definitely what people are saying! I agree... let's all just sit in the spawn and try to bounce shurikens across the map to kill snipers with about 4 full clips of shurikens, and hope the snipers/supports don't move.

    I personally like the extending flash bomb stun duration.
  12. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    1) Saying the assassin has some sort of problem that is often covered up by the use of endorsements isn't an argument. Every class has slight disadvantages that are best dealt with by using endorsements.
    2)If you're getting hit by people shooting at teammates, you're a moron. As someone who relies on stealth, why would you be in the middle of a firefight? The key to being successful in any shooter (other than gunskill) is map movement. If you can't figure it out, you'll lose.
    3)Magical lag effects everyone. You know how many times I've emptied entire clips of an AR into someone's back with hitmarkers and all with no damage dealt? All the time!

    My point is that all of your points were about supposed disadvantages possessed by the assassin are shared with every other class. However, I think the assassin is properly balanced as is, other than the glitches. I really don't think anything should be nerfed. The game is very balanced.
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    It does affect the assassin a lot more than anyone else. The game is usually able to compensate for a small amount of lag when using guns, but it doesn't do nearly as well with grapples, and it does a horrific job with the assassin's lunge.

    The difference between hosting (no lag) and having a tiny amount of lag is negligible for most classes. For assassin, it's night-and-day.

    Of course if you have massive lag, any class will be unplayable. The threshold for the assassin is just a lot lower
  14. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    1. There's a difference between "best covered up" and "necessity." At the point that an endorsement is required, or virtually so, there's a problem.

    2. Yeah, if only this game wasn't a giant firefight. That would make such an argument make a lot more sense. Oh look, map movement is great.

    3. It impacts Assassin more.
  15. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Wait. Free DLC? On the Xbox 360? :eek:
  16. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    It happens. More than people think, evidently.
  17. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    I thought Microsoft were so greedy everything must be paid for. For example Valve are having trouble getting the TF2 updates onto Xbox because Microsoft want to charge for them.

    Oh yeah, and let assassins uncloak during grapples. pl0x
  18. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I'm not sure that's true, because other games have done it.

    There may have been a breakdown with Microsoft, but I don't think it's for the reason everyone's turned into an internet meme....
  19. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Uh... did you seriously just compare having complete free movement and attacking whoever you wish freely with being locked in place, static, and unable to dodge or attack other people? If those two look the same or even comparable to you then I really don't know what to say except "stand here and don't shoot while I empty my gun into your face, it's perfectly balanced so you won't be giving me free kills. Honest!" :3

    Why would I be in the line of fire? I'm not. Go back and read point two again. See the bit where I say AoE? y'know, the very first word of the whole point? That's a bit of net jargon that means "area of effect". These attacks aren't aimed and instead hit all around their target. You don't need to be in the line of fire at all, you just have to be in the general vicinity of someone or something like... say... for example clearing a lane. Map movement huh? I guess you're telling me NOT to clear lanes so I never, ever, ever get hit by the ejectors now? Because those were mentioned in that point. Just throwing this crazy idea out here but as someone who's had an alarming amount of success with the assassin rather than losing I might not actually be a 'moron' running about in 'the line of fire' as you so elegantly put it? Meh. Guess not. Better to make wild assumptions/accusations than to actually tackle the point adequately. Remember folks, always assume the person you're arguing with is incompetent because that will earn you their respect and won't make you look stupid or arrogant in the slightest. In fact this seems to be a bit of an epidemic in this thread with people coming in here to tell others how to play assassin, especially those who've never even touched the class before :3

    If that comment was about stray fire which was in point 1 (you addressed it in 2 however which is why I wonder what you're on about) then let me put your mind at ease; the stray fire is crazy stuff like a gunner or other class a good distance away shooting at one of your teammates near him yet the bullet spray continuing on across the map and hitting you. In one situation I was retreating cloaked and already damaged after a magic lag grab gone wrong ( I still got them in the end) and got pegged by one of those bullets from a fight across the other side of the enemy base. Fun stuff :p

    Now regarding both magical lag and low armour. Another class I now play is sniper. Do you know what happens when magical lag stops me getting a headshot? I shoot them again! I'm miles away and totally safe so the miss is no real biggy. What happens when my grapple misses as an assassin? I get set on fire and chased across the map. That's what happens. By the time I've shaken my pursuers a lot of time and ground has been lost. Not fun and not particularly constructive. And that's assuming they didn't just turn around and shotgun/grapple/whatever me into instant death as my grapple slides off their teflon bodies. When things go wrong for a ranged class, they're at range where they can retreat to cover or maybe even be well out of reach of any reasonable retaliation. When an assassin goes wrong, they're right in the middle of the frying pan surrounded by fire and that's only if you select your targets carefully... if you don't, and you're one of these silly assassins that just grabs willy nilly then you might as well just stab yourself now and save the other team the bullets, unlike new players with other classes that aren't quite in the same level of trouble when they fluff up :p

    The sniper is also about as armoured as a wet sponge, but again guess what? It doesn't matter in the slightest. I almost never get killed as this lanky misfit because I kill from miles away and even when people get close they're too busy shuffling about in a level 3 coffin of ice to do too much (I also love punting people out of the arena with their mega grapple which is oddly less problematic than the assassin one, but that's probably because it's facing independant and my targets can't move or counter-grapple me)

    Infact I've been having so much fun with the sniper I feel sorry for my assassin. I still play her because the speed is addictive and being sneaky is funny but I'm quickly finding I can do pretty much everything I did with her, with the sniper and it's a lot easier :p

    Anyhoo, all that aside, take note of my last paragraph where I say the assassin is fine. I even underlined it in this quote for you. Do you know why I typed that post? It was in response to the one I quoted saying assassins had no downsides to their playstyle. I was pointing out the bad that balances the good and then you attacked my points only to go and agree with my assessment in the end. What on earth are we arguing about? :eek:
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    OMFG!! All these petty arguments have gone on 19 pages too many!

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