1 thing that makes NO sense what-so-ever (assassins)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by jimr, August 31, 2010.

  1. itskrislol

    itskrislol New Member

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    I'm going to disagree because I've found that when I try that 99% of the time I'll either miss, or they'll grapple me before my dash "hits" them. Keep in mind that with dash your attack doesn't hit until after you've landed and swiped, which is usually a big enough gap in time for the other person to grapple. I've been in situations where I've dashed after grappling the other pro, and my Assassin essentially animates like she's dashing into a wall (actually doing the dash animation but not moving because of an object [in this case the other Pro] in the way.)

    that is why I recommend smoke/jumping over dash attacking.

    just my $.02
  2. sandyravage

    sandyravage New Member

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    There are afew ways you can avoid a counter after a front grapple, I feel it just takes some practice and adjustment really. I agree that charge 3 with assault is the most irritating since it rings you out, but with the armor 3 endorsement you can survive AND 9/10 you're given an easy escape, but let's say you are intent on killing said assault and want to avoid that annoying charge.

    1. Jump diagonally back. I believe someone on the forums already mentioned this, but since the assaults charge 3 is a grapple like your own, if you jump back after your grapple, the charge SHOULD fail and you can freely counter-attack. Lag should always be taken into consideration here though, it can be frustrating, but with practice and a clear head, you can safely avoid the charge.

    2. Totally situational, but still good, if you front grapple the assault and some of your bots are behind you, jump behind the bots, when the assault charges, he'll *hopefully* end up charge grappling the bot, exposing the glaring weakness of charge 3. THAT GRAPPLE IS LONG. you have enough time to slice/shuriken him before the animation is over.

    I find being aware of how a player (not the class itself) reacts to your front grapple is very important, if you know the assault has charge 3, prepare accordingly, if the assault has killed you 9/10 with the charge, avoid him like the plague and if you use a mic, call him out so atleast your team can handle him.

    Smoke bomb rules aswell.
  3. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    Yeah this is all good stuff.. but for some reason - the rule of Chinese whispers is upon this thread. I don't think i ever said about the assault after a front grapple. I never bother with front grapples... unless they are already dmged, whats the point?
    I mean the assault can get up, turn around, and counter-grapple, faster than i can do anything at all after a back grapple. Even if it was a front grapple it would be a bit silly.. but... thats not what i'm talking about. If i did say that, oops... but i'm pretty sure i didn't.
    Secondly.. most of these suggestions require me to actually be able to DO something, inbetween the successful grapple that failed to kill the pro, and them countering... which is the problem in the first place. By the time my grapple animation is done, im already getting countered - there is no time to jump away, or sneak behind bots... thats the point of the thread.

    Yeah, knowing the player is very important.. and yes, a few times i've just had to avoid one man like the freakin plague, which, as an Assassin is fair enough... but should that person I HAVE to avoid (or die) be an assault? I don't think so.
  4. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    Frankly, I've never been in a situation as an assassin where after a successful grapple that didn't quite kill the target I've had no time to react. There's always a split-second to do something, and the best bet is usually to simply jump diagonally back. This solves all of the counters a pro usually does after a non-fatal grapple and allows you to either get away or attempt to finish the job (or both, YAY SHURIKENS).

    So I would say your argument is slightly flawed, or you have slow connect/reaction time. There's a chance to react.
  5. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    People don't play Assassin properly. You aren't a lone wolf - you are the bayonet at the end of rifle with a butt-ton of other attachments on it. You don't run into a base full of turrets to take out a Sniper - you hang around near a battle and wait for an enemy to retreat to cover. You distract attention long enough for a Gunner to waddle into position. You make that airstrike-spamming, firebase-camping Supports' life hell with shruiken spam.

