Are you for or against the Assassin update

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by NotFrank, August 30, 2010.

  1. DelVega

    DelVega New Member

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    Bummer.. this update benefits people that want to camp.

    Now don't forget camping takes place in more than just spawn areas. Often times you'll see a gunner murdering your teammates (even friendly gunners) due to a support standing behind him over healing with while the support gains health from his FB. (i.e. left tunnel on lazer razor is notorious for this.)

    This is a perfect example of what the assassin was great for BEFORE this update. The assassin was the perfect class to flank and kill the support, cloak before firebase death and escape. That way his team could finish of the gunner on equal grounds.

    But after the update the assassin will be the least effective class for the job. Just have a sniper do the same from range. (And this has nothing to do with an assassin spawn camping. Just an assassin being an effective assassin.)

    And to argue that the assassin could use shurikens from mid to long range. There are other classes better at both. The bottom line is the update nerfs the class.

    I've read tons of posts of people claiming this stops the assassin from spawn camping. Which is funny because people spawn camp with every other class. Are there any updates to stop them? Naah, didn't think so.

    The difference is the assassin was the only class that lacked enough range to be as effective as the other classes. The assassin had to take the risk of getting closer to the enemy. Now every other class will be able to Spawn camp just like always have. (on steel peel, I played against a gunner sitting on top of our base while his sniper friend threw freeze traps in front of every entrance. Imagine how fun that was.

    The ability to cloak after a grapple is initiated was a natural and fluid part of the gameplay. It was the use of a given ability. And for those that didn't know it, the assassin still took damage from firebases and turrets. (It doesn't work ever time.) This simply allowed them to be able to survive.

    But I understand, some of us are those camping. You know, classes other than the assassin. And they don't want to have to worry about assassin from preventing them from doing it. So they cheer for the update.

    Thats noble right? lol
  2. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    Against - it just makes supports even more of a threat to te team when they firebase camp.
    Sniper, assassin, support
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Against the change

    I only ever use the recloak when attacking jackz and supports

    If anything the sin needs buffs not nerfs, regular dagger swings are more like tickles then damaging blows to enemy pros

    It said in the update dagger damage is being "retuned"
    What exactly does this mean?

    Sniper,sin,assault <-- in that order

    tbh sniper is waaay better then a sin considering I can front grapple 1shot any pro nix maybe a tank after upgrading it and explosive shot honestly makes destroying bots just as easy without the risk of being up close in the lanes

    the sin is just sub par
    Don't get me wrong, I can play sin very well. Being able to take down any pro in my path if I approach it right.

    But playing as a sniper I can do the same thing, better.

    Also, what do you guys think of the lunge?

    Personaly I think the lunge and smoke bomb need slightly shorter animations so they flow better in the heat of battle
  4. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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  5. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I think it means they're making it weaker.

    That'd be a great idea! But I am admittedly biased since I play as an Assassin.
  6. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Right now the dagger lunge does more damage than the sword lunge and that's what they're fixing, it's not really a big problem since an assassin should upgrade to the sword to take down bots and turrets more easily anyway.
  7. ckong

    ckong New Member

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    Against - cloaking is the only chance of survival whether a backstab fails or succeeds
  8. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    1) For - Hooray balance
    2) Gunner

    Uber thinks its cheating and it's their game. I think they probably know what they are talking about. I'll gladly make you a deal though..... if you get the gunner's deploy 3 changed so that he always has a helmet AND he does more damage on his deploy then I'll vote to let the assassin be able to cloak mid grapple.

    And of course the support would need his heal rate of fire un-nerfed.
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    How is it cheating in any way? I can see if they don't want it, but I didn't even know it was a glitch until they said they're removing.

    And no, I'm not for making the gunner more OP, you can live with dual miniguns.
  10. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    When I play sin I never upgrade to the sword, I don't passive upgrade at all
    (I guess since the dagger lunge does "ok" damage)
    and a bit to due to the fact that I love the dagger animations/grapples, I don't Feel like an assasin when holding a sword
    But mainly because your money is better spent helping the team by hitting annihilator
    and spawning gremz/juicing turrets

    Actualy the only skills I buy are second level cloak and sprint (somtimes lvl2 smokebomb if im pushing lanes realy hard)

    The dagger lunge doesn't need to do any less damage, its damage is weak as hell already

    Its sad but if they nerf the cloak AND lunge, I wont ever be playing a sin again
    Its already an uphill battle for a sin to do well in pub matches

    And yes I can honestly say Im being completely unbiased here
    I main sniper like Ive said, And also play a mean support or assault if the mood hits me
    I feel sorry for all the people playing sin

    "They a' gonna give it to ya class with no lube"
  11. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R New Member

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    1) Against, big time. Supports already spend enough time around their firebase, this is the only reliable way I have of taking them out.
    2) I actually enjoy all of the classes, choosing whichever one helps out my team the most, but I've recently taken to the assassin. Slightly UP IMO, which is why I think that the damage reduction on dagger lunges and full visibility during painfully slow grapples are a step in the wrong direction.
  12. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    You should at least get Passive 2 to increase the mag size of your shuriken launcher, I use the get the sword because you take down turrets and jackbots (I usually melee the jackbots even if my sig says otherwise ;)) a lot faster. Yes, the Annihilator help your team but getting 250 dollars (I don't have a dollar sign on my Mac :() is easy anyway, and building lots of turrets isn't that useful if your team is pushing into their unprotected base.
  13. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Whats Shift+4 for you then?
  14. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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  15. lazersuprise

    lazersuprise New Member

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    the assasin is a cheap class, if you need to use the assasin to get kills, your pretty pathetic, your completly invisible, then you press one button and get instant kills, if any thing they need to tune the assasin down more
  16. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Sounds more like you need to try playing assassin. If it's as powerful and cheap as you think then you'll come away in the full knowledge you were right. If, on the other hand, you get absolutely spanked and ragequit then you know that you've prematurely judged them from a one-sided point of view. I'm no prophet but I suspect you'll very quickly find the result for you will be the second one rather than the first I'm afraid :3
  17. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    Well said Gem...

    1. Against
    2. Assassin (75%) Support (15%) Gunner (8%) All Others (2%)

    I have played a very good portion of this game as a support and never once had problems killing assassins, because I know how they think. Just pay attention and you shouldn't have problems, unless you're too lazy to hold down anything but your heal button on your turret while you stuff your face on the couch.
  18. Legendary pUMA

    Legendary pUMA New Member

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    One issue overlooked by many assassin haters. RANGE. Let's face it shurikens suck at taking down pros. Assassins HAVE to close the gap to get to you and if you haven't heard their hum or seen the shimmer by this point you deserve to die, sorry.

    And yes Shurikens can kill effectively when juiced, but so can a hurt gun, which doesn't even need to be aimed other than initial contact.
  19. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    I'm in favor of the changes to each class. Off the starting block, MNC was one of the most balanced multiplayer games I've seen. Despite a few bugs which should have been caught by QA, the devs know what they're doing. It wouldn't surprise me if MNC's sequel rivals Team Fortress.
  20. TheKennedyCurse

    TheKennedyCurse New Member

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    1. For, big time.
    2. Assault, mainly.

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