1. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    The changes in the update look good, but it will do little to stop juice rushing.

    The biggest problem with juice is how unkillable you are for a short time. Juice already is a major offensive boost, which is fine, I don't think it really needs to make you so tough as well.

    Even after the patch, the lame strategy of playing defense until overtime and buying juice for an easy win will remain.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    From the way you make it why not remove Juice all together. You are supposed to be "unstoppable" for a set time. In this case the set time is 10 seconds.

    The "juice rush" is going to happen. Learn to deal with it.

    "Even after the patch, the lame strategy of playing defense until overtime and buying juice for an easy win will remain."

    The difference after the patch though is if my team put damage into the moneyball during regulation we should be able to win during OT.

    Lets pass judgment once the patch it released. You never knew the amount of damage Juice does in OT might equal to no-juice during regulation play. There is no possible to make an accurate judgment until you've played and tested it.
  3. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    I disagree, I don't think juice needs to make you unstoppable to be useful. In fact, the unstoppable part is quite lame and overrides a lot of strategies.

    As to "deal with it", the only way to deal with it is to do the same thing. Yay the game is a juice efficiency contest, pretty lame really. I'd rather you have to play well instead of buy juice, but whatever floats your boat.

    Also, the patch reads "reduced the amount of extra damage the moneyball receives in overtime"

    Even in regulation you can drop the money ball in seconds with juice. It's simply too dominant considering how easy it is to get/use. I'd prefer to see real skills employed in wins.
    Last edited: September 1, 2010
  4. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    What is there to deal with? That is part of the problem, there really is no way to deal with it, aside from having more people rushing their base. I don't think the outcome of a match should be a race to see who can juice rush the base fastest.

    Even with a good team and communication, if 2-3 of the other players rush in juiced we'd need our whole team to take them out. And because our whole team is defending, nobody is at their base putting pressure on. It's a race, and I didn't want to buy a racing game.

    I hope the TU makes this more about team work than a foot race. I'll wait until the fix, but if it doesn't help, I might have to walk away from the game. Every night it just gets worse and worse. Losing alot of fun factor tbh. And I've been on both sides of the "ball" if you will. :)
    Last edited: September 1, 2010
  5. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    Exactly. It's starting to wear thin. I think removing the unstoppable component would go a long way.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    There are plenty of ways to deal with Juiced players. First off Juice only lasts 10 seconds. Grappling a Juiced player effectively disrupts their Juice. Even better to grapple with a Class that has a knock back effect getting a ring out.

    If you can get taken down easily with Juice then what is the reason for it? A short burst of increased damage and running speed? So if I happen to be on a team that is poorly working together and we are facing a "turtled" team. Now I can escort my bot line to their base but I can't penetrate their Base Defense. What do I do use my extra money to buy Juice in an effort to break their turtled defense. If being Juiced adds no extra armor then it becomes and defensive tool. Which MNC already has enough of. There needs to be some incentive to push bots and play offensively.

    "I guess some people need a crutch."

    I guess some people feel the need to complain about things they cant beat.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See that's the thing. Once OT hits it was intended to be a race to finish.

    It's surprising that never see a Juiced Defender. 1 on 1 Juiced is a distraction match. If they are worried about another player being Juiced they are not attacking the Moneyball. If they don't care and just stand there attacking my Moneyball then easy kill.

    How much more about Teamwork do you want MNC to be? Granted you cannot not change how other play their game. This happens in all online multi-player games.
  8. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    We shouldn't even see an OT if one team has done more damage to the ball than the other team. I've been a juiced defender many a time, still takes a day and a half to drop a juiced Tank pwning the ball.

    My point about team work has to do with pushing bots through the lanes for 90% of the game. Having good communication in where other players are, what turrets need to be built, who is doing what. All of that is ruined when OT comes around and people just save their juice or go buy juice for the last 15-20 secs. In other words, why bother with the rest of the match if it all comes down to the last minute?

    Please explain to us what the point is? The only thing I can think of, is to make enough money to get juiced up for OT. That's it. When 80% of the games I play end like this, it IS a problem.
  9. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    This is more of a problem with OT, not juice. Juice is fine, imo. Plenty of ways for a single person to counter juices: grapples, traps, air strikes, smoke bombs, product grenade, etc...
  10. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    A single player can not counter a tank, sin and gunner from walking in all juiced up. Grapple one the other two pwn you and pwn the ball. Traps? Really? When the gunner floats over them then what? I've stuck a fully upgraded airstrike on a juiced support and watched him laugh at it, same with the assaults bomb. What does a smoke bomb or product nade do to counter juiced players at the ball? You can still see where the ball is, and smokes don't last long enough to be useful. Killing the players in your only bet and they are near invincible.

    My main point is quite simple, if most games end in an OT, and juice rushes, why not just play OT right from the start. Make it a mad dash. This way we can get more games a night in and stop wasting 20 minutes before OT.

