Sniper Grapple...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lagoon7, September 2, 2010.

  1. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    I was fully overhealed with gold endorsed armor and got OHKO'd by sniper's grapple in the front. I was an assassin btw, and even another assassin backgrapple doesn't OHKO when fully overhealed with gold endorsed armor.

    Why does it do so much damage? It should not be stronger then the assassin's frontal grapple, nevermind the assassin's back grapple.

    Also it launches the target afterwards, just incase its a tank with gold endorse and overhealed to the max.

    Sniper is better at close range fighting then assassin is thanks to those mines and his grapple. Now all he needs is more mobility and there you go...

  2. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Sniper Grapple is an Ability, Assassin Grapple is just a grapple while using a weapon.
    Ability Grapple > Weapon Grapple
  3. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Even so, assassin is a class that revolves around close range fighting and especially grapples to deal her damage.

    Whereas snipers are overwhelmingly good long range specialists that are also rediculously powerfull in close range. Even looking at class balance as a whole, this doesn't really sit well.

    Sniper's Grapple should do some good damage, but its main use should be its huge knockback, giving you some distance to annihilate them with that big gun of yours. Right now his grapple is the strongest damn thing in the game barring airstrikes/headshots.

    Isn't that cool? The long range class getting the strongest close range attack.

    As someone said in another topic about sniper grapples:

    "I can wait till they give shurikens a scope and OHKO headshots to balance things out"

  4. Dominooo

    Dominooo New Member

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    He spent $550 to upgrade to that grapple, and its his entire "b" button.

    Your grapple is free.

    Stop crying that the pony daddy gave you for free isn't as nice.

    Why don't you use your cloak, dash, or smoke bomb to catch him off guard? jeez.
  5. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    You only need to spend $150 on it to make it the best Grapple in the game. For the Assassin, your free grapple is only good on a back. To make it at all useful from the front, you need to spend $550. To put icing on the cake, the Assassin does not even have a useful short-ranged weapon like the Sniper, and her entire class was created around CQC.
  6. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Well, since you seem to show no restraint in being rude to me, il be rude right back.

    You're an idiot for thinking something like what i quoted would work on any halfway decent sniper.

    Two words: Freeze Mines.

    However since you didn't know this, id assume you havent really played this very much, or have just played against terrible snipers.

    As the other guy said, $150 makes his grapple the best in the game.

    Guess how much assassins need to pay to upgrade their grapple (katana)? $550.

    Too bad it doesn't get near as much of a boost as the snipers.

    The damage should really be reduced, its damage should be a good amount seeing as its a skill... but not more then the assassin, the class that revolves around close combat grapples. Sniper's grapple gets an epic knockback anyways.
  7. ckong

    ckong New Member

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    All of our skills [ all 3 buttons ] are designed just to set up that 'free' grapple.
  8. zodbones

    zodbones New Member

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    snipers grapple DOES do too much damage

    saying it is supposed to do that much damage because it is an ability is a poor argument, because the gunner and the assaults grapple abilities ARE abilities and they DO NOT 1 shot people WITH armor and some classes WITHOUT armor

    the sniper grapple needs its damage desperately nerfed, because as of now it is not a ring out ability its an insta kill ability.

    When your a tank, support, or gunner and your CQC with a sniper in your own base and think "oh god better run its a sniper!" rather than "hey look a sniper! i can CQC him no problem" something is obviously wrong.
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    We already pay 550 for a katana, which still doesn't do as much more damage.

    I would pay another 400 just to have the ability to ring out people as the assassin.
  10. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I main Sniper.

    LVL 2+ grapple is most definitely overpowered.
  11. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Well im glad people are recognizing it.

    Last time his grapple was brought up in another topic, it was flooded with people who didn't know what they were talking about.

    I played a game today with a sniper who didn't use his rifle even once, all he did was run around with freeze mines/SMG/grapple and he was dominating everyone (there was lag, so i could not for the life of me grapple him).

    It was pretty horrible, watching tanks getting 1shot by the grapple from the front.
  12. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    Especially logical since it's the Assassin's primary attack ability.
  13. StrongestMace

    StrongestMace New Member

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    Assassins grapple from behind 1-shots every class except a tank. Sniper grapple does the exact same thing.(Does not 1-shot leveled up/gold armored tanks).
  14. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Sniper grapple does not require you to do it from behind and still does slightly more then a katana assassin's backstab in damage. Also has a rediculous knockback so no chance of counterattack. Not to mention those freeze mines...
  15. StrongestMace

    StrongestMace New Member

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    The Sniper also cant go invisible.
  16. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Please do not chop up my quote like that, it makes me look like a pervy.

    To counter your "The Sniper also cant go invisible" comment:

    The assassin cannot freeze enemies in place meanwhile draining every one of their skills and their grapple.

    Anyways cloak isn't really best used to sneak up behind someone, didn't you know its very very audible?
  17. StrongestMace

    StrongestMace New Member

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    Then dont hit the traps, their all quite stationary. Or better yet, dont bother with the Sniper. You dont go after Tanks as a smart assassin, why go after Snipers if their good?
  18. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    The problem here is that tanks are still possible to kill as an assassin, sure its a horribly stacked matchup in the tanks favor. But assassins can still kill tanks. Good snipers on the other hand are near impossible to kill with an assassin, snipers 100% SHUT OUT assassins just with freeze mine and grapple.

    Also any good sniper makes their prescence known, you can't just "ignore them". Also one of assassin's jobs is to take out high priority targets. Good snipers can easily keep a lane pinned down with fire.

    Hell, even if the assassin does get a frontal grapple in, as long as you got silver armor endorse, you will live and grapple back. Dead assassin.

    But everyone (me included) is going off topic here. The main issue discussed in this topic is that snipers are too powerfull at close range. They are supposed to be an exclusively long range class with some defences incase anyone gets close. Not deadly at long range and deadlier at close.

    The reason assassin comes up so often in this discussion is because assassin is the only class that has no way to counter a good sniper.

    Really the grapple that snipers have should be alot less damage, but keep the knockback.
  19. CODYROB55

    CODYROB55 New Member

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    I don't mind it that much besides the fact that its stronger than the gunner grapple. Gunner grapple should be stronger or equal if anything. You cant get a 1 shot kill with the gunner from out of the wood work.
  20. RAGE I V3NOM

    RAGE I V3NOM New Member

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    There is nothing wrong with the sniper grapple.

    Pretty much one on one assassins always grapple me first when I play sniper and we go into grappling war. Assassins have speed, snipers don't.

    Snipers have weak health, they're the glass cannons of MNC. If a sniper gets close enough to grapple you then you deserve to be ring outted or OHKOed. Keep in mind that they don't have stealth or dash like the assassins, so it's not like they can sneak up on you. If they are then you do REALLY deserve to be killed.

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