Let me explain why the 3 main pub classes get picked...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sauceman, September 1, 2010.

  1. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Awww... I tried to bring some humour to this thread and yet after 3 posts (thanks to those who tried to go with the more positive direction though :3 ) it's back to attacks on the op.

    You guys are no fun sometimes :p
  2. tadpole1290

    tadpole1290 New Member

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    i saw the humor in it =]
  3. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    Because everyone won't drop the "Assasinz got Nerfed" thing. Theirs already three to four threads arguing about the same thing.

    but it was a bit funneh :v
  4. AssassinsGoneWild

    AssassinsGoneWild New Member

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    I do believe the gunner, assault and possibly tank are on that list as well...

    A 20 to 6 k/d is not that good brah, try 30 or even 50+.

    Yes, I have seen that, hell someone on the MLG forums apparantly got 70+ as an assault.

    You do know it's possible to switch classes mid game right?
  5. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    I'm not complaining about his K/D. I'm complaining that there are 2-3 main classes that people use because they can get away with kills and not actually being able to shoot a gun. I don't consider that K/D to be amazing. My current best is as a gunner, 49-3.

    The person you're talking about with the 70+ was Fojib270, with 73. He's on my team :)
  6. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I have had a player complain that i am not really that good (i was MVP last round) and that i cant aim for ****. So next round i play support again and every time i met him i switched to Shotgun and blew him to bits.
    The only reason i usually do not bother switching to shotgun is that most opponents cant seem to hit a jumping target hopping around them while i suck their life away.

    <edit> that said, i am not really that good (the other players just sucked more) and i have seen Supports better at the shotty than me.
  7. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    This isn't much of a shooting game. Go play CoD or Halo if you a shooter.

    But really, you want uber to get rid of two classes because they can't "shoot a gun"? Wow, you can press the right trigger! Nice job dude, that means so much!
  8. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    As an Assassin, I'm sure you're aware that the skill isn't in pressing the button (LT, anyone?) but in setting up the situation for the right button press to win. It's not one rule for one and another set for the others. Skill is relative to your class, it's also extremely variable.

    I wish people would just leave 'skill' out of their arguments.
  9. Oscar Oli

    Oscar Oli New Member

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    Just got back from a match. A assassin on my team played the whole game and got...


    I wish i took a photo. This game was about 16 mins long ended in overtime.
  10. itskrislol

    itskrislol New Member

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    you do realize that Jet Engine you are holding shoots a constant stream of fire that hits anything in his path? It almost takes less skill than the Supports gun. Or maybe I'm the only person that sees it that way. Hell at least Gunners have to deal with a spray on the gatling
  11. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    Please find where I said "Uber, plelase get rid of these classes".

    People need to stop reading this like it's the Da Vinci Code....I'm not embedding some cryptic message.

    If you play support and camp your firebase healing it, you suck.
    If you play assassin for the sole purpose of trying to kill people while invisible and go 2-19, you suck.
    If you play sniper and never leave your spawn (Unless spawn trapped) you suck.

    That's it.
  12. Sauceman

    Sauceman New Member

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    The jet engine jas about half the range of the hurt gun and shotgun, and you have to have the reticle on the person ( There is no dot, it's an approximation). It also runs out of ammo and needs to be reloaded. The gunner is also slower and bigger, so it takes more effort to get close enough for it to work.

    Also, the jet engine actually sways when you hold it full stream, so it's not always aimed at the middle of the screen..despite the "spray" of the gunner, it's still more powerful and accurate at every range than the jet gun.
  13. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    It doesnt matter what class you play it depends on how well you play your class.
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The main problem with the pic sauceman posted is that no one played as gunner. Gunners mow down support players from very long range. Sure they can throw an air strike at you but once you know what to look for you will see it being tossed in the air. Second you can fight them near a ledge so their air strike can't hurt you.

    Gunners do more damage to a turret than a support can heal. Support characters without a turret have very little means to hurt you (assuming you watch for and avoid their air strikes).
  15. xl G h o S 7 lx

    xl G h o S 7 lx New Member

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    You do realize supports have a shotgun that 2-3 shots gunners right?
  16. itskrislol

    itskrislol New Member

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    and I'm sure you probably realized that by the time the gunner is in range, the support would need dental records to confirm his identity?

    Gunner Jet Range > Support Shotgun Range
  17. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    I fight support guys all the time and itskrislol is right. My range is at least four times better than yours.

    If I slam after you hit me once you're mostly likely dead. If I slam after you hit me twice I'm probably dead but I might not be (depends largely on the level).

    Also I am almost always playing on a team... so if you are sneaking up behind me then you probably just got shredded by my friend's turret.
  18. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    i love people crying about snipers in thier spawns...the whole idea of a sniper is to sit back and take people out from a distance. As for supports they are a Defensive class so sitting in their base with thier firebase healing turrets and hacking them is EXACTLY what they should be doing...imho. Yeah airstrikes suck but if you play tank/gunner/assault then just fly up for a sec and you're g2g.

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