    And so on. Grapples are risk-reward, and the risk normally outweighs the reward.
  6. Beastleh

    Beastleh New Member

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    Leave assassins alone. They're ment for killing bots and turrents. All you Ninja-obsessed ******* GODDAMN BAGS OF SMASHED ASSHOLES.. want to kill because Herpderp thats what assassins do =B!!! You can One grapple kill Any class. Goodday. No one wants to hear your CRYING.. AND BITCHING... AND WHINING... Delete the game or try another class, I'm so sorry you're terrable at a faceroll class, that one shots any pro. Nice.
  7. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    dumb OP is dumb i dunno why im actually replying. if u try to grapple a tank u damn well better hit em first or u lose
  8. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    yeah, I love when assassins can one hit tanks.

    oh wait, you don't play assassin so you wouldn't know.
  9. jimr

    jimr New Member

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    uh ho. the children have found my thread. Pity. "Delete the game or try another class".. fantastic... i play 3 classes regularly.. and, if you read the title of the thread.. this problem is the only thing i really don't get about the game - but of course, if your too angry to be bothered to understand anything, that's up to you "doggy".

    And red rain... yet another one who can't seem to understand what's been said, yet still feels his opinion is worth more than the crud in the sole of my shoe. You don't know why your replying, and quite frankly, neither does anyone else - your just a bit embarrassing. Seriously... you are a generally useless person, please go away.

    To the one sensible answer since my last post; TouchFuzzy: if you do indeed get time to react after a grapple, i.e. being able t jump away, then hell, maybe it is my connection. It's true that my connection is not among the best, but i didn't think it would be so unresponsive as for me to have this problem when few others do. Perhaps that's as far as I can take this :)
  10. itskrislol

    itskrislol New Member

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    If your problem is that once you've grappled you are being instantly grappled, then I'd say it is your connection.

    I always have time to react after a grapple, ALWAYS.
  11. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... lol, you're kidding, yeah? Or have you not played the game for more then the demo?

    Have you heard about endorsements? Or Tanks?
  12. ckong

    ckong New Member

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    I am often having trouble with this, by the time i get done with my backstab, if the opponent survives, they either grapple me, or they're 5feet away from me running backwards and shooting out of my range. Kill me within 3seconds

    *also* i backstab grappled a support with his healing gun out, by the time the animation was over he was 5feetback and instantly shotgunned me. How did he have time to switch to shotgun and shoot me and back up before i even am able to move.. its so dumb
  13. Karkelo

    Karkelo New Member

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    You can change weapons while being grappled.
  14. Downfall

    Downfall New Member

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    You can bro, it is called OTHER BUTTONS. For example RB>LT is a popular one and should ALWAYS be user, as for the Tank you need a lot more for the kill but you can down him in one attack.
  15. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    So you can one-hit a tank, as long as you use at least 2 hits.
  16. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    This is the way I see it:

    Assassins are fragile. They're glass cannons. They can do heavy damage but aren't durable enough to survive a counter attack. In the event an enemy survives your back-grapple, shouldn't you face serious threat of death?

    If you're willing to commit to an attack that puts you within inches of an Assault that can just as easily hear you coming, or turn around to charge out of the line of fire (I've killed assassins trying to get away from a firefight I wasn't in position for, its lol), then you have to be willing to accept high risk of death along with the attack. The Assassin is a precision tool to take out or otherwise disable enemies. Don't you think a crippled Assault is going to back off, lest a stray bullet from a teammate of yours, or hell a SLIMBOT will be able to kill them? If they survive a sword backstab, they're damn close to death. Removing a pro from the fight does not necessarily mean killing them.

    Yes, we all like our kills, but assists are important too, and you get almost as much cash for them. If you're in a grapple animation, maybe a teammate is nearby and hears it, and mops up after you. Enemy pro dead, mission accomplished. Not to mention, as an Assassin, you're going to get into position MUCH faster than the enemy pro will after respawn.

    I'm not trying to dismiss frustration with your situation, just trying to suggest alternate ways of thinking about it so that it isn't as maddening when it happens.

    Also, a side note: I think of an "attack" as a combat move against your opponent, and not necessarily a singular one. A grapple is an action, that can comprise the whole attack, or just the end of one (for instance, after a lunge.) Two actions, one attack. A failed attack is either your death, or either player's successful retreat.
  17. kamakun

    kamakun New Member

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    Is that fair, then, if it is the Assassin's only viable means of attack? Every attack must carry a high risk of death? That is not the case with other classes.
  18. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    ^this, everyone else has a low risk of death compared to the assassin.
  19. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    The other classes don't have stealth to close the distance to use their powerful grapples, and their other weapons require many shots to kill someone, other than the sniper's headshot. The sniper is his own bag of issues though.
  20. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    i have great connection assaults just mash the b button and grapple me which really pisses me off

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