Tank Underpowered?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Chaotic Phil, September 1, 2010.

  1. Chaotic Phil

    Chaotic Phil New Member

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    Ok I probably am going to be the only one that is gonna say this and a lot of people are gonna disagree but i honestly think the tank is underpowered. It really seems that he can't do anything by himself. Yes i get the whole class work together blah blah blah blah... but i do have good reasons to think he might be a little bit underpowered and the reasons are:

    1. Against normal bots he is alright, not awesome or great. Just alright. Obviously better deployed but even then...
    2. The Jet gun doesn't seem to do the damage that it could/should do to an opposing Pro (example: I was in a Assaults face with the Jet gun and and burning him and all he did was back up and start shooting back and he won the fight... wtf?)
    3. The afterburn affect of the Jet gun doesn't do any damage it seems. The other person is on FIRE! Like come on! BURN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

    His name is Tank so shouldn't he feel a little bit more like one?
  2. Qbakies

    Qbakies New Member

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    He is not a Tank in the MMO sense. Uber split that into two classes, Gunner (offensive DPS) and Tank (defensive bullet sponge). I have started playing Tank as a heavy defensive player clearing lanes and using my Rail Gun to great effect on Pros.

    1. Because of my style I pretty much consider the RG my primary and only switch to JG for close encounters. Either way I feel that the Tank is very strong against all bots.

    2. You have to remember that the JG has a very short range but does a ton of damage. You will lose a mid range battle every time against and Assault if they just keep running back out of your JG range.

    3. The fire effect does do damage but not much. I have gotten kills from Assassins, Snipers, and Support that I almost killed with the JG and then got finished off by burning. It doesn't happen often though.

    Overall I think the Tank is very well balanced. Running with a lvl 3 passive skill and Gold Armor you can take a ton of damage. It's not unusual for me to be able to take down two Assassins attacking me at once. The charge is very useful for attack as well as quick getaways, the Product Grenade is nice when upgraded (though I really hate the trajectory/bounce), and the Deploy is very useful for healing and (when your lvl 3) attacking the MB.
  3. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    Due to tanks jet gun being a close range weapon, its extremely susceptible to any lag based situation. As such you'll find yourself simply not doing damage against other pros unless the host is really good. The upcomming patch will hopefully fix this problem for the tank, making them have less problems in a game.

    Improved weapon hit detection in high lag situations.

    Blackjacks take less than a second to kill with the jet gun, and a spin will take out an entire group of bots.

    Jackbot XL can be taken out by bunny hopping close range with the jet gun or long range with the rail gun. Level 2 product grenade combined with a single black jack to keep the turret busy will allow you to kill a level 1 RockIt turret without taking damage.

    Like any class, Tank has its strengths and weaknesses. He certainly isn't underpowered though.
  4. Chaotic Phil

    Chaotic Phil New Member

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    I guess your are right but i still strongly think the the afterburn should do more damage than it does now. Cause like i said "THEY'RE ON FIRE"
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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  6. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I'd have to disagree here, I've been tinkering with the tank recently and do really well with him. He's a beast vs bots as stated. He can blind and melt down turrets faster than anyone can realize it's being attacked.

    Product bomb is your friend, it damages, it blinds, it disables turrets and firebases for well enough time to turn them into liquid! I tend to use charge as more of a defensive tool to get out of hairy situations rather than to attack, but that doesn't mean I never use it to close the gap between myself and that obnoxious sniper!

    Rail gun is nice, especially it's grapple which send people flying! Great counter for juiced pros!

    Maybe it's just me, but death blossom only seems useful vs bots, you're normal jet gun will kill pros and turrets faster (I use gold RoF).

    ...Deploy only really seems good at level 2 for healing in cover.
  7. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    Death blossom is good with combination with charge. combined with level 3, the knockdown and spin will kill an assault, and a gunner will be left with barely any hp at all. It is also good for when you hear an assassin closing in on you, but you're not /quite/ sure where abouts she is. The spin will hit her, and leave her with barely any hp at all (most assassins in pub games don't use armour). If an assassin in this situation recieves even fall damage, she'll die. If the fall kills her you'll only get an assist, though.

    Deploy is good at level 3 if your team has started to push heavily into their base and got the money ball down. The infinite ammo combined with something like RoF will eat into the balls health, and get you juice incredibly quickly.

    I was told pressing A while deployed makes the jets run, damaging anyone directly behind you. I've yet to test it, though.
  8. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Yup, it doesn't do that much damage though and smart player would hit from range from the back, good for those assassins who don't know that they can't grapple when deployed though. :lol:
  9. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Tank are strong enough for sure. They are one of the better classes.
  10. HungryAntman

    HungryAntman New Member

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    I honestly think lvl 2 tank should reduce knock back by 50%, along with increased hp, And level 3 should make you bounce off face grapples they way the mascot does. So the tank would only be affected by assassin back grapples.

