Release Date?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bigpapa360, March 29, 2010.

  1. Bigpapa360

    Bigpapa360 New Member

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    I actually just found out about this game this morning and I am really excited now for it. I really love the fact that it reminds me of TF2 (that's a really good thing as the console has needed a game like this for some time) yet it has its own flavor. I wanted to know if there is an estimated release date or if its too early to tell? I'm more than willing to wait if the game can be play tested and what not though because there have been many Arcade games that have lost people due to poor multiplayer errors such as connection issues and cheating (Toy Soldiers, Castle Crashers, etc) and I would really hate to see a game like this with lots of potential be ruined by something that could have been discovered and fixed through play testing.
  2. MrMusikal

    MrMusikal New Member

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    microsoft gets to decide.
  3. Bigpapa360

    Bigpapa360 New Member

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    And everyone knows Micro$oft makes good decisions punctually. :lol:

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