1. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Was that fun? Good. I'm not sure how assuming a bunch of random stuff relates to the discussion. Just about everything you said is all you, none of us said any of that. But you go girl.

    Well, no it wasn't. It was a rant full of bad assumptions used to try to make point. But I guess you gotta latch on to whatever support you can. :lol:

    Nope. The developers said that turtling and then juice rushing is not what they intended at all and they will be making changes to address it. Obviously everyone sitting in their base for 15 minutes and having the game be decided by a race to the juice machine isn't what they were looking for.

    It really is. Hopefully they will ignore the players who need it to be successful. There's always players who need imbalanced stuff like that to compete.
    Last edited: September 6, 2010
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I only read the first page (and about half of that) but I hope the patch should fix it. I can see what people are saying here, but I really hate how overtime is basically turned into a game of who can get juice the fastest.

    On the plus side, a favorite strategy of mine is to place a 2.3 Firebase right next to the Annihilator a little bit before overtime, and watch the kills rack up.

    I can't even leave my base I'm taunting so much.
  3. BeJeeZiS

    BeJeeZiS New Member

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    I did not see this. I stand corrected.
    I am curious what they actually expected though...
  4. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Probably thought people would be able to co-ordinate the OT defense a lot better on a PUG team. But as it stands by the time you turn around your ball can be gone. Juice is too powerful and seems really out of balance with the rest of the game.
  5. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    They forgot that everyone gets rate of fire gold and critical shot endorsements during overtime. That makes juice completely ridiculous.

    The problem is that a lot of people do not try to win; rather they try not to lose... until overtime rolls around. I've seen terrible teams prevent bots from going into their base for 15 minutes to try and out juice us on the ball.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You do realize in the upcoming patch there are no changes to juice at all. Juice and Overtime is working the way UberEnt intended. The only change they made to OT was the amount of increased damage the Moneyball takes. During OT the amount a damage the Moneyball is increased. All Uber did was decrease that amount of that increased damage.

    Also, please do keep assuming I am one of those Juice freaks purely because I don't think there is anything wrong with juice itself.
  7. Zecantu

    Zecantu New Member

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    Yeah, but honestly I would rather it be that a team has to work together to do that, not some guy sitting back killing bots for 1 minute and then gets to go kill every enemy turret.
  8. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Nothing wrong with juice itself.

    Plenty wrong with OT. Its poorly designed.
  9. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    They specifically said it wasn't what they intended in a developer post. Search for it if you want, it's there.

    I didn't know that. No wonder the moneyball is getting murdered.
  10. vintoks

    vintoks Member

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    Don't give juiced players super armor, juice already makes you dish out incredible damage, but being nearly unkillable (except vs a deployed gunner or a hacked rocket turret) is what really makes juice do too much.

    Imo not giving the juiced pro the super armor bonus and possibly raising the juice machine price after consecutive "buys" or giving it a cool down time is all that is really needed to get things back on the right track.
  11. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Juice going up 200 dollars in cost each time you use it seems sane, and reasonable.
    (Frankly, I'd just like to see Juice Machines shut off during OT entirely.)

    With all the Jackbots spawning, the possibility of having Gold Juice Sponsorship, and starting off in OT with a near half full juicebar, there's no reason that a player can't jack himself up through his own natural means of killin sh*t and juice the hell out then.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Get your facts straight. Turtling then Juice rushing is not what they intended. Juice and Overtime itself works the way Uber intended. You can even watch their last broadcast on Justin.tv if you'd like to hear it from their mouths.
  13. marcotte

    marcotte New Member

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    Cheesy, Stretchy...

  14. DrSnaggletooths

    DrSnaggletooths Member

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    You can also deal with a juiced player with grapples. You'll see other skilled players/teams do it. The point isn't to kill the juiced player, it's to kill the time left on his juice while preventing him from doing anything with it.
  15. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Skilled players don't get grappled while juiced. The occasional assault maybe, but even they are pretty easy to avoid. If you're getting grappled a lot you're doing it wrong.

    Juice rushing is usually when overtime starts. If juice and overtime were working as intended then juice rushing is working as intended. It's not. They're making changes because of it. What you just said makes no sense.

  16. Cryzer

    Cryzer New Member

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    could you please be more specific? like "how is the OT poorly designed"?

    may i ask, IS there a "right track"? maybe in your eyes, the "right track" is more n00b friendly, if you want a n00b friendly game, go buy Blacklight: Tango Down

    generally, the way I see it, the thing here being whined about, is like everywhere else...
    "OH NOES! I LOST THIS GAME! LETS BLAME IT ON SOMETHING... like uh.... THE JUICE! ITS JUST SOOOOOOOOO(3 hours later)OOO OP!!!1!!!1!1!111!!!!1!!.....one?"

    lol, my Xbox just froze >.<... it doesnt like me trying to be a n00b.... or retard... or faggggg... or maybe it was a n00btardishbbq... or whatever im gonna be flamed as being now
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Um no. What you said makes no sense. You should really go watch Uber's last Justin.tv stream Scathis explains it. listen for yourself and see if it makes sense. Juice works the way they intended and Overtime works as they intended. Ok so they will agree that the amount of increased damage the Moneyball takes in OT was a bit too high.

    They made no changes to Juice or Overtime except for the change with increased MB damage during OT.
  18. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    CC (Crowd Control) effectively counters any non-mounted juicer.

    Any Class with a Grapple can counter a juice rusher.
    Any Class with a knock down/knock back can counter a juice rusher.

    The assault, tank, and assassin all have a charge into grapple/knock down move that is great for buying your team time, not to mention the gunner slam, and the sniper's freeze + grapple.

    Blinds and slows help as well.

    Mounted Juicers should be multi-head shotted by snipers, as well as focused very quickly. If a tank manages to walk into your base and deploy, he WILL put damage on your money ball. He is the slowest pro in the game for a reason.

    You can also use juice to counter juice.

    Overtime is rare when I play this game, and is usually because the other team turtles the entire game not even touching our base. Over time hits and usually ends 30 seconds later.

    I would not be opposed to a sliding scale of juice cost per use throughout the game, however. 500 Late game is really easy to come by. I'm also fine without it. :)
  19. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    So clearly juice wasn't working they way they intended in overtime. It was ruining games so they made changes. Sounds like they didn't think everything was ok. They made changes to the damage to the mb because of how juice works in overtime. How anyone could be dense enough to suggest that Juice rushing in overtime has nothing to do with juice or overtime is beyond me...

    You said something dumb and you're trying to twist it so you're not wrong. Get over it, or go back to trolling people. Either way you lost this argument. Now I'm sure someone is posting something right now where you can go tell them it's in the wrong forum. I'd say I got trolled, but I think you're actually serious. :lol:
  20. x PIGFACE x

    x PIGFACE x New Member

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    Here's my 2cents (complaints) about Juice.

    1cent - A single Pro (assassin usually, but i'm cool with the class as it is so please don't think this is an assassin rant because it's really a JUICE rant) walking into a base full of turrets and destroying all of them + team mates in one foul swoop using juice. - F'ing lame.

    2cent - Buring moneyball down in OT using Juice. - F'ing lame x 2.

    Workaround/Fix (imo) - Only bots should be allowed to destroy the moneyball during Regular time/Overtime. Not pros.

    Really sucks when you have 2 good teams going at it, just to have it end by 1 player juice f'ing your moneyball. I don't even have time to react! I look down at our shield levels and see it's 75% burned with 10sec of OT.

    Juice ruins the game imo. But I do like the idea where Juice only increases your dps, instead of making you a God.

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