    I just seems to me the tanks are way to easily taken care of by grapples / slams.

    I think that would bring the tank up to the current class standard.
  11. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    My biggest issue is that at close range, the gunner does more damage with the minigun than the tank does with the jet gun. At the jet gun's maximum range, the minigun basically kills anyone instantly.
  12. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    no leave my tank alone its great as is, when i use it its overpowered : )

    about the jet gun, it is better up close that the chaingun and more often than not if your not doing much damage its from a high ping to the server.
  13. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    sounda like u dont really know how to play the class.. but yes the tank is the most "underpowered" or hardest class to play well. and supports have 3 ways to be basically the anti tank. (turret which has long-range accurate fast shooting on a slow huge target, shotgun which can 2 or 3 hit a 400 health tank, and airstrikes which are not hard to stick on a blimp)
  14. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    This, if the tank is supposed to be the CQC master, he should not be outdamage by ANYTHING in Jetgun range, not to mention ambushing players as a fat and very slow mofo can be much more difficult against comitant players in comparison to shooting them at range. In fact, the gunner is actually slightly faster than the tank with gold speed while being able to put out more damage outright than a class dependant on being in jetgun range to do any real damage. There is definetly something wrong with that design, although the death blossom buff seems like it will fix some damage issues.

    Inb4 arogant comment by above poster saying I need to lrn2plai.

    Also, and this is a bug note which I haven't seen Uber take note of, the assault's level 3 charge grapple cancels out the tank's charge and the grapple still happens.

    Yes, this has happened to me multiple times, it was truely wtf worthy.
  15. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    if you hit the gunner with just the tip of the jetgun fire he will beat you in 1vs1 but if your very close it ALWAYS wins , and if it doesnt then lag is the issue
  16. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    Only time I beat gunners 1v1 at close range is if I get a level 3 charge to hit them, surprisingly effective if you know you can jet gun them right after. Jetgun alone won't beat a minigun as far as I know, reguardless of range.
  17. Sakori

    Sakori New Member

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    level 2 product grenade, then JUMP as they continue to fire blind at you. 90% of the time they won't realise you're above their bullets, and die in seconds.

    As for the assault grapple thing. I've found that in a really laggy game its about 50-50. Sometimes they grapple me, sometimes I knock them to the floor. In a game where the connection is fairly good, I win more often. When hosting my level 3 charge beats theirs, period.
  18. Zecantu

    Zecantu New Member

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    Tank is probably my favorite class right now and I've really started playing a lot with him lately. I get some pretty amazing matches with him, so I feel like he's not really that underpowered. I wouldn't mind just a little bit more range on the jet gun, or a damage increase on the death blossom. The only thing I ever kill with death blossom is bots and assassins who have no armor endorsements.
  19. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    The tank needs a little something to get him up there, but when played right he's still a force to be reckoned with. He's the ultimate bot crowd control with the death blossom and product grenade. He's can annoy and harass from close or far range, and he can take the most hits out of anyone in the game.

    However he's incredibly slow, has two skills that aren't entirely useful, has some PVP issues at midrange, a gimmick that doesn't work too well, and seems to be of a mishmash of various attributes that don't seem to blend well together.

    I've seen some suggestions on here that might buff him up a bit. An increase in afterburn damage and decrease in ignition time may make the Jetgun more viable in cqc. Afterburn doesn't kill anything but snipers and assassins as the other classes have high enough HP that it just seems to prevent auto healing for longer. You have to be point black or death blossom to light someone on fire too. Adding this as a default or with successive upgrades to passive would work.

    The charge could use a little more reduction in its cooldown when you level it. Right now its more like a one trick pony that only marginally helps your movement.

    Deploy's healing is fantastic, but its too situational for a tank to hunker down safely. Perhaps adding a little RoF boost to upgraded deployed tanks could help justify using it a little more. That or give him 360 degree rotation and see how that works out. He'd still be a sitting duck, but less so and gives him an interesting twist from gunner's deploy. ( the jet igniting is still hilarious though).

    As of now the tank is more of a jack of all trades tank rather than the hurr durr offensives/defensive powerhouse. The offensive power part seems to have split into the gunner. He draws fire and annoys people so that they focus on him. He's capable of shutting down Support's turrets, arch nemesis of the Assassin, a predator of a gunner at range, shrugs off a good bit of assault damage, and can pester Snipers in their natural habitat. He's not the best at killing most of them but he sure get's their attention when he product bombs a turret and takes out all of their newly spawned fleet of bots in a blink. He frees up the rest of your team to do their jobs.
  20. ALIENwolve

    ALIENwolve New Member

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    Rate of fire endorsements do affect the jet gun, last I checked.

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