Giveaway for Signed Assault Statue

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Skyllus zYn, September 3, 2010.

  1. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    ((Uber: If you guys don't want this here, I understand. Just go ahead and delete it and shoot me a message. <3 You))

    Our team all got signed Assault statues for winning the Uber Entertainment 16-Team tournament last weekend, and they just came in the mail today :D

    But since arCtiC and I are roommates we've got 2 in the same household and that seemed like a bit of a waste. While one will definitely land in the trophy case, I'm going to go ahead and give mine away. I figure there are people here who would also love to benefit from having Assault staring at you with loving eyes as you play/work/eat dinner/go to the bathroom.

    Click the picture below to see giveaway details (it is easy :D).

  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That's awesome!! Hopefully I win!
  3. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    Did only using 1 fps freek on the right stick take some getting used to? Using two made the controller feel too bulky to me, but 1 might be interesting.

    I don't really understand why people have to comment on the youtube video about why they want the statue. They aren't applying for a job, it's pretty obvious why they want the statue. Cool idea though.
  4. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    We're picking a random winner. Just wanted to give people something to say in comments.

    Here was our review of the FPS Freeks: ... eed-freek/

    Personally I used em last season for a couple events. Helped with tracking weapons (Lancer/Pistol in Gears) hurt with twitch weapons (Due to further distance to move stick).
  5. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    ohhhh thats so damn cool..send it to me down under lol i wants it MY PRECIOUS lolz but again damn that is cool

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