    I noticed your signature and tbh, I think that is what juice should be for, taking turrets out, pwning Jackbots or other players in the lanes. Etc etc. But, being able to decimate the ball in 20 secs after a 20 min fight makes absolutely no sense in a game where pushing bots up the lane is such a huge aspect.
  11. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Woah, ok there. I was mostly agreeing with you about OT being dumb. The way I see it, OT should only happen in the event of a tie at the end of 15 minutes and that juice should not increase damage to the ball. That would be my fix to juice, not to completely make it nullified and useless. And all the things I said to counter juice wouldn't completely stop them, but it would slow them up a bit and waste some of their time.
  12. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    Oh, I know, I'm just tired of games being decided BY the use of juice. Using it for other things besides eating away the money ball in mere secs is fine with me. I can't wait to see how effective the fix is. Picture playing MNC without OT juice. It would be more of a fight imo, and more of a fight = more fun. Don't take juice out completely then, but make it's effect on the ball null and void.
  13. Thebigcheese

    Thebigcheese New Member

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    That would work. You'd still be able to Juice up and push your way to the ball, you just wouldn't get the automatic win anymore.

    Sounds about right.
  14. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I'd really love to play with all you guys to see how you get so many overtime matches. Usually when I play, 1 out of 20 games go to OT, and by then we have their ball below 50%. It just leads me to believe you are playing TDM. Sometimes I go 7-20 because they camp, but they allow me to run in their base and keep hitting the moneyball so it won't reset, and then we get an easy win. They make no effort to push us and get slowly beaten by 1 or 2 kamikazes who attack the ball. That is how you should play. Once the ball is down, it should be a win from there. Stop playing CoD, no one cares about your 10-2 k/d while your ball gets rushed and destroyed, yet you complain about your team doing nothing and how you complained about outplaying the other team, even though they all finished with $2,000 more than you.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Shammas very well said!
  16. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The only chance I would like to see for juice is a sliding cost increase....

    The first time juice costs $500, then +100, +250, and every time after that it's +500. It's way too easy to get money for juice again from your last juice run.
  17. BeJeeZiS

    BeJeeZiS New Member

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    You guys are looking at this wrong. Overtime Is supposed to be a straight up, drop all strategies, rush to the opponents base mode. It only happens when both sides are TAKING TOO LONG. When both teams aren't being offensive enough or aren't using teamwork, the developers solution is simple.... OVERTIME & JUICE. Ta-Da! Now they're being offensive and teamwork isn't as important.

    Your goal should be to avoid overtime AT ALL COSTS. That was the developers idea. If there was no "I win" juice button, strategies would go stale. Each team would focus on building defense up to max knowing that there was no fear of someone taking out their expensive turrets with a god-like juice mode and games would last forever or end in stalemates. That would be very lame. Fortunately there is a a counter to the "turtle."


    Juice is working as intended.
    Overtime is working as intended.
    Remember that you have the power to juice and ball rush as much as anyone else.
  18. Zecantu

    Zecantu New Member

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    I want juice to be nerfed, and no, its not because of overtime.

    I get juice all the time without even buying it and then I get to destroy every turret in the enemies base and theres almost nothing they can do about it. The assaults charging grapple is pretty much the only thing that ever stops me, or a jackbot ringing me out. I play as a tank mostly, so when I get juice I just rush into their base and try to destroy every turret. Ive gotten shot by probably 5 turrets and I don't even know how many players at once, yet still been able to destroy everything, and sometimes getting away.

    Its honestly too powerful.
  19. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    But god-like juice mode means there's hardly any point in building turrets at all. They're supposed to be a core part of the game and they're practically irrelevent.

    Turtling is a problem BECAUSE of juice. What's the point of sitting back defending without it? The attacking team will wear you down in the end, and to destroy their base you have to play the game properly instead of just relying on a glowing, superhuman rampage. And there are much better ways of balancing turtling than giving a single player the ability to level an entire enemy base.

    It seems like Uber have created a truly unique, genre-blending concept, with the potential to be a landmark title. Then by adding Juice they've nullified all the unique features and turned the game back into just another arena shooter, with a slight hint of turrets and bots.
  20. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    The very last game I played I went 1 kill, 17 assists, 11 deaths. Was number one on my team. Playing with a full team of my friends, OT happens more seldom. But, join a PUG and try to play against another full team and it's all we can do to get the game to overtime.

    And yes, I know a full coordinated team will always have the advantage over a team not used to playing with each other. But whether it goes into OT with a team or a PUG, the fact of the matter is, the rest of the game you just played means absolutely nothing, it all comes down to a juice rush race. I really hope it is fixed and tbh, it sounds very promising. I don't care about K/D I care about W/L. I'd love to play a few matches with you. Hit me up if you ever need another player. GT is in my profile.

    edit- @ Zecantu, see I don't mind that happening. I think that is what juice SHOULD be for, the game doesn't end, and it causes a fun, playable hectic time trying to get defenses back up. You won't make it back out alive and if a team is playing good, you shouldn't be able to win the game single handedly by doing so.

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